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The Media Lied to EVERYONE about China? We Share the TRUTH


Full Member
Dec 23, 2023
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lol, sure, the site should integrate with super high quality Indian products.
Indian products are not so substandard that they require integration for a small thing like video embedding. Embed code generation and putting it in site HTML is a child's play.


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2011
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Indian products are not so substandard that they require integration for a small thing like video embedding. Embed code generation and putting it in site HTML is a child's play.
Lol, of course, we all know Indian products are superb, hats off to you guys making the top quality products the the whole world loves. You guys totally control the world supply chain and grab the world by the balls.


Senior Member
Aug 2, 2017
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Western Couple Expose The SHOCKING TRUTH About CHINA After Their First Visit​

15 hours ago
After our first visit to china we get the chance to share our true impression of beijing! In this video we discuss our thoughts on how we feel that western media is so very negative when it reports about China. We reveal our truth and thoughts behind the propaganda. Aswell as some of our best tip for anybody who is thinking of travelling to china.

Seeing the hostility of the West and all the obstacles created by the West.

To develop, China takes twice or even more the effort compared with other developing countries.

Seeing China today, to lift hundreds of millions of people out of poverty in a very short period of time is already a miracle.

Then add all the hostilities and obstacles, and China finally succeed, I don't know any word that is way beyond miracle.

But thanks goodness that China has dedicated government and excellent people.

Without them, there will be no China today.

Seeing anti-China HKer and Taiwanese who say bad about China, it's a very sad thing. Because it's came from fellow Chinese. They unable to see the great effort of China to become like today.

Do they think HK and Taiwan great because of foreigners? Not their parents and grandparents who work hard everyday?

Do they think China is the same too? Is all anti-China propaganda a joke, that foreigners do differently behind from what they say? Is chip blockade a joke, that behinds, USA actually hands over the blueprint to China while saying USA is blocking China chip advancement?

It's funny if Taiwan blocks China, and one day if China has the chip technology, suddenly Taiwanese says it's because of them. China's 2nm chip is Taiwan chip, TSMC technology, a free gift from Taiwan.

No wonder if I say Chinese people (ethnicity) are actually dumb.
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Full Member
Dec 28, 2023
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To develop, China takes twice or even more the effort compared with other developing countries.
This actually not a bad thing. One guy can lift 100kg another guy can lift 200kg. You think the second guy finds it worth his time if someone comes along and offers him $100 if he can lift 153kg? No! He wants that prize money only if he can lift 253kg!

Remember God doesn't give anyone more than they can chew. Putting China under twice the pressure as another country means China has twice the innate potential/twice the development strength... It's actually a compliment!

If God gives the first guy an easier path of development, it's because He looks down on that guy's ability to overcome obstacles! It'd be an insult to every Chinese if China had an easier time getting to where she is now. Let the resistances pile on. The more the better!
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Full Member
Dec 23, 2023
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Lol, of course, we all know Indian products are superb, hats off to you guys making the top quality products the the whole world loves. You guys totally control the world supply chain and grab the world by the balls.
All the world except china. Got to have balls to grab them
  • Haha
Reactions: ety


Full Member
Nov 21, 2018
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Lol, yes, of course, India's everything is the best in the world,

India also got the besterest public toilets in the world.

Freely available to locals and visitors in fields and above drains and rivers all over India





Elite Member
Nov 4, 2011
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I am really flattered by your curiosity about my balls bro, but I am straight. Thanks.
LOl, then how do you know others have no balls? you tried them yourself, or most likely, they tried you, lol


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2011
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Inability of Chinese government to protect Chinese firms from harassment proves it.
lol, while Chinese firm go around the word and your "well protected " Indian firms are just super impotent when competing with Chinese firms.

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