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The strategic importance of Israel from the perspective of the West

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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This brief essay is based on multiple sources about the multidimensional, deep, wide, rational and subjective at the same time, political game run with mathematical and psychological precision to dominate the Middle East by the West and its main tool _Israel_ to consolidate its dominance on the region.. but it does not stop there.. many far Eastern, Asian, south Asian and African, Muslims and non-Muslims alike will relate to the facts that follow..

Since the announcement of the establishment of the State of Israel on May 14 1948, the agreement and acceleration of the two arch-polar nations at that time, namely the Soviet Union and the United States, to recognize it in a successive and simultaneous manner, unusually, and with all the other Western European powers following them in recognition and support, made us ask ourselves the question: What is the great importance of Israel that makes all the major powers rush to support it, justify its crimes, and dilute them at best, despite their differences and conflict in everything?

Do the Jews rule the Western world as he claims, or does he support them only to get rid of them from his countries?

Did the influence that the Jews achieved in the West in the media and financially make them rule it and determine its policies, or is this influence left to them in America and the West because it serves the Western capitalist project and serves its Anglo-Saxon political project in the countries of the East as an extension of colonialism?

Despite the importance of finding a comprehensive answer to the above questions in understanding the lines of the relationship between Israel and the colonial powers in the hope of creating a distance of contradiction and conflict of interests between them that contribute to reducing Western support for this entity, unfortunately - until now no comprehensive, in-depth, non-populist answer that explains in numbers the importance of the existence of this state to the West was found..

Only superficial answers that revolve around the fact that the Jews rule the world and own it, as many Arab and other thinkers have mentioned through popular media, even though anyone who studies Western social economics knows that they, the Jews, do not own more than 3% of its wealth - if we consider that there are around 14 million Jews between Religious and Zionist..This is a percentage that does not entitle them to the complete control and obtaining all this generous and endless support from The US and the West.

Another example of the superficiality of this proposal is Russia, which has huge wealth and is the second most powerful military force.. Despite this, America did not hesitate to confiscate its money and besiege it when they deviated from its specified line, and Israel is not stronger than Russia by any means..to be spared all this when it deviates..

What removes this proposition that Israel rules the West and not the West ruling it and moving it in its favor as a “functional state” is that Israel before 1967 did not receive as much military and economic American support as it does now, since after 1967. where the USA was betting on bringing Abdel Nasser to its camp until he was defeated in 1967, so its bet changed to Israel.

Most of Israel's weapons 67 years ago were English and French, and when Israel wanted to take the weapons from America in the sixties, they provided them with a loan at the outset and the US supported Egypt against the tripartite aggression, which Israel was part of.

So If the Jews were the ones ruling America, as most Middle Eastern political analysts support, it would have found American support for it from the first day of its founding and not after the war in 1967, as it happened.

On the other hand, you find opinions that explain the relationship between Israel and the West on populist foundations based on superficial, metaphysical religious dogmatism, like a sect, where these opinions neglect the historical, social, and economic interpretation of the political phenomenon as a basis for understanding it.

Thus, in order to understand the importance of Israel to the West, we must in fact determine “accurately the West’s various interests in the Middle East” and Israel’s role in achieving them. In order to understand this, we must know:

First: the internal economic situation of Western countries, their political, security and economic crises, their development plans and interests..Their transnational companies and the centers of power that influence their decision making and their future plans, such as the American sovereign funds, to know the political line of its lobbyists, which the United States has adopted and has driven its policies since the American War of Independence (1755-1783) until the present day.

Secondly: knowing the psychological makeup of these peoples, both their conscious and subconscious parts.. In order to know this, you must know their political, religious, and national history, the environment surrounding them, and their concerns, so that you can finally delve intellectually into their personality and imitate their way of thinking, so that in the end you can know their motives and anticipate their actions and their true trends, which are not made public, and of which the East is always the victim.

The strategic importance of Israel from a Western perspective!!

Does Israel rule the West or a functional state?

Firstly: Israel is waging the West’s battle to discipline the Middle East region that has deviated from their influence and has rejected their control over it throughout its history. Israel and its army also provide them with thousands of soldiers, dozens of battleships and hundreds of aircrafts to keep their children in their schools, universities, and factories in Europe and America, comfortable and stable.

