The Beautiful United States of America

Not a leaf:


Labor Day weekend marks the unofficial end of summer:

Summer's last hurrah:

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The legacy of glaciers sculpting the landscapes leaves a stunning imprint:

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And soon the leaves turn, beginning already:

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Brilliant hues of turquoise blue with shimmering crystal clear water are a joy to behold:

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Perhaps viewers can hear the relaxing symphony. :D
I was invited to visit United States several times by an old classmate during university days. He was from Nevada and the chillest guy around.

Unfortunately i never had chance to visit the United States. Which i regret to this day.

Although i dislike huge chunk of US foreign policy (which probably many americans also do) there is no deny that its a country i admire and respect.

For a nature lover its a paradise.
For a freedom lover its a deamland.

But what i love most is the people of the US, which i feel i share many values with; the openess, friendliness, small-talk, taking care of neighbors, melting pot. I love that you guys dare to be opposite of europeans, who in my view sometimes comes off as snobby and boring. Americans arent afraid to tell what you have inside your heart. To be frank and be allowed to show and be proud of ones own achievments. To build eachother up.

Europe, especially Norway have imo a misunderstood form of humility that kills the spirit of freedom and warmness of the soul. People here is so obsessed with fitting in and not stick out that everything becomes bland and grayish.

If it was not for anti-muslim sentimentality in the US, i would have easily loved to live there. Or maybe i got dissuaded after watching too much COPS lol.

Anyways, im happy you guys are still sticking around in Europe with NATO. Hopefully Trump wont do anything stupid in that regard.
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But what i love most is the people of the US, which i feel i share many values with; the openess, friendliness, small-talk, taking care of neighbors, melting pot.

When I lived Stateside, I made many, many cross country road trips in my Wrangler from coast to coast and even north south. At another time I backpacked for a year to visit every single state in the CONUS.

The people are truly fantastic and defy stereotyping. Some of the nicest people I met were in the southern states or in places like North Dakota where you would be hard pressed to find a non-white person (at least in those days).

And the scenery is, of course, heavenly. Truly a blessed country.
When I lived Stateside, I made many, many cross country road trips in my Wrangler from coast to coast and even north south. At another time I backpacked for a year to visit every single state in the CONUS.

The people are truly fantastic and defy stereotyping. Some of the nicest people I met were in the southern states or in places like North Dakota where you would be hard pressed to find a non-white person (at least in those days).

And the scenery is, of course, heavenly. Truly a blessed country.

That must have been quite some journeys.

If i may ask, what made you want to settle in Australia instead of the US.
That must have been quite some journeys.

If i may ask, what made you want to settle in Australia instead of the US.

I visited Sydney for a short holiday and wanted to spend more time to backpack around the whole country. To pay for it, I needed a job.

Australia has something called a working holiday visa, but not for US citizens (at least in those days), so I applied for PR instead which only took 2.5 months.

After getting PR, I worked for a year, then backpacked for almost a year around the country, then kept getting more jobs. I figured I would go back to the US at some point but it hasn't happened so far.
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