Russia-Ukraine War - News, Discussions & Updates

It's bad news after bad news for Ukraine. From Donbass to Kursk

Their initial justification to attack Kursk :

1. Force Russia to divert troops from Donbass. Failed, not only Russia refuses the bait, it occupies more and more land.

2. To take Russian servicemen captive, for replenishing their POW 'banks' . Now Ukraine has more POW in Kursk than what Russian POW in the early hours of the offensive.

Ukraine is heading towards total capitulation, it may be in a year, two or even three. Doesn't matter. I hope pro Ukrainians here who had invested their time and effort to make the narrative that Ukraine is winning/about to win will be man enough to admit it once they lose.
It's bad news after bad news for Ukraine. From Donbass to Kursk

Their initial justification to attack Kursk :

1. Force Russia to divert troops from Donbass. Failed, not only Russia refuses the bait, it occupies more and more land.

2. To take Russian servicemen captive, for replenishing their POW 'banks' . Now Ukraine has more POW in Kursk than what Russian POW in the early hours of the offensive.

Ukraine is heading towards total capitulation, it may be in a year, two or even three. Doesn't matter. I hope pro Ukrainians here who had invested their time and effort to make the narrative that Ukraine is winning/about to win will be man enough to admit it once they lose.
I am not against Russia but I don’t support them for this war. Russia is clearly the aggressor in this war and need to be taught a lesson.

Ukraine is not going to fall so easily. It has the support of 80% of the world while Russia is alone and cannot sustain the war for multiple years. They collapsed during the Afghan war and they will collapse again if the war continues for several years.
I feel Russia did the right thing , allowing Anti Ballistic missiles near their home soil is big No no

Because that means USA can launch missiles into Russia and Russian missiles would be intercepted, not reach continental USA

Ukraine basically made a grave error of Hosting Missile Weapons on their soil and got involved in world politics

There was a gentleman agreement between Russia-USA to keep the aggression down , however Missiles in Ukraine , broke that agreement also USA pulled out of Nuclear missile treaty. The two items pushed Russia into a defensive posture, which meant they had to take over Ukraine

They had their redline well defined long time ago one party did not respected it
I am not against Russia but I don’t support them for this war. Russia is clearly the aggressor in this war and need to be taught a lesson.

Everyone has its own agenda and perspective on things. If you believe such, I don't mind.

But as far as I'm concerned, Putin is the good guy, while Zelensky is the antagonist in this war. We could agree to disagree on whether Russia is guilty in this war.

Ukraine is not going to fall so easily. It has the support of 80% of the world while Russia is alone and cannot sustain the war for multiple years. They collapsed during the Afghan war and they will collapse again if the war continues for several years.

Never will I say Ukraine will fall 'easily'. But they will... Eventually. That is my only concern.

I want a world where the world doesn't have any Ukrainian embassy in Jakarta, Karachi, Bangkok or everywhere else, because the country itself is not real. Ask the Russians, they will tell you how the country of Ukraine comes into existence in the first place.

If you believe Russia is the ones losing and will lose while Ukraine's being heavily depopulated and constantly begging for weapons just to survive than I couldn't help but let you think that way.
I feel Russia did the right thing , allowing Anti Ballistic missiles near their home soil is big No no

Because that means USA can launch missiles into Russia and Russian missiles would be intercepted, not reach continental USA

Ukraine basically made a grave error of Hosting Missile Weapons on their soil and got involved in world politics

There was a gentleman agreement between Russia-USA to keep the aggression down , however Missiles in Ukraine , broke that agreement also USA pulled out of Nuclear missile treaty. The two items pushed Russia into a defensive posture, which meant they had to take over Ukraine

They had their redline well defined long time ago one party did not respected it
What the hell are you talking about? There was never going to be any US or NATO missiles in Ukraine because Ukraine was never going to be in NATO that is just Mordor/russian excuse to invade Ukraine. Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania border Mordor are there any ballistic missiles in those countries? Idiot Pooty invasion of Ukraine got two new countries bordering it to join NATO and now the Baltic Sea has become a NATO lake. :ROFLMAO:

That is what we call consequences of your actions.

Russian conventional forces take a beating in Ukraine draining Russian conventional stocks all while US gives Ukraine couple hundred Bradley's and 30+ Abrams from storage that will never be used by US again. Talk about lopsided.
Tactically Putin did what was best for Russia

They need to protect their 2nd Striker Capability for Nuke , or even First Strike over US

American , made a dumb move under Biden to try to install anti Ballistic missile batteries around Russia specifically in Ukraine

So Russia had to take action , they were put in a awkward situation

I do understand their point of view make sense

Russia's motives are Protecting their Sovereignty

For Americans , find people who will play the proxy war role , while they themselves remain far behind , far far far from conflict
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