The Cheap Iranian Kamikaze Drones Wreaking Havoc in Ukraine and Israel | WSJ Equipped

Have Hezbollah got these drones?
Looks like a chimpanzee in suits

Chimpanzee claimed that S-136 is cheap but not cost-effective. The retard claims that US is developing specific Counter-measures to Counter Shahed's threat but he doesn't apparently know that Iran is also upgrading Shahed family of drones to be more and more untrackable.

The chimpanzee in an other ridiculous claim says that most of Iranian innovations and military products did not work and Shahed was just one success out of many losses. But did not mention one of those failures.
These drones have literally changed the landscape for good. The Israelis and Americans are perplexed.
These drones have literally changed the landscape for good. The Israelis and Americans are perplexed.
We badly need these bro......These are ideal for use against talibunny and insurgent compounds/ caves/ buildings. And they will be hugely successful against India. Indians don't even have a 10th of the sophisticated air defenses of Ukraine. These things will demolish India.
We badly need these bro......These are ideal for use against talibunny and insurgent compounds/ caves/ buildings. And they will be hugely successful against India. Indians don't even have a 10th of the sophisticated air defenses of Ukraine. These things will demolish India.
any large country will struggle against these drones ... they have huge range and are very cost effective.
any large country will struggle against these drones ... they have huge range and are very cost effective.
We need these bro.......If you can sell these to other muslim countries, then we need a license to make these in house. I bet we can do it cheaper than you. And I know you guys got far more capable ones than this legacy-136 now.

These things if used properly will serve our needs very well. We have lots of enemies.

If anybody has watched vidz of these things in action over Ukraine is well aware of their capabilities.

I seen many vidz of this thing diving down onto the target using image recognition, flying around air defense concentrations, adjusting its altitude, loitering around until suitable target appears....... :p

That tells me there's AI in it.
Drones represent a dangerous and capable threat in general but media sources are used to build a narrative about the chosen ones. Russia uses Shahed-type drones to attack Ukrainian infrastructure and/or fixed targets in large part. These drones have their uses, found to be lethal, but many were lost in war as well:

"Over the last two years, Russia has launched thousands of Shahed 136 drones against Ukraine. Although most of these relatively noisy, slow-moving drones have been shot down, about 15 percent on average have gotten through, causing immense damage to Ukraine’s military and civilian infrastructure."

Ukraine had underdeveloped defenses at the start of war but it continues to improve its game:

"The Iranian-made Shahed 131 and 136 one-way attack unmanned aerial systems (UAS), which Russia now domestically produces under license with the designation Geran 1 and 2, respectively, have been major protagonists of Moscow’s strike campaign against Ukrainian critical infrastructure. They also represent a threat across the skies of many countries in the Middle East, from Saudi Arabia to the United Arab Emirates to Israel, over the past few years.

Several of them were used in the September 2019 Iranian-orchestrated attack against Saudi Aramco’s oil terminals in Khurais and Abqaiq, which temporarily knocked out 5% of the world’s oil supply. Shahed-136 drones are also among the Houthis’ weapons of choice to strike commercial vessels transiting in the Red Sea and Hormuz Strait, wreaking havoc on global maritime trade and connectivity.

Their effectiveness in the Ukrainian theater, however, seems on a declining trajectory. In recent months, Ukraine has been improving its counter-drone and low-tier air defense capabilities by expanding its early-warning network of fixed distributed radar, electro-optical and acoustic sensors. The military also has been training new “mobile fire groups” specialized in hunting Shahed and other one-way attack drones, the vast majority of which are shot down.

Aggregate data collected by this author and based on official numbers released by the Ukrainian Air Force indicate that the interception rate of Shahed UAS has steadily increased in the past five months, with an average of 91% since March 2024."

Russia has used thousands of Shahed-type drones in Ukraine to limited effect. There is plenty of visual evidence of wreckage of these drones in Ukraine indicating successful intercept in each case, but Russia can mass produce these drones for use so the issue continues.

Russian lancet is found to be the most dangerous and combat-effective drone in war in Ukraine in fact, this drone struck many military vehicles and killed many soldiers. This is a fact that even Ukraine acknowledged. If the idea is to understand how to handle Russian threat in war then focus should be on its lancet series. These are true killers.
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I believe Sir @Lulldapull shared a similar video about a month ago.

No doubt Iran’s suicide drone capabilities are very advanced but I am highly impressed with their hypersonic missiles as they are among a handful of nations who can produce these missiles.

Pakistan need to invest in Hypersonic missiles technology, be it imported from China or indigenous.

If Hezbullah had managed to get these hypersonic missiles, it can put Israel’s Iron dome to shame
These drones have literally changed the landscape for good. The Israelis and Americans are perplexed.
Not for long..cheaper gun base systems will make them obsolete pretty soon. I doubt even today they are much of threat...a nausence but not a threat
Pakistan need to invest in Hypersonic missiles technology, be it imported from China or indigenous.
Hey, boss

A real hypersonic ballistic missile is not a simple weapon, it is a systematic weapon.

China's hypersonic ballistic missiles, not just the missiles and launch vehicles we see, it also needs a very large command and control system to support it. When it flies in the middle of the edge of space, it needs to be supported by a very sophisticated remote sensing control system, so that it can always fly in an unpredictable trajectory and avoid being tracked and hit by anti-missile systems.

Russia's hypersonic ballistic missiles, when flying in the middle section, are standard ballistics. It is maneuvering only when it flies at the end. When flying in the middle section, it is easy to be tracked and destroyed by anti-missile systems. (Easy here refers to countries with anti-missile capabilities)

As for the hypersonic ballistic missiles of other countries or armed forces, we do not have to take them too seriously. The simplest judgment is whether they have space communication and control capabilities?The world powers will not care that those countries have "hypersonic weapons", they know the truth, but they will not say. But if Pakistan has hypersonic weapons, it will make some world powers very nervous, because that's true...................

When any ballistic missile flies, it is in a hypersonic state of flight. The core of the question is: can you let it fly on an unpredictable trajectory while it is in hypersonic flight.............

For a country like Pakistan, which is recognized as possessing nuclear weapons and possessing some space communication capabilities, hypersonic ballistic missiles are undoubtedly a headache for the whole world.

According to Chinese state media. At present, China has mastered the radar tracking technology of hypersonic ballistic missiles, and may conduct interception tests of hypersonic ballistic missiles in the future.

The Chinese people have discovered and taken some pictures of China's anti-missile tests, and the trajectory seen from the pictures is very strange. Some analysts believe that this is a relevant trial, but there are no official reports.

When China fully masters the interception capabilities of hypersonic ballistic missiles, it may allow the export of these hypersonic ballistic missiles or related technology to friendly countries such as Pakistan. Of course, there will be some restrictions on the range and the target of the attack..................
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I believe Sir @Lulldapull shared a similar video about a month ago.

No doubt Iran’s suicide drone capabilities are very advanced but I am highly impressed with their hypersonic missiles as they are among a handful of nations who can produce these missiles.

Pakistan need to invest in Hypersonic missiles technology, be it imported from China or indigenous.

If Hezbullah had managed to get these hypersonic missiles, it can put Israel’s Iron dome to shame

I have said it from day one. Pakistan needs multiple variants of hypersonic missiles. This is really the only thing lacking right now. Pakistan will surely require assistance from China.
Not for long..cheaper gun base systems will make them obsolete pretty soon. I doubt even today they are much of threat...a nausence but not a threat

They are causing serious damage not only against military targets, but also civilian. Above all, they are significantly cheap.
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