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Robo-dogs that can fire, surveil & carry load — Indian Army set to induct its newest soldiers soon


Jul 1, 2024
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We will see once you start sending as much astronauts, whether you will do the same or not, but one thing is sure the people on the ground are not safe!

And all of it is western propaganda! None of it is real

Perhaps first try to get to Mars ,we have the plans for starting manned space missions

OK. I know. Thank you so much.


Look. bro. I even disdain to talk about India's failure.


Jul 1, 2024
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Please read my post #43

According to them we have the worst hunger index , even worst than Afghanistan! And even Saharan Africa!! 😭

So maybe our economy will continue to grow at 8% per year ,and sometime after a while they will realise that we deserve a better ranking
The economic growth rate in India is 8%. So what?

Buy more Chinese industrial products?



Jul 1, 2024
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Okay we will put a import duty , thanks for pointing out
I remember Indians buying Chinese TBM for the Mumbai subway. Then India banned Chinese engineers from coming to India to guide assembly. Because Galwan? Then India discovered that no Indian engineer knew how to assemble TBM.... A very interesting agricultural country.

It always provides us with some jokes. 😊

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