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The Egyptian Arms Industry America Report September 1985 directorate of A Intelllgence


Full Member
Dec 21, 2023

The Egyptian industry benefited from the accumulation of production quantities and the huge volume of inventories
Thanks to the Egyptian arms industry, Egypt possesses 40-50 thousand RPG G7 launchers under the name of the Cobra family. As for the projectiles, their numbers are very huge.

The Egyptian production line has been producing 750 projectiles in one vein, 8 hours a day, since 1975.
In one of Sakr Factory’s advertising programs, the production plans were for 60-100 thousand projectiles as an order for the armed forces in one year, which shows the average size of the annual order for projectiles.

In general, Egypt has not announced any development of the Corba projectiles since 1990, although there are basic developments that take place every 5 years on the projectiles to increase their capabilities, whether penetration or range, but what is commercially marketed is the old production.

Newer projectiles

In addition to the RPG-32 systems, the first deal was 1,000 quadruple launchers from Jordan in 2015, in addition to ground launchers for infantry.

Requests from Jordan are limited, but in the case of expansion, there will be silence for local production of projectiles, and it is believed that this has not been achieved.
During the past years before 2011, Egypt was obtaining American and Russian missiles
And 5,000 M72 launchers
Egypt acquired RPG-27/28 grenades in the past

It is believed recently that Egypt headed
Likewise, the M4 Carl Gustaf 84 is believed to have between 2,200-5,000 launchers, which Egypt is believed to prefer over the RPG-32, despite the Belarusian modernization of it.
It is believed that the three countries, India, Egypt, and China, have strengthened their stocks of the Swedish system, and China produced a copy of it locally.
It is believed that Egypt obtained manufacturing licenses from the Swedish Saab, which is to restore old cooperation with them, starting with the Hakim rifle and the old Port Said machine gun, Carl Gustav M45/b.
There is an Egyptian interest in opening areas of cooperation with Sweden, whether for the American warning aircraft to replace 8 Egyptian aircraft, and there was an ancient Egyptian interest in the CV-90 armored vehicle.
Bejan said that Egypt, through one of the Suez Canal arsenals, would produce the Swedish Combat Boat 90 landing craft.

Therefore, the Swedish side is more open to military cooperation with Egypt, especially since the M4 Carl Gustaf 84 was given production licenses to India, and China produces it by reverse engineering without production or export restrictions. The Swedes believe that preventing or granting them has no effect, but rather they are the ones who will lose.

Egypt has added the Q-202D missile to the armament family, and it is believed that one of the AOI factories will produce it among other Guided munitions.

Egypt is moving to increase its drone stocks
It produced the Greek plane two years ago

SRS-1A version that carries weapons and can provide close air support to infantry units, this time was presented with twin 2.75-inch HYDRA rocket launchers mounted as a weapon load. This highlights the room
for development of the system

It is believed that Egypt is expanding annual domestic production to accumulate reserves

And the H12 Poseidon plane
Within 28 aircraft programs, Egypt is working to acquire them, whether through purchase or local manufacture
However, Chinese models are also under study due to their low price and the possibility of obtaining large numbers at a low cost after improving the performance of the aircraft.
WING LOONG I/II The number of aircraft received by Egypt exceeded 108
CH-4/5 and its numbers range between 28-44 aircraft
In addition to the local production produced in cooperation with Belarus for the following three models, the production of which will be expanded on a large scale. 30 JUNE / AHMOS / 6OCT

Countries are racing to acquire thousands of drones, especially suicide versions, because the more stocks there are, the greater the chances of victory in wars.
Israel is terrified of Hezbollah's 2,000 suicide drones
Hamas, which owned more than 30 light VTOL aircraft, caused heavy losses in Israeli armor, so what about countries that mobilize thousands of these models?


Full Member
Dec 21, 2023

Swarmly H12 Poseidon​

Swarmly H12 Poseidon Airframe Details:

  • Wingspan: 6,000 mm
  • Overall length: 3,300 mm
  • Overall height: 1,100 mm
  • Payload bay dimensions: 920 mm x 340 mm x 350 mm
  • Wing area: 312 dm²
  • Maximum Takeoff Weight: 150 kg
  • Maximum payload capacity: 50 kg
  • Maximum endurance: 10 hrs
  • Maximum speed: 130 km/h
  • Stall speed: 85 km/h
  • Cruise speed: 120 km/h
  • Service ceiling in cruise mode: 5,000 m
  • Maximum total range: 750 km
  • EVLOS communications range: 150 km
  • Maximum VTOL hover time on one charge: 3 min
  • Maximum wind speed for takeoff/landing: 14 m/s
  • Operational temperature range: -20°C to +60°C
  • Maximum operational amount of rainfall: 4 mm/hr


Technical Specifications
Length: 165cm
Width: 218 cm
Height: 45 cm
Max takeoff weight: 60kg

Flight time depends on the payload, and on the mission circumstances. In any
case, SARISA delivers continuous flight of 20 minutes carrying max payload.



Full Member
Dec 21, 2023
As long as one copy of the aircraft is produced naturally, any upgraded copies are also produced due to the huge size of what the Egyptian defense market requires.



The B5 Hydra USV is a catamaran with an overall length of 6.052 metres and a width of 2.365 metres, the hull maximum height above waterline being 2.1 meters. The hull is made of Kevlar layers and can withstand a 7.62×39 mm ball round. If needed, the two hulls can be filled with foam, thus ensuring buoyancy even if penetrated by small arms fire. In the standard configuration the boat is very light, only 120 kg, to which we must add the outboard engines, which can be selected by the customer, the boat exhibited at DEFEA being equipped with two Mercury 450 hp. This allows it to reach up to 160 km/h, cruise speed being 120 km/h while minimum speed is 5 km/h. At cruise speed the UVS can operate for 10 hours, maximum total range being 1,200 km.

A wing located at the rear can be trimmed in order to maintain the propellers in the water when “flying” at high speed. The rear superstructure also hosts two antennas used by the data link, communications range using MANET being 200 km, using for example one of the UAS developed by Swarmly, the 11-hour endurance H12 or the smaller 3-hour endurance H10 acting as relay; to further expand the range a SATCOM system can be installed.

With a maximum weight of 1,200 kg the B5 Hydra has a payload around 600 kg. This is well enough to allow the installation of Leonardo’s Lionfish 12.7 Ultra Light mount. Remotely controlled and armed with a Browning 12.7×99 M2HB heavy machine gun, it weighs less than 180 kg without ammunition, the typical load being of 250 rounds which adds some 100 kg. The training arc is ± 155° while the elevation arc is –20°/+70°, training and elevation speed being 60°/s while acceleration is 150°/s2. The mount is fitted with an electro-optical suite with day and night cameras, with respective detection/recognition/identification range of 9.5/4.8/2.7 km and 6.3/3.0/1.5 km, and with a laser rangefinder with a 5.5 km range.


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