The Donald Trump Interview - IMPAULSIVE

That's the thing, he's relatable to a much larger percentage of the people, the common folk, most blue-collar people and the bad stuff doesn't matter to them because that's also relatable and he says what's on his mind which is the same that's on their minds (even though that's a whole other scary ball game).

The perfect example of that relatability is a friend of mine just finished serving 6 months in jail and I took him out to dinner the other day and he was telling me that out of the 60 people in his cell block, 50 or more were die-hard Trump or MAGAs, including blacks AND Hispanic. He even met a dude from the Congo and another from Iraq and both of them were singing "Trump, Trump, Trump."
I wouldn't say jailbird are "common folk", in fact, the core of his base is the rural, law abiding, God fearing, go to church every Sunday type.

Trump have his appeal because of his brutal honesty (It could be good or bad), he doesn't dance around issue, and he offer a very direct solution to any problem. But that's also his biggest and most major flaw, because you aren't actually solving the problem with this direct solution. You basically just push it to the next guy in your seat. He is also very self-centered. As I said before (Not sure if I said it here or another forum) if Trump was re-elected and his NY conviction case is still there, we will see the VP running the country until Trump is done with the NY conviction, it can take years. There is a pretty good chance we are electing VP on the GOP ticket instead of the President. Because appellate issue generally takes 3-7 years to resolve in his type of case

On the other hand, most Trump aid reported his lack of any political sense, I watch an interview when one of those British Television station interviewing his press sec and policy aide, Trump think "Brexit" is a highway issue, he doesn't know what position is opposite his number (in most European Countries, Prime Minister instead of President is the corresponding title to the US President) and have no idea what is Schengen agreement (the aid said Trump once brag about how much respect he had when apparently he don't need to get checked from going to one EU country to another), because as the press sec said, he simply don't care.
What is Impaulsive?
Pardon my ignorance
Interesting. I only asked because I see so many YT videos of not only American Indians, but white and even black folks getting pulled over for some traffic infraction only to claim they don't need a driver's license because they're sovereign citizens, and sovereign citizens don't need to abide by certain rules and regulations of the nation. Obviously, they never get away with that lol.

LOL, reminds me of the joke

Everyone's an atheist until they get pulled over for speeding.
wouldn't say jailbird are "common folk", in fact,

"Jailbird"? That's rather derogatory, if not prejudicial and hypocritical. Pardon me for being so blunt, but no other way to put it. How many of his supporters were "jailbirds" at one point in time? How many were "prison birds" not only at one time, but currently: January 6th ring a bell? 2016 anti-Antifa violent protesters? Proud Boys? Aryan Brotherhood? The clowns parading with Tiki Torches calling out Jews? Aren't every one of those the same as the fine, God-fearing "law-abiding" go to church every Sunday type people" you're referring to?

Almost all of the fellas in jail cell blocks around the country are doing minor time for minor misdemeanors. These are not convicted felons serving long prison sentences which BTW, are the same percentage of Trump supporters.

Most of the guys who were in my buddy's block were in there because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time and got caught and most of them are in for minor charges. Misdemeanor possession of marijuana or controlled substance. Driving with a suspended license even the ones with domestic charges are the most common ones and they're only in there waiting for either a plea deal from the DA or going to trial to fight the charges because of the bottom of the barrel domestic charge. Example - one guy was in there because his stepson punched him in the face and was coming back at the guy who defended himself by throwing an empty pizza box at the stepson. Cops took the kid's word for it and DA called it "assault with a deadly weapon." An empty pizza box, in self-defense after being assaulted called a deadly weapon! Or others in there that can't make bail because of technicalities. Most of those can't remember phone #s to call their relatives/friends to bail them out because their cellphones are seized and they have no access to them. These are hardly first class criminals lol and the classification of common folk couldn't be more appropriate, especially when it relates to Trump supporters.

in fact, the core of his base is the rural, law abiding, God fearing, go to church every Sunday type.

Are you suggesting these law-abiding, God-fearing go to church every Sunday types don't have skeletons in their closets? We can't be that naive, good sir.

Why do you suppose those so-called "jailbirds" love him so much to the point where they don't care about his criminal record? Or why these God-fearing law-abiding goody two shoes don't care about his criminal record & actions? And not just any criminal record, they're willing to let go 34 felony convictions on top of rape & sexual molestation charges and we're still not even halfway there with his legal woes.

Those jailbird sentiments are exactly the same ones as with those so-called "law-abiding, God-fearing go to church every Sunday" common folk you're talking about. Same exact thing and that's why they're all part & parcel of the Trump common folk supporters.
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"Jailbird"? That's rather derogatory, if not prejudicial and hypocritical. Pardon me for being so blunt, but no other way to put it. How many of his supporters were "jailbirds" at one point in time? How many were "prison birds" not only at one time, but currently: January 6th ring a bell? 2016 anti-Antifa violent protesters? Proud Boys? Aryan Brotherhood? The clowns parading with Tiki Torches calling out Jews? Aren't every one of those the same as the fine, God-fearing "law-abiding" go to church every Sunday type people" you're referring to?

