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Winter is coming and because there is a trend towards better Russian air campaign technique I anticipate the Russian military to increase the bombing and destruction on critical energy and transportation infrastructure, something that Russia has yet to decisively achieve during the last 2 years of war.

A successful campaign to deprive Ukrainians from energy and heat during this winter will trigger another mass population movement towards the West, crippling the country of much needed population to sustain itself.

Two years if war and with ineffective air campaign against Ukraine's energy ⚡ infra still resulted in the contraction of Ukraine's population from 32 million to 25.

A successful winter punishment should decrease the population to somewhere between 20-23 million. Which would put Ukraine into one of the most sparsely populated country in the world. Punishing them demographically and economically.

The more empty Ukrainian settlements are, the easier it is for Russia to advance and grab more lands, even more so if those land no longer have the population to justify Ukraine's stubborn hold up.

Without electricity and heat, the population could not sustain. And I'm counting on the Russians to make this winter an absolute freezing hell for Ukraine.
Couple I ask more questions too you please .

1 , Are periscopes in use on the battlefield nowadays in Ukraine war? They were used commonly in WW1 trench warfare. Would it not be safer to bring them back instead of soldiers popping up their head to enemy Fire. . I see on so many videos soldiers getting shot or spotted. .


This is US troop using Periscope in Iraq. Pretty sure periscope is used by both side in Ukraine War.

Not really sure what you have seen online, but most likely those are regular guy trying to find target while assaulting those trench.

2, The amount of bright blue tape worn by Ukrainian infantry is getting ridiculous! Worn on helmet / all over uniform why?

Those are to Identify Friend or Foe at night. US Uniform (at least on ACU) we have reflective square above the patch that reflect light, it will just look like a black patch if you are looking at it with your eyes, but it will glow and reflect the IR beam if you are looking at it with your NVG. So you know they are your guy at night.

But then we have individual PVS (So everyone of us have at least a PVS-14) So we don't need to wear tape like that, not everyone in the Ukrainian army have them (You are talking about 1 million soldier and PVS is like $2500@. Which mean they need a more low tech method.

Funny thing is, Russia also uses those tape (White, Silver and Red instead of Yellow, Blue and Green) suggesting that they also don't equip with NVG individually.
Winter is coming and because there is a trend towards better Russian air campaign technique I anticipate the Russian military to increase the bombing and destruction on critical energy and transportation infrastructure, something that Russia has yet to decisively achieve during the last 2 years of war.

A successful campaign to deprive Ukrainians from energy and heat during this winter will trigger another mass population movement towards the West, crippling the country of much needed population to sustain itself.

Two years if war and with ineffective air campaign against Ukraine's energy ⚡ infra still resulted in the contraction of Ukraine's population from 32 million to 25.

A successful winter punishment should decrease the population to somewhere between 20-23 million. Which would put Ukraine into one of the most sparsely populated country in the world. Punishing them demographically and economically.

The more empty Ukrainian settlements are, the easier it is for Russia to advance and grab more lands, even more so if those land no longer have the population to justify Ukraine's stubborn hold up.

Without electricity and heat, the population could not sustain. And I'm counting on the Russians to make this winter an absolute freezing hell for Ukraine.
This will simply not happen. There is a reason why the Russian didn't break the civilian infrastructure during the first 2 years, which they are more capable than now.

The majority of Ukrainian power supplies is from Nuclear Power Station (up to 80% per war with 8 Tera Watt output) even with Zaporizhya plant off, you are still looking at 7 TW output, and the Ukrainian population loss is around 20% during the war (from 46 million to 37 million) while output loss is around 15% only, which mean it should actually increase in efficiency.

What Russia is trying to do at the onset of this war is to bomb the coal plant and substation, those are their only target, 2 years on, they had gone over all the coal plant probably more than twice which mean you are just going to waste your missile on those coal plant, and unless they are flying their Airforce deep inside Ukraine and drop dumb bomb on substation, one of those substation is actually cheaper than the cruise missile and they are very easily repaired. Plus, the EU has start selling Ukraine their electricity.....

The black out if not some "You can't live at night with no heat and no light" type of blackout in War. the Blackout in Ukraine is people can't make social media video online.....


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