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The curious case of Punjabi Nationalist Accounts on Twitter Peddling hate against Pakistani Pushtuns.


Full Member
Dec 22, 2023
There has been a dramatic rise in accounts supposedly championing Punjabi nationalism.

This trend was first started by PML-N and some of these accounts have a Patwari background.

But recently, we've what are clearly ISPR launched accounts peddling anti-Pushtun propaganda.

Now you could ignore it if it was just limited to Afghans but there is deliberate targetting of Pakistani Pushtuns and labelling them as traitors and terrorists.

The same accounts post tweets aginst PTI and IK, labelling them as anti-Punjab.

It is unfathomable why an Army claiming to represent all of Pakistan and having a large number of Pushtun soldiers and officers between its ranks will delve into something like this that divides the nation for a short-term political game.

Posting some of tweets from these accounts.

There is a whole lot of them. There is nothing organic about them as each one seems to retweet/quote tweets from the other accounts.

Is there another national Army in the world that will use tax payer money to instill divisions within the country?

Funny thing is when there are consequences years from now to these little shenaningans by these FA pass duffers, they will play the "shaheed" card.
"Not Applicable"


Full Member
Dec 22, 2023
If they had their way, they would have tweeted such comments against Bengalis too (East Pakistanis) in 1970. Fifty years late now.

All this to cut down IKs political reach amongst the digital urban youth in Punjab. Painting him/PTI/Pushtuns as savage monsters out to get you.

Not sure if I was a Pushtun serving in the Army, how would I feel about this?


Elite Member
Jun 25, 2007
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kakulis working overtime using state resources to divide nation! their tools molvis have failed now they are using ethbic bs!
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Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Ethnocentric jahilat in a diverse nation is the height of stupidity

The law must be equal and the citizen must act in a lawful manner, the failure to do this has caused endless fassad with people supporting namak haram Afghans simply because they are similar ethnicities regardless of the chaos they cause.

It's resulted in barbers and picnic goers killed or kidnapped, teachers murdered and deshatgardi

In general Kashmiri and Punjabi tend to be the most open and welcoming but we all need to stamp out this jahilat, it is no longer tolerable


Sep 14, 2006
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There has been a dramatic rise in accounts supposedly championing Punjabi nationalism.

This trend was first started by PML-N and some of these accounts have a Patwari background.

But recently, we've what are clearly ISPR launched accounts peddling anti-Pushtun propaganda.

Now you could ignore it if it was just limited to Afghans but there is deliberate targetting of Pakistani Pushtuns and labelling them as traitors and terrorists.

The same accounts post tweets aginst PTI and IK, labelling them as anti-Punjab.

It is unfathomable why an Army claiming to represent all of Pakistan and having a large number of Pushtun soldiers and officers between its ranks will delve into something like this that divides the nation for a short-term political game.

Posting some of tweets from these accounts.

There is a whole lot of them. There is nothing organic about them as each one seems to retweet/quote tweets from the other accounts.

Is there another national Army in the world that will use tax payer money to instill divisions within the country?

Funny thing is when there are consequences years from now to these little shenaningans by these FA pass duffers, they will play the "shaheed" card.

Don't be surprised at this many of these are genuine. We had posters on here from nationalist Punjabi backgrounds yelling for the extermination of Azad Kashmiris during the recent protests. One I banned for a long time.

When your king is Ranjit Singh, the rest of the other Pakistani people don't matter.

On the topic of the accounts they are not army sources but supporters of Punjabi supremacism, who also support PMLN.
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Full Member
Dec 22, 2023
Don't be surprised at this many of these are genuine. We had posters on here from nationalist Punjabi backgrounds yelling for the extermination of Azad Kashmiris during the recent protests. One I banned for a long time.

When your king is Ranjit Singh, the rest of the other Pakistani people don't matter.

On the topic of the accounts they are not army sources but supporters of Punjabi supremacism, who also support PMLN.

I agree with PML-N pushing this agenda also but this is a new lot that has suddenly sprung up.

All very co-ordinated and seem to belong to much more digitalized background as compared to your average Patwari twitter user.

I'm not saying that the Army is anti-Pushtun. Its just that someone has had this bright idea to push this narrative and cut down IK's support among the urban youth in Punjab.

There is historical precedent for this. MQM was propped up as well to counter PPP in Sindh. Its an old playbook. We are just seeing it play out live on social media.


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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PML-N should play this game as much as they like. In the end PML-N and Pakistan will burn.


Sep 14, 2006
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Keep the ethnic posts brothers. Next time it's a thread ban.

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