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Russia-Ukraine War - News, Discussions & Updates


Jan 8, 2024
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Trump's plan for NATO involves cutting a deal with Putin — Politico

Trump advisers warn - a 'radical reorientation' in which the US takes a back seat to Europe - and cuts a deal with Putin over Ukraine. The former president notoriously threatened to leave NATO so many times - many of his critics say it's a question of when, not whether, he'd ditch the 75-year-old alliance if he's reelected president in November.

"We can't break our spear in Europe against the Russians when we know the Chinese and Russians are collaborating, and the Chinese are a more dangerous and significant threat," Elbert Colby, Trump's National Defense strategist said.

- Russia keeps the line of control, and Ukraine will not join NATO.
- the question is how long the negotiation will drag on.


Elite Member
Jun 18, 2012
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Massive causalities do not matter to Russia. Most people who have died fighting for Russia so far are prisoners, ethnic minorities and foreign mercenaries. The Slavic elites are merrily going about their business in Moscow. Plebs dying in service of the elite is the norm for Russians. Their lives do not matter, and there is plenty more where that comes from.

This is the only ray of hope for Ukraine. But the attacks on Russian oil refineries has to increase many times over and has to be sustained for at least a decade. This long and very difficult road is Ukraine's only hope for survival :(
Putin cares little to nothing if one million russians die or 10 millions. Just a number for him. The question is just if he can maintain domestic stability by the mix of oppression and corruption. Most depends on the oil, gas and minerals exports.
If Putin doesn’t call another major mobilization, no mass young men in Moscow, St. Petersburg. As long as he can feed the population with cheap propaganda, cheap gasoline, cheap foods, then the majority of russians are happy.


Elite Member
Jun 18, 2012
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Germany provides another military package to Ukraine last week.

Ein deutscher Leopard-1-Panzer der ukrainischen Armee bei Charkiw.

Ein deutscher Leopard-1-Panzer der ukrainischen Armee bei Charkiw. © Screenshot ZDF-Mediathek/heute journal


Elite Member
Jun 18, 2012
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Ukraine will receive 54 high mobile 155mm artillery gun truck from German arms maker Knds.
fully digital, automatic, firing on the move
shoot and run
the best 155mm gun available on the market against enemy drones and counter-battery fire


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