Almost all of the fellas in jail cell blocks around the country are doing minor time for minor misdemeanors. These are not convicted felons serving long prison sentences which BTW, are the same percentage of Trump supporters.

Most of the guys who were in my buddy's block were in there because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time and got caught and most of them are in for minor charges. Misdemeanor possession of marijuana or controlled substance. Driving with a suspended license even the ones with domestic charges are the most common ones and they're only in there waiting for either a plea deal from the DA or going to trial to fight the charges because of the bottom of the barrel domestic charge. Example - one guy was in there because his stepson punched him in the face and was coming back at the guy who defended himself by throwing an empty pizza box at the stepson. Cops took the kid's word for it and DA called it "assault with a deadly weapon." An empty pizza box, in self-defense after being assaulted called a deadly weapon! Or others in there that can't make bail because of technicalities. Most of those can't remember phone #s to call their relatives/friends to bail them out because their cellphones are seized and they have no access to them. These are hardly first class criminals lol and the classification of common folk couldn't be more appropriate, especially when it relates to Trump supporters.

Well, the issue here is, you need to stand for law and order, without that, we don't have democracy, we won't even have a functioning nation.

As I said in the old forum for standing up at @RoadAmerica for his view on MAGA. I don't think all MAGA are bad, it's just what people believe, and there are some that listen to what Trump said and then rush inside the capitol, some stay put, some didn't even bother to show up, so am I to say we should generalise everyone just because they hold a certain believe. The issue here is, just because someone is pro MAGA, that does not mean they are criminal, it only happens if someone committed an offense, and once that happened, I have no pita on them.

Same applies to everyone incarcerated, sure, everyone had had their issue, you can say the system was rigged, you can say you are wrongly accused, I used work for a sheriff and worked at county lock up, I can tell you 9 out of 10 these people are going to say they didn't do it. That fair, you can maintain your innocent and all, 5th amendment and all that. Is there "nice guy" in the can? Sure, but then everyone had issue and I have had seen all of them and even know some of my own guy in the army felt thru the crack and ended up in the big house, the issue here is, while most of them have some sob story behind, whether or not they are in it for a serious felony or just a misdemeanor, that's basically their choice, it's things that they made and once you (not talking about "you" you) did, you have to go thru the consequences. And that's why you are in the can. A lot more people who put their head down and ride thru whatever shit life throw at them and not committed any crime.

As for whether or not are these people the "god fearing" or "church going type", again, you can say whatever you want, wrong place, wrong time, or they are just exaggerated the charge, or you can proclaim innocent all you wanted. You don't end up in a big house by mistake. And maybe if you think committing small petty crime is nothing, I personally know someone who go from being a petty theft to rapist in a span of 5 years, petty crime is what started most criminal, either they think the system is rigged against them, or they think they can do it and get away with it. I mean, people can look at things as a bleeding liberal on crime point of view. Seeing these people don't deserve to serve jail time, but as a person who catches criminal as a job and did that for almost a decade, that's just too damn often people get let out and then turn around and commit a more serious crime, not saying your buddy is one of these people, I don't know them, but forgive me if I am jaded for the topic when someone I arrested for B&E and the DA turn him loose ended up raping a 9 years old in her sleep and told me "The only thing I learn from this is how not to get caught next time".

Are you suggesting these law-abiding, God-fearing go to church every Sunday types don't have skeletons in their closets? We can't be that naive, good sir.

Why do you suppose those so-called "jailbirds" love him so much to the point where they don't care about his criminal record? Or why these God-fearing law-abiding goody two shoes don't care about his criminal record & actions? And not just any criminal record, they're willing to let go 34 felony convictions on top of rape & sexual molestation charges and we're still not even halfway there with his legal woes.

Those jailbird sentiments are exactly the same ones as with those so-called "law-abiding, God-fearing go to church every Sunday" common folk you're talking about. Same exact thing and that's why they're all part & parcel of the Trump common folk supporters.
It's like you ask someone why you like Taylor Swift? You ask 100 people you probably get 100 answers. The issue here is, are we talking about "love" him or "support" him? Those are two different concept. I don't like Trump, I vote for him in 2016 because he is the candidate for GOP, and I myself is a conservative. I don't particularly like Trump as a person, or what he said he was going to do, I vote for him because I hated the dem even more. I didn't even vote in 2020. Because I failed to see how Trump was even able to govern himself, let alone a nation. And I will most likely vote for Biden in 2024 if Trump is on the GOP ticket. The same reason I vote for him in 2016, but in reverse.

Most people support Trump because they have no other choice, it's like what you think why Taylor Swift is the most dominated female artist in the world for 2020s, there are simply because there were no opposition. Not everyone support trump love him, or even have good thing to say about him and not everyone supported trump because of the same reason, I will say if GOP have anyone other than Trump being nominated, they are going to win 2024 with almost certainty. But the fact to the matter is GOP is too chicken shit about abandoning the MAGA brand, which without the MAGA supporter, they aren't going to win shit. But the issue here is, you don't win any election just by your base alone, any good strategist would have dropped Trump and Trump brand already. Yes, you may lose 2020 and 2024, but you get a shot of the future.

This have nothing to do with whether or not people sympathise with his criminal record.

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