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Russia-Ukraine War - News, Discussions & Updates


Jan 8, 2024
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Ukraine will never win any attrition war with Russia. Russia's pre war population is 142 million, Ukraine meanwhile had 42 million (minus the Crimea its 37 million). Now with massive population movements towards the West, or the fact that many Urban settlements have come into Russian hands meant that Ukraine is at best a nation of 30 million or so people. While Russia's population actually increases by absorbing
It has been a lot lower, months ago it was around 22 million (within line of control) reported by Ukraine.

"Without counting war dead or those who left the country without passing government checkpoints, the current population of Ukrainians, in free-Ukraine, is in the general ballpark of 20 million."



Full Member
Feb 26, 2024
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It has been a lot lower, months ago it was around 22 million (within line of control) reported by Ukraine.

"Without counting war dead or those who left the country without passing government checkpoints, the current population of Ukrainians, in free-Ukraine, is in the general ballpark of 20 million."

Ahhh a lot lower then.

Depopulation through war + an ageing society simply could not sustain the war. Add low morale, and people think that money could somewhat counterbalance those.


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Feb 26, 2024
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Ukraine will likely be the first pro West country that lost to an actual nation state since the start of US global hegemony, following Afghanistan, the first US ally to lose against a non state actor.

If Ukraine fell, then trust towards US ability to make it's allies stay afloat will be questioned.


Elite Member
Jun 18, 2012
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I watched his visit to Moscow. To sum up, that is a cheap show. Putin receives Orban in the palace because Orban is a cheap clown. Orban obstructs every Ukraine aid wherever he can. Putin loves it.

Putin says direct into the face of Orban, ceasefire or negotiation only possible after Ukraine cedes territory. He only ready to discuss about nuances.


Elite Member
Jun 18, 2012
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Now that they can't defeat Russia and staring at defeat in the face. Panic has set in the collective west. Now they want China to do their dirty job. No, thank you why should China do it? Because after Russia falls in their dream they will turn their gun to China.
Great power comes with great responsibility.
You don’t know that phrase?

Seems to me the new phrase is “grab as much as you can”.

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