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The Myth of the Hindu Right

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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What is UCC?
In 1936-37 British changed the personal laws of both Hindus and non hindus including Muslims , chirstians , jains or Parsis and jews and sikhs ...... Christians , Jews Hindus , sikhs , Parsis and sikhs though agreed to them muslims kept agitating on them and after three weeks of all indian Ullema shoura they agreed to FOUR POINT DEMANDS only after which muslims agreed to british made personal laws for muslims

but CHICHAA NHELU who had or was under obligation under Indian Constitution to enforce UNIFORM CIVIL CODE/PERSONAL LAWS for them all made HINDU PERSONAL LAW for all but Muslims which now after Supreme court rouling has to be done and BJP is bound bt Supreme court of India to do that while congress and so called secular parties are saying if they come to power they will change the constitution for muslims

hence muslims did not give vote to BJP/MODI but to congress and all other anty BJP parties in last elctions

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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600 billion Rupee (Indian) question.

Ask sanghis why they refuse a Caste Census.
well again till 1951 caste census was a regularity even with british but CHICHA NEHLU Stopped it

the Indira Gandhi gave the famous lines


which even till MMS was in power did not change but after 10 years of BJP in power ecosstem is deciving and creating no trouble points withing indian society and creating divissions which were either gone long or trying to create trouble where it was never there and people like you are celbrating it cause they somehow do not like BJP or MODI

forgetting that whats more important irradicating all kinds of divissions within society on basis of castes and religion and regionalism or trying to make mountains out of mole hills just for VOTE BANK POLITICKS ..... cheers doc

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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How do they verify caste in India btw?
In every birth certificate of every indian there is a column of his Gender , religion , caste after his parents name date of birth place and time of birth

and based on that he gets all the levent certificates in life till death


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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In every birth certificate of every indian there is a column of his Gender , religion , caste after his parents name date of birth place and time of birth

and based on that he gets all the levent certificates in life till death

And that caste can be pretty easily changed till his 10th std board certification and school leaving.


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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Bcz Shangh don't want to divide Hindus in castes. They want to bring them under one umbrella. On the other hand, dividing Hindus suits Congi.



Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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well again till 1951 caste census was a regularity even with british but CHICHA NEHLU Stopped it

the Indira Gandhi gave the famous lines


which even till MMS was in power did not change but after 10 years of BJP in power ecosstem is deciving and creating no trouble points withing indian society and creating divissions which were either gone long or trying to create trouble where it was never there and people like you are celbrating it cause they somehow do not like BJP or MODI

forgetting that whats more important irradicating all kinds of divissions within society on basis of castes and religion and regionalism or trying to make mountains out of mole hills just for VOTE BANK POLITICKS ..... cheers doc

Nehru and Indira are dead Amit.

Whats stopping BJP now?


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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P.S. @Guru Dutt

"India had Caste based census till 1951"

First General Election of India was 1951-52

Kehna kya chahte ho bhai?!!! 🤣🙏

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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And that caste can be pretty easily changed till his 10th std board certification and school leaving.
no you cannot change your caste certificate till you produce relevent counter certificates from your village or district colectratte office and panchayat office plus your grand parents ceryttificate its rather easier for illeagel bangladeshi and rohingyas to become a citizen of india than for indian citizen to change there so called CASTE ;) :p


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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no you cannot change your caste certificate till you produce relevent counter certificates from your village or district colectratte office and panchayat office plus your grand parents ceryttificate its rather easier for illeagel bangladeshi and rohingyas to become a citizen of india than for indian citizen to change there so called CASTE ;) :p

Please Guru.

Bihari here. Not Norwegian.
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Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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In every birth certificate of every indian there is a column of his Gender , religion , caste after his parents name date of birth place and time of birth

and based on that he gets all the levent certificates in life till death

So for example one parent is one caste, the other is another caste, what is the childs caste if there is a big difference?

Does it rely on historical verification?

Are records digitised?

All I am wondering is some cheeky rouge might choose to have some fun with life, I presume there are checks to stop this

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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P.S. @Guru Dutt

"India had Caste based census till 1951"

First General Election of India was 1951-52

Kehna kya chahte ho bhai?!!! 🤣🙏
BJP or RSS for that matter wants to unite all so called HINDUS under one banner @ Sanatani's while Congress and ecosystem wants to exploit faultlines and use British tacticks of divide and rule

they first enhilatted Sikhs then Bhidists now trying to do same with jains and then calling so called DALITS and LINGAYATS totally diffrent from so called Hinduism or sanatan dharm but want crypto christians and crypto muslims to get resrvervation under so called hindu caste quota system ... funny na

how easy it for politicans to not just fool masses in villages but even people like you .... cheers doc

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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So for example one parent is one caste, the other is another caste, what is the childs caste if there is a big difference?

Does it rely on historical verification?

Are records digitised?

All I am wondering is some cheeky rouge might choose to have some fun with life, I presume there are checks to stop this
well Indian beurocratic system works of british leagel system wich is patriarchial in principal where if Father is so called baniya and mother is from bhramin caste the child will be baniya caste in his certificate i hope it clears your querry

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