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Shameful! PTI is now supporting Afghanistan over Pakistan


Senior Member
Sep 27, 2007
I am pro PTI but their Afghan love is just disgusting.

It is something I don't understand.

It's politics, Tribal areas are part of KPK and PTI has alot of support, plus tribal area people have families and relatives in Afghanistan, the blowback will hurt PTI first for allowing the attacks, possible terrorist attacks on pti leadership. Those in Punjab or Sindh don't care. PTI concerns can be understood but what is their solution? What kind of peace deals do they want to sign, do they want to forgive 1000s of terrorists, will allow them self rule in Tribal areas? Allow them to take tax etc. We will end up again with a powerful extremist militant organisation.


Jan 16, 2024
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It's politics, Tribal areas are part of KPK and PTI has alot of support, plus tribal area people have families and relatives in Afghanistan, the blowback will hurt PTI first for allowing the attacks, possible terrorist attacks on pti leadership. Those in Punjab or Sindh don't care. PTI concerns can be understood but what is their solution? What kind of peace deals do they want to sign, do they want to forgive 1000s of terrorists, will allow them self rule in Tribal areas? Allow them to take tax etc. We will end up again with a powerful extremist militant organisation.
The solution to everything is simple.

Solve our economic problems... and strategic problems.... by grinding Afghanistan's bones to dust.

If PTI doesn't get it about Afdirtistan, then it truly saddens me to say this... but to Hell with them.


Senior Member
Sep 27, 2007
The solution to everything is simple.

Solve our economic problems... and strategic problems.... by grinding Afghanistan's bones to dust.

If PTI doesn't get it about Afdirtistan, then it truly saddens me to say this... but to Hell with them.

Pakistan wants to maintain brotherly relations with Afghanistan, increase trade. The only problem is ttp and their continues attacks on Pakistan. So a better plan is needed rather than making enemies out of Afghanistan, we already have India for that. We must also find answers on how did Afghans militants continue to bomb us whilst Nato was present in Afghanistan. How can this be possible? Did Usa turn a blind eye? And instead of showing anger, Pakistan allowed them to drone attack the tribal areas. Not a great policy, today Usa has gone and your stuck with angry people.

The main issue is Pakistan has lost the ideological war, we have the representatives of Islam on one side and Usa puppet on one side. According to the militants ofcourse and yes economy, development and education is on the list too.


Jun 12, 2024
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The solution to everything is simple.

Solve our economic problems... and strategic problems.... by grinding Afghanistan's bones to dust.

If PTI doesn't get it about Afdirtistan, then it truly saddens me to say this... but to Hell with them.
Actually I support this. Provided that you take in at least 10 Afghan refugee families after we do this operation.


Jan 16, 2024
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So a better plan is needed rather than making enemies out of Afghanistan
We will never make an enemy out of Afghanistan because there will be no Afghanistan. There will only be Bahria Town West and DHA Phase-10 to Phase-1000.

Divide Afghanistan into plots.. 2000 square yards is good.... Sell their land and pay off Pakistan's debts... with much money left over for fun projects.

Provided that you take in at least 10 Afghan refugee families
Not happening.


Jun 12, 2024
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We will never make an enemy out of Afghanistan because there will be no Afghanistan. There will only be Bahria Town West and DHA Phase-10 to Phase-1000.

Divide Afghanistan into plots.. 2000 square yards is good.... Sell their land and pay off Pakistan's debts... with much money left over for fun projects.

Not happening.
If it's not happening then hope for better Pak Afghan ties. In a war there would be millions of Afghan refugees in all our cities.


Senior Member
Sep 27, 2007
We will never make an enemy out of Afghanistan because there will be no Afghanistan. There will only be Bahria Town West and DHA Phase-10 to Phase-1000.

Divide Afghanistan into plots.. 2000 square yards is good.... Sell their land and pay off Pakistan's debts... with much money left over for fun projects.

This is how Indians talk when they discuss pak India war, we will cut Pakistan in to 50 pieces, Pakistan is small and weak etc. However reality is something else. Pakistan will not invade Afghanistan, we will preserve the brotherly ties.


Full Member
Jul 1, 2024
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You changed your religion out of fear, but your status as a slave didn't change. You are still considered an inferior, converted slave in the original Muslim world. Those who don't respect their own religion, culture, and traditions don't get respect anywhere. Pakistanis are in the same situation. you are a fool to think that accepting Islam will make you an Arab.

Own religion?
For Gods sake you guys are so full of c*ap. You talk as if hinduism is native to the subcontinent.

Its easy to feel the way you feel because you gained some advancement after kissing europeans feets since previous 200 years. That too in a period when last islamic empires was disintegrating after being dominant for 500 years before that. You are left alone today because the white people either see you as a useful submissive idiot or not a real thret to western hegemony in any meaningful way.

OTOH a few handfull muslims with simple weaponry defeated a combined NATO force (+YOU) in Afghanistan after 20 years of fighting.

Talk is chep when you are cushioned from facing the full force of Roman Empire V2. But frankly its like observing a poodle barking against a Lion.


