Reports: Bajwa agreed to curtail Pakistan’s ballistic missile program

Its amazing how everything to do with the US foreign policy revolves around israel. It truly is their 51st state. You can tell who realltly calls the shots in Washington.
Its amazing how everything to do with the US foreign policy revolves around israel. It truly is their 51st state. You can tell who realltly calls the shots in Washington.
Jews literally own every major corporation in USA. It’s not even a conspiracy theory anymore
Because the compromise begins at home - how much of Bajwa’s personal assets and relationships can the US simply make go “pop” if they wanted.

The term grabbing by the balls is an understatement - now apply that to all military senior brass and if you want do the research on their families.

Unfortunately, as much as they want their kids to get great education too - both them and their kin are easy manipulation.
It may not be politically correct to say but the truth must be told ......Bajwa is son in law of ahmedis and the interest of ahmedis lies in the west , so are the interest of Nawaz family . ..the present military dispensation , so far , has no assets in the west ...if they are buying assets now it will come out after their retirement .,... people don't realize Asim Munir is no friend of Nawaz family ....he is using them to make difficult but necessary structural reforms ....once the job is done the patwaris will be either in jail or the lucky ones in London .
Jews literally own every major corporation in USA. It’s not even a conspiracy theory anymore
What is more perplexing is these idiotic generals know the US will discard them over India at a drop of a hat, their focus is containing China. Yet they say and do stupid things to anoy and make relations tense with Paks most trusted ally, China.

Edit: i would say what Bajwa did openly was borderline traitorous. It should be the foreign ministry dealing with international relations and policy.
Some Pakistanis generals are desperate to get in USA good books

Curtail your defense programme reduce china influence at USA say so will get you tap on the head and good boy remark..

What else a imf loans agreement some spares for thirty year F16s no longer useful in future wars..

They will not give you the strategic relationship and guaranteed 100% of complete commitments like they give the Israelis or NATO and even the likes of UAE Saudi or India
Some Pakistanis generals are desperate to get in USA good books

Curtail your defense programme reduce china influence at USA say so will get you tap on the head and good boy remark..

What else a imf loans agreement some spares for thirty year F16s no longer useful in future wars..

They will not give you the strategic relationship and guaranteed 100% of complete commitments like they give the Israelis or NATO and even the likes of UAE Saudi or India
It's a chess game and it's not for simpletons.....I know you are not anti Islam or anti Pakistan , unfortunately , you are a simpleton.
Let UAE try develop nukes……
Nuclear proliferation is international concern. Pakistan will not allow Afghanistan to get nukes. Similarly, China will not allow Taiwan to get nukes. The US also oppose development of new nuclear powers in general so this red line extend to many countries around the world. But many countries are already signatory to NPT as well.

Saudi Arabia has openly stated that if Iran gets nukes then all bets are off in this matter. The US is fully aware and in talks with Saudi Arabia to improve its security in profound ways to address this Saudi concern.

So it comes down to which country has what type of leverage in a particular situation to get something from the US. Not all are equally competent in foreign policy matters or have matching geopolitical concerns and such.

But this point is taking this discussion to extreme levels knowingly that nuclear proliferation is an international concern.

OP's claims were questionable and were addressed but he is trolling.
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Nuclear proliferation is international concern. Pakistan will not allow Afghanistan to get nukes for instance. The US also oppose development of new nuclear powers in general so this red line extend to many countries around the world. But many countries are already signatory to NPT as well.

Saudi Arabia has openly stated that if Iran gets nukes then all bets are off in this matter. The US is fully aware and in talks with Saudi Arabia to improve its security in profound ways to address this Saudi concern.

So it comes down to which country has what type of leverage in a particular situation to get something from the US. Not all are equally competent in foreign policy matters or have matching geopolitical concerns and such.

But this point is taking this discussion to extreme levels knowingly that nuclear proliferation is an international concern.

OP's claims were questionable and were addressed but he is trolling.
So far , Minor aberrations aside , Pakistan had been playing it's cards very well .
I am going to offer a slightly contrarian opinion view here but in reality there is zero chance of Pak using anything against Israel, even a slingshot, given the Saudi stance

So this is effectively a non news event in a way.

If the inevitable non action can be traded as being deference to us wishes then one of the more smarter options frankly
There’s no progressing beyond this state without the restoration (or maybe rather the first establishment) of democratic rule and accountability, followed by economic reform to wrest power from monopolising elites, be they military or civilian. Then we’d need to work on our own financial independence, rid ourselves of aid-seeking habits and bailouts, thus building an economy that is actually worthy of having a nuclear deterrence. Long road ahead.

IMO Iran since the revolution has suffered immensely directly at the hands of the US, at the hands of their pet pitbull Israel, and also Saddam’s Iraq. But through this process they have managed to build a high degree of independence and a system that seems resistant to external manipulation. Meanwhile we’ve had dictators who can’t operate without selling state interests to the US. If Iran had nuclear deterrence capability, or they were no longer sanctioned, they’d be by far the most stable and progressing country anywhere in the Middle East. Our nukes are only good for stopping India, other than that, we have no real state power or independence to speak of.
It's a chess game and it's not for simpletons.....I know you are not anti Islam or anti Pakistan , unfortunately , you are a simpleton.
What kind of chess game is this? Oppress the population and create a chaotic environment where the majority of people are illiterate? The majority of those who even study at school the standards of our education system are low. Additionally, the US interferes with our military ensuring that it does not get stronger.

What is the game here? I'll tell you. The only chess game played here are the generals with the country not the US. Always scrambling trying to benefit their own families. This creates a perpetual cycle of chaos, because; next up it's the generals friends, then their friends friends, then their friends friends friends and it just goes on and on till it reaches the bottom. Please enlighten me what is the ultimate end game here? Are they working in secret or something? What's the point of that? The general population still suffers.
Because the compromise begins at home - how much of Bajwa’s personal assets and relationships can the US simply make go “pop” if they wanted.

The term grabbing by the balls is an understatement - now apply that to all military senior brass and if you want do the research on their families.

Unfortunately, as much as they want their kids to get great education too - both them and their kin are easy manipulation.
100% bro.

As far as i'm concerned, anyone with family members or investment abroad should not be allowed anywhere near government. I say that as an overseas Pakistani. We might be well intentioned, but ultimately, until we put all our chips on Pakistan - we're compromised.

I would say anyone who joins the armed forces or any other security sensitive agency should sign a waiver that they will never move abroad or invest their money abroad.

You want the protocol and the golf courses - sign on the dotted line.
What kind of chess game is this? Oppress the population and create a chaotic environment where the majority of people are illiterate? The majority of those who even study at school the standards of our education system are low. Additionally, the US interferes with our military ensuring that it does not get stronger.

What is the game here? I'll tell you. The only chess game played here are the generals with the country not the US. Always scrambling trying to benefit their own families. This creates a perpetual cycle of chaos, because; next up it's the generals friends, then their friends friends, then their friends friends friends and it just goes on and on till it reaches the bottom. Please enlighten me what is the ultimate end game here? Are they working in secret or something? What's the point of that? The general population still suffers.
Yada yada yada. ... nothing of essence

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