SC rebukes ‘misconceived’ ECP clarification request, orders immediate implentation of reserved seats verdict

You are just copy pasting thrash written in different threads.

And who is going to decide which court order is to implement and which to ignore and on what basis, because the interpretation of law and constitution is the sole domain of Supreme court. No one can do that except them, and when its decided, it is what it is. Either you like it or not, doesnt matter.

PM, ECP cheif , Army/ISI/MI cheifs all now can be prosecuted under the contempt of court.
In this particular case, the brother judges have given their verdict; one would have to subvert the constitution in order to give that short order (given by the eight judges). Evidence came out from in-house.

To counter that verdict, eight judges need to issue their detailed judgement proving that they had not subverted the constitution. These judges have turned into coward goats and disappeared in that respect.

If they turn out to be unable to provide a legal/constitutional basis for their short answer then these crooks should be tried under the article 6 for subverting the constitution.
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If Govt / ECP do not obey FULL COURT of SUPREME COURT then nobody should obey anyone. No one should pay their bills, no person should uphold any court's decision, there should be complete system breakdown.

Guys like @prothought have serious mental illness, otherwise it's clear as a day that there is no way you can disobey a full court decision of a supreme court. You can do that when you officially are a total banana state with no law / constitution or in a martial law.

All Judges of Supreme court including Qazi agreed that ECP "misjudged" SC decision of 12 january. So it was basic duty of Supreme court to rectify that error. The july's decision simply rectified this decision.

I only feel pity on people like @prothought, look at their audacity, they are witnessing extreme injustices how country's largest political party was kicked out of elections, how it's workers and their families were targeted, how it's mandate was stolen, then how their reserve seats were gifted to other parties who had no right on those reserve seats. Still these dark souls have audacity to write paragraphs of stupidness and shamelessness to make excuses to defend all this mockery. Such people are hopeless. They'll never develop guts to accept the truth. They will never stand on the right side.
BTW, which FULL COURT of SUPREME COURT? Those eight judges who are unable to provide the legal/constitutional basis for their nonsense order even after so many months. Looks like these politicized, unprofessional, and dishonest dudes will swing the rope along with their detailed judgement that never saw the sunlight.
In this particular case, the brother judges have given their verdict; one would have to subvert the constitution in order to give that short order (given by the eight judges). Evidence came out from in-house.

To counter that verdict, eight judges need to issue their detailed judgement proving that they had not subverted the constitution. These judges have turned into coward goats and disappeared in that respect.

If they turn out to be unable to provide a legal/constitutional basis for their short answer then these crooks should be tried under the article 6 for subverting the constitution.

You are just honking non sense. Disrespecting court orders and openly deny court is contempt of court punishable by jail term. You are liable to this crime.
this is frightening ! The third pillar of the state is crumbling, while the executive and the legislature cheer.

Will this court be like the Bandial court and let its orders be ignored? or will it assert itself.
BTW, which FULL COURT of SUPREME COURT? Those eight judges who are unable to provide the legal/constitutional basis for their nonsense order even after so many months. Looks like these politicized, unprofessional, and dishonest dudes will swing the rope along with their detailed judgement that never saw the sunlight.

LMAO!.... Unable to provide constitutional basis ???

You are as Jahil as patwaris. This is the thing with boot league followers, they don't think. Whatever they hear from paid Liafafas they start repeating that mantra.

Whatever is the constitutional interpretation that is only to be decided by Supreme Court judges. You or any Tom, Dick and harry's explanation of constitution holds no value. This is the job of SC. Otherwise, everyone can have their own interpretation and no order of any court can be fullfilled, all the people in the jails should free as they according to their thinking are not criminals. Any decision against anybody should not obey the state because according to his definition he could be wrongfully convicted. Supreme Court Full Court decision is the ONLY applicable interpretation of law/constitution.

You don't really fail to give laughable excuses.

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