Secondly: Israel creates a state of “positive anxiety or negative peace” in the region, spreading a state of fear among its neighbors, causing them to put their money in the safer banks of the West or invest it in European and American companies instead of investing it in their countries or the troubled countries of their neighbors (the Arabs’ money in the West is estimated at $6 trillion).

This prevailing state of fear and instability in the Middle East also prevents the investment of this money inside the Arab world in establishing companies that manufacture products and thus take away from the West’s share in the global market.

The West’s presence and implantation of the State of Israel among the Arabs also leads to directing their countries’ budgets to armament at the expense of scientific research, which leads to the migration of bright Arab minds to the West, which in turn contributes to increasing the state of intellectual and scientific desertification and decadence prevailing in the Middle East region, which is of course in the interest of immigration and also the supply of Western universities and its companies to use these minds to fill the terrible deficit that they suffer from in the field of researchers.

(The number of Middle Eastern scholars in Western countries is estimated to exceed 4 million who hold specialized doctorates)

Thirdly: the presence of Israel in the Middle East region leads to wars or the threat of wars, which puts Western military companies in a state of permanent export activity to this region, resulting in billions of annual profits for them that revitalizes their economies.

(3% of the US national product, close to a trillion dollars, comes from the US arms industry, most of which comes from the Middle East or based on its conflicts and America’s involvement in it).

Fourthly: the presence of a strong Israel - for the West - leads to it being used as a scarecrow against the Arab rulers to make them obedient to accept and implement the orders of the European and American masters.. and whoever refuses they unleash it on him.

Just as the US does not want to get involved in all the dirty conflicts of the Middle East directly, so as not to damage its international image further as a guardian of human rights and the freedom and dignity of peoples, it uses Israel as a front to implement this as an alternative and protects it politically in international institutions, consecutively.

Fifthly: the presence and support of Israel from the West leads to Arab and Jews being preoccupied with each other instead of being preoccupied with the Europeans, both of whom, i.e. Arabs and Jews, have historical problems with the colonial West. The West’s support for the Israeli presence in the Middle East also leads to the release of “negative energy and the spirit of revenge and vengeance” _that The Jews hold from Western persecution_ on the Arabs instead of remaining in Europe and taking revenge on its governments and peoples for what they did to them throughout history and most recently the Holocaust. This is the biggest undeclared German reason for their generous support for Israel and the Jewish presence in it.. Which saves Germany billions that would have been spent on security monitoring and political containment of them in the hope that they will forget what the Nazis committed against them, and that the Israelis’ preoccupation with the Arabs in the Middle East will save the Germans from this problem.

Sixth: There is a psychological reason lurking in the subconscious of Western people, which is that they established the state of America, Australia, Canada, and the white settler enclave in South Africa at the expense of exterminating millions of the inhabitants of these original countries. The West sees that Israel is an extension of this Western policy, and it sees in this Jewish settler colonialism itself and its history. But this time, it is being implemented in the Middle East, so the European citizen will tune in to the Israeli proposal subconsciously because of that, even if his external awareness realizes the error and injustice of this proposal.

Seventh: There are other cultural reasons that interact with the sixth reason - the psychological motivation - which is the religious motivation because the United States, or the Nation of God as they call it, was formed by the migration of devout Protestant Christians fleeing Catholic persecution and poverty, and it is known that the Anglican or Protestant Christian doctrine is close in its religious interpretations to Judaism and its prophecies of the end of the world are greater than other Christian sects. There are millions of Protestants in America, of which the Lutheran Baptist Church, with its 43 million American followers, represents the largest backer and supporter of Israel and the largest advocate of sending Jews to it, which creates sympathy in the subconscious of Western citizens in Protestant countries towards Israel, even if it does not appear directly..

Some might say that they are secular countries that have nothing to do with religion. I would say that this is true, up to an average level, but religion is part of the Western heritage and the collective consciousness of their people, inherited and hidden in their subconscious, and it pushes Western people to trends under its influence, even if they do not feel it.

An example of this is that countries with a Catholic and Orthodox background, such as Eastern Europe, the southern Mediterranean, and Latin America, where the mood of their people do not agree with the policies of their rulers for absolute support of Israel, in contrast to the Anglo-Saxon countries with a Protestant heritage, such as northwestern Europe and the US.

