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Punjab announces free solar panels to ‘power consumers’


Elite Member
Sep 25, 2018
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The Punjab government has announced a comprehensive plan to distribute free solar panels based on their electricity consumption and offer subsidised loans for solar installation.

In a statement, Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz acknowledged the burden of rising electricity bills on the public and stated that the government was aware of the people’s distress.

According to the announcement made by her, consumers using up to 200 units of electricity per month would be provided free solar panels whereas consumers using between 200 to 500 units per month would be offered interest-free loans for solar panel installation.

For consumers using more than 500 units per month, the government would provide 75% interest-free loans for solar panel installation.

Also, read this

Last month, Sindh Governor Kamran Khan Tessori announced his decision to provide free solar panels to tenants using up to 300 units of electricity.

The provincial government initiative aims to empower citizens to generate their electricity through solar power, reducing the financial strain caused by the increasing electricity tariffs.

“The government will make every effort to provide relief to the citizens, especially the underprivileged, and will always stand up for their rights,” Maryam said.


Full Member
Dec 25, 2023
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Aren't we overproducing and underutilizing electricity? If people want to buy solar panels on their own, that's fine, but why hand them out for free given the current state of economy?


Senior Member
Jan 27, 2008
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Aren't we overproducing and underutilizing electricity? If people want to buy solar panels on their own, that's fine, but why hand them out for free given the current state of economy?

To dent puncture the appending blood y revolution IK/PTI zombies fencing in their daily dreams.:) Wheat/Flour prices decline also sought for that specific reasons.

Its Politics vs Politics.

fortunately for Gop, Prices are going downwards for past 3-4 months (thank to $ stability), resulting no protest movement on the streets getting any kind of steam as of now. Lets see, how public react of the electric shock they will get in late july-24 with first bills on increased tariff. If govt pass this critical period then it will strengthen further a lot for sure.


Full Member
Mar 6, 2024
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sorry pedowaris. madam chorni has made a uturn. more to come :ROFLMAO: 🤡

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