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Russia-Ukraine War - News, Discussions & Updates


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Jan 11, 2024
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This seizing territory of Ukraine no matter the costs is a russian thing because lives don’t matter in Russia. Putin treats russian soldiers as if they are disposable plastic garbage. Ukraine ultimate goal is not keeping unsustainable positions but killing as much russians as possible then withdraw. They do it since beginning of the war, and they will continue to do so.
Really? This is how Russia treated Uki prisoner of war Now this woman is organizing for more Uki women to be like happy and grateful that their husbands are alive and enjoy life to the fullest
You forget that for Russian Ukrainians are slav just like them


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Jan 11, 2024
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Listen to this fierce speech of Lukashenko to resist aggression and pay homage to the fallen hero in a great patriotic war


Elite Member
Jun 18, 2012
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Really? This is how Russia treated Uki prisoner of war Now this woman is organizing for more Uki women to be like happy and grateful that their husbands are alive and enjoy life to the fullest
You forget that for Russian Ukrainians are slav just like them

Stop cheap propaganda
Posting short clip videos to prove what?
Nobody buys it.
Read UN reports of russians bombing Ukraine cities to ashes, executions of prisoners, deportations, kidnappings of children.


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Feb 26, 2024
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Ah let’s wait that will be a long war attrition. Ukraine army has 1.5 million men and women, Russia army has the same size. You are right Russia has more people thus easier to replace the loss. Then comes the money problem. The question is just how long can Putin finance the war. Ukraine still has plenty of men and women in reserves, plus the backings from the west.

There is no risk Ukraine would lose the war. There is one scenario. if the russians succeed to encircle large concentration of Ukraine soldiers, and kill or take them captive. Germany lost the war when the 6th army surrendered at Stalingrad. France lost the war in Indochina when its elite paratroopers were annihilated at Dien bien phu. As long as it not happens Ukraine would prevail eventually.

Some important point to note here :

  1. America always thinks that money will always solve their problem, had it been the case, then they would be victorious in Afghanistan
  2. The two major US defeats (Viet Nam and Afghanistan) were made possible when a larger, much better equipped and trained (on paper) US ally loses its willingness to fight and die. The ARVN and the ANA was both numerically superior and more lavishly equipped and funded by the US than their NVA/VC and Taliban counterpart. Yet they're weak in morale. So both the Republic of Vietnam and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan cease from existence
  3. The Ukrainian military not only is smaller than Russia's, but they exhibit poor morale just 2 years into the war mimicking the ARVN and ANA just before their downfall, men are fleeing in droves towards Romania, civilians dragged in broad daylight to meet the meat quota etc.
So based on those points, Ukraine will likely lose, and not any amount of cope could reverse that.

I'm not saying the war will be quick, but it will likely be won by Russia


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Jan 11, 2024
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Stop cheap propaganda
Posting short clip videos to prove what?
Nobody buys it.
Read UN reports of russians bombing Ukraine cities to ashes, executions of prisoners, deportations, kidnappings of children.
It is a war genius and in a war they bomb cities Uki did the same thing And you are surprised? There is no credible evidence that they execute prisoners of war. Were you not mistaken about how that Azov brigade treated their prisoner?

Contrast to this Now 24 families are reunited with their love now Good Job Russia
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Full Member
Jan 11, 2024
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How to end the war?

Finland president believes China’s communist leader Xi Jinping can end the war with a phone call.

Interesting theorem

should be worth trying.
Putin is divorced, he is boring. Xi Jinping gift 剩女; a leftover women.
Putin is happy. He tells the russians to go home.

Now that they can't defeat Russia and staring at defeat in the face. Panic has set in the collective west. Now they want China to do their dirty job. No, thank you why should China do it? Because after Russia falls in their dream they will turn their gun to China.


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Dec 26, 2023
Footage of the Russian kamikaze drone Lancet-51 hitting the Ukrainian Tunguska air defense missile system, near the village of Peschanoye. The 2S6 Tunguska anti-aircraft gun and missile system was developed in the USSR in 1982; now it is quite rare in the Ukrainian and Russian armies. ZRPK "Tunguska" has two 2A38 guns with a caliber of 30 mm and missile weapons. The range of hitting targets with missiles is up to 8 km, and the height is up to 3.5 km. As a result of the Lancet drone strike, a fire started in the Tunguska air defense missile system.



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Feb 26, 2024
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I heard that RF is opening another front in Kharkov. That means more Ukrainian troops will be diverted to defend it.

I guess it's going to be easier for Russia to advance in the Donbass


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Feb 26, 2024
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Ukraine has lost half it's 2022 fleet of MiG-29s and up to 3/4 of its Su-27 in combat attrition.

Whatever remains are now being actively hunted while sitting on Tarmac. Ukraine emptied Mirgorod yesterday. Even the surviving planes aren't in a good shape I guess.


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