Whoever reads the book of the founder of Protestantism, Martin Luther, "Jesus is Jude", will understand this and will know..That the founder of Protestantism is the true founder of Zionism and the originator of its idea..

These are most of the reasons why the West supports Israel and that it is a pampered country for them. In short, Israel, the West benefits from it by providing trillions that are pumped annually into their economy because of its presence in this miserable region, in exchange for how many billion they give it and weapons without the presence of their youth manning them. So we are not surprised by Biden’s last words, “If Israel did not exist, we should have created it".. and with the statement of one of the leaders of the US army, “that Israel’s presence in the Middle East saves them the presence of 5 aircraft carriers.”

Stories of the guilt complex and that it is a democratic oasis, the talk of the media and the humanitarian masks that Western politicians wear to pass their pragmatic colonial agenda behind their support for Israel and to satisfy the Hebrew ideology with stories of Israel ruling the West and its people, But in reality it is nothing but a functional group that has been transformed into a functional state created by the Anglo-Saxons for achieving their goals, some of which were mentioned above.

Eighth: recent reason for America’s support for Israel is to make it a policeman guarding American interests in the Middle East with some Pro-US Arab regimes, to devote themselves to the Asian challenge represented by China.

It is known that the US has announced and planned that it will withdraw most of its forces from the Middle East in early 2025 for several reasons, including: that It has become the largest producer of crude oil in the world and has become almost self-sufficient in it. Consequently, the Gulf oil and gas from which the region was gaining its importance to America may have faded or lost the priority as before, and that sending its forces to Southeast Asia as an alternative to the Middle East has become an urgent necessity for the US.

Therefore, before the US leave this region - whose people were rebellious and untamed - and head most of its forces and bases to Asia, it had destroyed the Arab countries and regimes whose survival in their condition might have represented a threat to its interests, and because of which it might be forced to return militarily to the region again to regain its strength, so it removed them with direct military intervention, such as Iraq and Libya. And sometimes with revolutions and internal civil wars, as in Syria, Yemen, Sudan, and before them Somalia, so that only the Pro-US Arab regimes and Israel remain in this region.

The general lines of Western policy in the Middle East:

- A comfort zone is what the West is achieving, as its interests in this region revolve around seeking the inevitability of the presence of a permanent state of anxiety and a constant state of surveillance controlling this region, and this is exactly what Israel is doing for them in exchange for how many billions of dollars they give it...

- The European wants you as an Oriental:

Do not be completely ruined and bring refugees and terrorism to the EU; They do not want you to be in a state of complete security collapse that prevents the flow of energy to them or raises its price and cut off their trade lines. They do not want you to be completely ruined and your purchasing power destroyed and you are unable to buy their products, so their economy will be affected.

At the same time, They do not want you to be healthy, strong, and standing on your feet, so you can invest oil revenues and your human wealth in creating a renaissance that threatens them, especially when you are on their borders and embracing an expansionist Islamic ideology, waiting for an opportunity, as they believe, and if it is somewhat true, it is not in their interest to support your strength or development either.

Therefore, the Europeans intend to use Israel to create this state of anxiety to a certain extent... which is neither comprehensive wars nor complete peace.

Unlike the US, that does not care about refugees or terrorism, and is also self-sufficient energy-wise and exports as well.. It can provoke a mess and Israel is being the executor as a functional state for the Anglo-Saxon project in the countries of the East..

The evidence here is that there is a point of somewhat “conflict of interest” between the Europeans and the Americans regarding the level of conflict and anxiety that is supposed to be in the Middle East, which Israel is creating, and regional policy makers must take advantage of this distance.

To this day, the West still maintains enormous influence in all the countries of the MENA region, including countries that are completely far from the Arab-Israeli conflict, such as North African countries. We will also find that the Western conflict’s war was not limited only to the Middle Eastern countries, in fact we find that the matter was repeated in Africa and Asia. The question here is why the West does not have this retaliatory tendency there also, and on this basis, why did it not imitate the Zionist experience in other places?

And it is not only that.. Why should the West give up areas that are richer, larger, and have more resources than the Middle East?.. Like India and Southeast Asia, and how the West allowed colonies that were inhabited by the same white men, like Rhodesia and South Africa, to slip out from under its control.

