Russia-Ukraine War - News, Discussions & Updates

1. Russia is moving towards the right direction, the introduction of UMPK and D-30 smart glide bombs is something the Russians wished to exist early in the war. Now they're the staple of Russian frontline bombers operating at the front. Their Iskander ballistic missile has IIRC tripled in production in 2024. Add to the recent news of NK and Iranian precision missiles in Russian hands.

2. Now, all those Munitions would not be decisive enough if Russia didn't have the correct coordination between the sensors and shooters. Lucky for Russia, they have reduced the time between the sensors and shooters and reports are now that there is a significant decrease in reaction time between the moment Ukrainian unit is spotted by Russian drones and the launch and destruction of the intended target.

This trend will only continue to grow as Russia learns from his mistake and further cooperation between the Russian military and MIC.

3. People could yap all they want about how 'dumb' Russian pilots or general military personels are, all I can see is that there's a noticeable increase of Ukrainian jets getting swatted on Tarmac even though they have employed agile combat dispersion and employment. There will be time where Ukrainian planes won't be able to safely land anywhere across Ukraine for 5 minutes before Russian Iskander landed on top of their heads while on Tarmac.

4. If economy wins war, then the US would've came out victorious in Viet Nam and Afghanistan.

GDP size turns out doesn't always translate to how large a country could generate it's military machine. Russia, a country the size of Italy economically is reported to produce 7x as much shell as all of NATO combined. Think abt that.

So just like how the U.S lose the Republic of Viet Nam to the Socialist's Republic of Vietnam and just like how the US lose the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to the Islamoc Emirates of Afghanistan. The US will also very likely lose the Republic of Ukraine to the Russian Federation.

You guys simply don't have the stomach for a long war, not with your once every 5 years election and ever shifting priorities.

Ukraine doesn't have the man either to fight for 10 or 20 years.

So yeah, I do hope the likes of you and @F-22 Raptor will be here for long enough to see Ukraine capitulate.

5. Your numbers regarding Ukrainian population is false, it's well established that Ukraine's population as defined by the UN recognized Ukr territory is 40-41 Mil people, the loss of Crimea, Donbass and Donetsk reduce it further to 35-37 mil. And the full scale war reduces it further to 25-27 mil.

But if you're happy with your imaginary numbers, I have no problem with that.

Suffice for me is the fact that Ukraine is a rapidly depopulation country and it will continue to depopulate as the war situation deteriorate.

My concern is always : How many people will still be in Ukraine and safely absorbed to the Russian Federation once Moscow swallow all of Ukraine.
1.) Well, that's not how Russia drop those "precision"munition

2.) Huh? You can't relay/improve lag, that's set into the system, as I asked before, do you think Russia did not know how this work 2 years ago?

3.) Fighter "Swatted" on the ground not a good indication tho. If Russian General is "Smart" they will go after center of gravity instead of trying to take village one by one and exact heavy toll on their own troop.

Or not post any troop or reinforce the border they had with a neighbor they are currently at war with.......

4.) My point is not economy win war, my point is you need a economy to sustain war. You do know each round of ammo, bullet, tank, aircraft, missile that build needed money, right? The resource went into building them require money, right? The soldiers fighting in the frontline needs to be paid right? You can't pay them with an "IOU" 2000 USD/200,000 rouble a soldier a month, 300000 soldier (which almost certain to be double or even triple that.) that's 600 million USD a month, that's 7.2 billion dollar a year.

Economy does not guarantee a win, but without it, it guarantees a loss.

5.) Dude, I still don't know how you can argue with this. You even quoted Ukraine Government own data and saying it was 41.7 WITHOUT Crimea and Donbas. And we know for a fact that Crimea have around 2.4-2.6 million population in 2022, this is just mathematical, I mean, if you can't add, then I really can't help you
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Ukraine army launching a surprise attack on the western flank at Kursk. Moscow rushing in more regular units and paratroopers but are halted by Ukraine army.
the encirclement carried out by fresh Ukraine brigades threatens the entire Russian counteroffensive army at Kursk.

Ukrainians trying to flank Russian counteroffensive for over a week now. The fighting there is fierce. Russians fight to the death. The mere fact that UAF pushed so many resources in that flanking, and still havent even managed to get to Veseloe speaks volumes.

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