Russia-Ukraine War - News, Discussions & Updates

Putin, the psycho steps up nuclear threat against Ukraine, the US, Europe and anyone else who stands on this way.

Previously russian nuclear doctrine stated Russia would respond in kind if the country came under attack by nuclear weapons.

then in 2020 in preparation to Ukraine invasion Putin changed to Russia would respond with nukes if Russia came under conventional attack, Russia ultimate survival at state.

now Russia nuclear missiles would fly if Russia "sovereinty" is at risk.

the term sovereinty is defined by himself.

that means if Putin wakes up in the morning in bad mood he can initiate a nuclear war.

Putin, the psycho steps up nuclear threat against Ukraine, the US, Europe and anyone else who stands on this way.

Previously russian nuclear doctrine stated Russia would respond in kind if the country came under attack by nuclear weapons.

then in 2020 in preparation to Ukraine invasion Putin changed to Russia would respond with nukes if Russia came under conventional attack, Russia ultimate survival at state.

now Russia nuclear missiles would fly if Russia "sovereinty" is at risk.

the term sovereinty is defined by himself.

that means if Putin wakes up in the morning in bad mood he can initiate a nuclear war.

He draws a red line in the sand and crosses it at your peril. Let's see if the collective west dares to cross it. He is not bluffing
He draws a red line in the sand and crosses it at your peril. Let's see if the collective west dares to cross it. He is not bluffing
this war of attrition will be very long, very bloody. Ukraine will increase attacks on Russia. the west will continue pouring in weapons. there is no going back. now that is too late.
we will see if he dares to do it. Russia would not survive. even in best scenario.

f he wants to start a nuclear war then he has a very narrow window to do it now. in few years the west will be prepared.
Russia would survive however there would be nuclear exchanges on the European soil, guaranteed.

So all the major players would stay safe, Russia, China, USA, can't say that about European states, unfortunately it has been foretold also, which sends shivers down my spine whenever I think about it when I first heard those things a few years ago..

Alas, humanity is very close to it's self annihilation, and that too very soon
Russia would survive however there would be nuclear exchanges on the European soil, guaranteed.

So all the major players would stay safe, Russia, China, USA, can't say that about European states, unfortunately it has been foretold also, which sends shivers down my spine whenever I think about it when I first heard those things a few years ago..

Alas, humanity is very close to it's self annihilation, and that too very soon
I would not bet on Russia would survive, Europe not, bla bla. Europe is protected by double missile shields, by NATO and Europe sky shields.

Putin will risk Russia turning into nuclear ashes for hundreds of years, only few of 140 million Russians would survive in a nuclear exchange with the NATO. Considering russian army ripped off by Ukraine army to the bones, poor state of Russia air defense, nuclear arsenals, that is a risky bet anyway.


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