Reports: Bajwa agreed to curtail Pakistan’s ballistic missile program

Buddy, anything developed by UAE likely already had the approval of the Zionists.

Any innovation coming out of GCC can be written off as designed, developed and maintained by foreigners.

These imbecile rulers always look for shortcuts. There are no shortcuts in life.
The West did their hard work.
Israel did their hard work.
China, Japan and South Korea did their hard work.
Iran and India are doing the hard work.
Any innovation coming out of GCC can be written off as designed, developed and maintained by foreigners.
I had a feeling that was the case, but I wasn’t certain. Nobody discusses any military development from the Arab world unfortunately because it’s not truly domestically made
Because the compromise begins at home - how much of Bajwa’s personal assets and relationships can the US simply make go “pop” if they wanted.

The term grabbing by the balls is an understatement - now apply that to all military senior brass and if you want do the research on their families.

Unfortunately, as much as they want their kids to get great education too - both them and their kin are easy manipulation.
that is also mentioned in the article

bajwa Screenshot 2024-09-18 203142.png
Buddy, anything developed by UAE likely already had the approval of the Zionists. It was likely not deemed a threat to Zionist for whatever reason (likely all western sources components). The cruise missiles likely have very low range, etc…

Let’s see UAE develop a ballistic missile with range of 2000km+ or build a nuclear facility. Then see what happens.
It is a start and goals should be realistic.
It is a start and goals should be realistic.
I’m telling you man, the west won’t allow it.

As soon as UAE or any country in region decides to build a missile with long range or a nuclear facility, they will quickly put a stop to it
I had a feeling that was the case, but I wasn’t certain. Nobody discusses any military development from the Arab world unfortunately because it’s not truly domestically made

It's not just military. If you look at the startups and high tech ventures, they are run by foreigners who hire a few locals to ease the legal process and get local government contracts.

If and when the last foreigner leaves, they will go back to herding camels.

P.S. There are millions of smart, unemployed young people in the Arab world. If the UAE tapped into that potential and got them, they could form a powerful base for the future and set themselves up as leaders of the Arab world, which the GCC rulers desperately desire, but...
Because the compromise begins at home - how much of Bajwa’s personal assets and relationships can the US simply make go “pop” if they wanted.

The term grabbing by the balls is an understatement - now apply that to all military senior brass and if you want do the research on their families.

Unfortunately, as much as they want their kids to get great education too - both them and their kin are easy manipulation. shit!....bhai if we don't involve our muslim neighbors into this drama........its not goin to end well for us. Already Raw/ Mossad/ Cia running rampant. Harami have infiltrated long ago and they've buried themselves in deep. .

You know it.

We're goin end up just like Iraq or Syria.
I’m telling you man, the west won’t allow it.

As soon as UAE or any country in region decides to build a missile with long range or a nuclear facility, they will quickly put a stop to it
Mate, you originally asserted that no country in the Middle East is allowed to develop weapons and I corrected you on this count. Now you have shifted the goalpost but I shall remind you that Saudi Arabia has lRBM class ballistic missiles.

The US and Israel are very close but the US also value bilateral relations with other countries in the Middle East and will allow them to field a capable force. US-led forces fought a war with Iraq to protect Saudi Arabia and liberate Kuwait in 1991. The US also helped Saudi Arabia blunt attacks of Houthi during Saudi-Yemen War by providing advanced equipment to Saudi forces and share valuable intel with them.

Turkey is also developing its weapons. The US does not mind.

The US does not necessarily agree with an ally on all counts but continue to honor its commitments to multiple countries around the world. This might surprise you but the US and Israel also have tensions and disagreements. Google is your friend.

American foreign policy is complex in reality but the US draws a line at proliferation of nuclear weapons.
Mate, you originally asserted that no country in the Middle East is allowed to develop weapons and I corrected you on this count. Now you have shifted the goalpost but I shall remind you that Saudi Arabia has lRBM class ballistic missiles.

The US and Israel are very close but the US also value bilateral relations with other countries in the Middle East and will allow them to field a capable force. US-led forces fought a war with Iraq to protect Saudi Arabia and liberate Kuwait in 1991. The US also helped Saudi Arabia blunt attacks of Houthi during Saudi-Yemen War by providing advanced equipment to Saudi forces and share valuable intel with them.

Turkey is also developing its weapons. The US does not mind.

The US does not necessarily agree with an ally on all counts but continue to honor its commitments to multiple countries around the world. This might surprise you but the US and Israel also have tensions and disagreements. Google is your friend.

American foreign policy is complex in reality but the US draws a line at proliferation of nuclear weapons.
What’s it to you “mate”? Are you the mouthpiece for the NATO propaganda machine or something?

The article you posted clearly shows both USA and Israel oppose Saudi Arabia obtaining ballistic missiles and all the Saudi efforts will be sabotaged eventually, which supports my original argument that no country in that region is allowed to develop their military industry. I would like to see them develop long range ballistic missiles and nuclear technology.

Israel is a western colonial project dictating what that region is allowed to do with their military and other aspect of their lives.
Pakistan is sitting in the wrong table
The table you needed was one with USA Israel and the west .
The Israelis will keep the upper hand always
What’s it to you “mate”? Are you the mouthpiece for the NATO propaganda machine or something?

The article you posted clearly shows both USA and Israel oppose Saudi Arabia obtaining ballistic missiles and all the Saudi efforts will be sabotaged eventually, which supports my original argument that no country in that region is allowed to develop their military industry. I would like to see them develop long range ballistic missiles and nuclear technology.

Israel is a western colonial project dictating what that region is allowed to do with their military and other aspect of their lives.
I provide a balanced view in all themes and it looks like my debunking of your nonsense has hit a nerve. The link that I shared disclose the fact that Saudi have IRBM-class ballistic missiles and US did not sell ballistic missile components to Saudi Arabia citing MTCR. Big deal? Saudi Arabia got them from another supplier. You keep changing goalposts in your paranoia meanwhile GCC countries are becoming the most beautiful and advanced countries in the Middle East.

Here is another reality for you "mate" - UAE rejected American F-35. Yes, you heard this right. UAE is interested in French Rafale F5 standard.

I recall those claims that the US will not sell F-35 to an Islamic country coz big bad Israel. Well, the US offered F-35 to UAE but UAE rejected it.

Learn how to stand on your own feet and then others will respect you.
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“In conversations with U.S. officials around that time, Bajwa agreed to a longstanding U.S. demand to curtail Pakistan’s ballistic missile program in order to alleviate Washington’s concerns about the possibility that Pakistani long-range missiles could one day threaten Israel. This concession was previously reported by Pakistani journalists and later confirmed by sources to Drop Site News.”

what else can u expect from a son in law of qadiyani general

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