Full Member
Jul 1, 2024
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well now look at the so called Original Muslims @ Arabs of UAE or Saudi Arabia they honour and welcome same Hindus from India but have stopped and are deporting so called "martial race Muslims of Pakistan" ;) :p

so much for great Muslims and islam ka Quilla ;) :p

we are still a billon strong and ruling entire world with bieng one of the most productive and respected race while everyone even in pakistan knows how world treats so called muslim pakistanies in UK , USA Europe or even muslim nations like Malasiya , Indonasiya or UAE, Bhrain , Quatar or UAE or Saudi Arbaia or Kuwait ;) :p

Its true that indians generally do it economically well when they arrive in foreign land. Which is good.

Respect is a interesting word.

Europeans generally dont respect submissive people who pretend to be something they are not. Yes they may “respect” hindus for not being threateting to white peoples superiority. If you can call it respect.

Europeans respect people who have firm ethic and moral convictions. Who can stand up for themselves. Europeans can respect a brave opponent or even enemy. But never respect submissive cowards hiding their true self.


Jun 23, 2011
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Iranians and Turks are the most racist nations and they hate everyone and think of themselfs as the msot superior but the common thing is since Pakistanies have a keera of Ummah ki thekkedaari they try to preach a lot to both but in raeality pakistanies have the worst track record when they go there and thats why they are hated the most by them both ;) :p

inki hi bhasha me

All that pakora frying at Mumbai station has got to your head.
Not having any experience in the real life and having access to a computer creates lethargic backward assumptions.
Pakistani Iranian Turks Afghans have ups and downs - they do share the same religions.
Now stop spouting tatee on this thread or this will be another thread you are banned on for talking constant nonsense.
Hindus like you have a dream and that anti Pakistan rhetoric laces every other post
You do.


Jun 23, 2011
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A Muslim female friend of mine told me that the molestation of Pakistani and Indian Muslim women by guards is very common there.
You talk constant shit. You don’t have any Muslim female friends. If you did they certainly wouldn’t talk about molestation to a TVA brigade chai wala like yourself.


Dec 27, 2023
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😂😂😂 No bruv, being humiliated and stamped on for a thousand years isn't fighting

That's what the Palestinians are trying to teach you, what they are doing is fighting

What you did was be defeated

Hinduism was horrendous and worthless, are so we supposed to worship idols and animals like some jahil😂😂 no bruv, we dumped that worthless idol worshipping shit as soon as we could

Islam is far far superior

Worshipping Idols and animals like some jahil because your forefathers were stupid enough to do so is retarded
Keep your superiority complex in your butt hole while most of your superior countries are in pointless killing and few are out with begging bowl, few guys like you sitting in liberal Christian countries spew venom.


Senior Member
Apr 16, 2020
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On another thread I am reading how Afghanistan was a Hindu kingdom.

On another thread a proper multi generational RSS guy freely admitted he gets an orgasm on pdf.
Indians are so insufferable that even docile Canadians have become right wing nationalists. They are graffitiing paj33t memes from Pakistan on walls in Canada. Some of the most obscure Indo-Pak stuff like Aryan invasion of India is featured.
As I am growing old I realize I am wasting my time on stupid people

I was smart enough to not support army in politics but

I used to have a soft spot for Pmln than NS photo with Afghan interior minister and later stirring ethnic tensions for votes turned me off

I used to support PTI but when their official Twitter accounts started abusing my people and also went full retard even against basic national interests than I stopped supporting them

Than I explored ethno centrism but couple weeks into it I realized how stupid everyone is, how they lack a moral compass nor do they have principles, how they're pushing every group into greater danger and long term slavery nor do they have any capabilities
They're closer to TLP,TTP and other religious psychotic groups than genuine, legitimate political movement

I haven't been active here for a while but I saw some posts from endians and Afghand*s that brought back the fire in my belly
Normally I am smart enough to run circles around these fools but PTI guys opening up their backsides for Afghans for a 100th time quickly soured my taste yet again

Upon exploring all options I have realized that I should quit Pak SM in general, I have already gotten all my other accounts perma banned across reddit and other such platforms because Pakistanis are some of the most retarded people on the planet and I shouldn't be wasting my time on them
My only relationship to this land would be as my last retirement home in rural Punjab if it survives a nuclear holocaust by that time that is

That's why I privately asked @Waz @Mr X to please nuke my account and now publically too
Or else I'll come back and have to get perma banned here too on purpose
I've said this before and gotten cancelled for it, but I'll say it again:

The Pakistani awaam is too illiterate, uninformed and emotional to be allowed to have a say in political matters. These are the same people who lynch and burn each other alive on mere accusations of blasphemy, or strange looking QR codes.

Their literacy rate is 55%, and of this 55%, not even a quarter have a half decent standard of education (the standard for literacy in Pakistan is merely being able to write your own name).

This, combined with widespread unchecked access to social media and increasingly populist/islamist/ethnonationalist narrative of parties like PTI and JUIF , is a recipe for disaster.

Illiterate, emotional, high testosterone population should not be given unchecked access to social media or indulge in politics. Period.

Passing an Intelligence and critical thinking test should be mandatory before one is given internet access.

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