The answer is simply because the middle East is on its borders and its strategic depth, any force of yours represents a direct threat to his, unlike Asia for example. It also looks to you, like North Africa, that you were part of the Holy Roman Empire, and you embraced another religion, destroyed its eastern part, and controlled it. You did not stop there, but continued your path to ruling Europe, which you began by controlling Spain for 800 years until the army of Fernando and Isabella expelled the Saracen Arabs, as they called them..

During the occupation..the Saracen Arabs of Spain did not stop continuing their quest to spread Islam in all of Europe until they were stopped by Charles Martel, who until now is considered a right-wing Western symbol!

When the Europeans stopped the Arab-Islamic threat from expanding in Europe by expelling them from Spain in 1492 to where they were before..there was another Asian people who embraced the same religion and threatened Europe again, but this time from the eastern side, and they occupied it in 1453 for more than four centuries. If they had not been defeated by the Austrians in 1529, all of Europe would have been occupied by them.

This is why a Middle Eastern person differ from an East Asian and Africa in the European view.. because he is on their borders and surrounding them from the east and south,
And also, according to his idea and according to reality, you embrace an expansionist religious thought that wants the world to be subjected under its banner, and it has a life model that contradicts the Western model, unlike the Asian model, for example, especially the Indian and African model, which is somewhat obedient and easy to contain compared to the unilateral Islamic one, according to their vision. And you also have a society in which 60% of it is young. If it is strengthened economically and culturally with military power and a prevailing Islamic tendency, it will represent a severe danger to them. Therefore, they developed against the middle east the concept of pre-emptive war, or as Bush said, “Let us take the battle to their country.”

As for South Africa, the extreme extremism of the whites has embarrassed the West from supporting them, but they are still in control of it and its resources,, For example, the whites in Zimbabwe until the end of the seventies controlled the best lands which Robert Mugabe redistributed.. and Look what they did to him him.

Not only did the West create Israel in the Middle East, but...The West repeated the model of settler colonialism and demographic change exploiting religious and ethnic differences in several areas in South Sudan, especially with the escalation of the threat of the Mahdist movement in Sudan and East Africa against British colonialism, so they brought in Tigrayan pagan tribes and others and placed them there to transform the conflict from Sudanese purely against English presence to Sudan, a Muslim, an Arab, or an Arabist, against others, which was embodied in the secession of southern Sudan with Western supremacy and with a Sudanese Islamist extremism as well.. And this was repeated in Djibouti..

It was repeated in Malaysia by bringing thousands of Indians and Chinese to it to destroy the Malay component, which now constitutes less than 60%, after it was 100% before British colonialism.

It was repeated religiously in eastern Indonesia, called East Timor, with Australian Anglo-Saxon support..

And also the displacement of whites and Indians to South Africa with the same idea..

The displacement of millions of Irish, Indian and African slaves to the Caribbean region, especially Jamaica... is something repeated, like a general Anglo-Saxon policy, and not specific only to Palestine.

This policy is also being implemented quietly in Europe with the support of the Americans and the English, by filling it with refugees of different religions and ethnicity and directing most of their waves to the Germanic countries. This is an Anglo-Saxon policy, one of whose goals is to destroy the national identity of these countries to prevent or make it difficult for the resurrection of a German nationalism that threatens Britain again.

So Playing with ethnicity and demographic change is a general Anglo-Saxon policy, not only in Palestine..

Do the Jews in Israel want peace?

Any human being wants to live in security, of course.. So, why do they reject the two-state solution and living with the Palestinians in peace?

For three reasons:

The first is psychological: It is that the Israelis start their dealings with the Arabs and their view of them from the standpoint of racial & intellectual superiority, and they see that the Palestinians and Arabs are a people inferior to them in gender and knowledge. Therefore, this superior view they have makes them psychologically incompetent to reach a just and equal peace with the Palestinians and Arabs in which both sides emerge as winners.

Secondly, an external political reason:

If Israel agreed to the Arabs’ proposal for a two-state solution and achieving comprehensive peace with the Palestinians, this would mean the end of its role with the West as their spearhead in the countries of the East, creating a state of positive tension or negative peace and anxiety that would make the Arabs’ rich wealth and brilliant minds migrate to the more stable and secure West. It also makes them, the Arabs, spend huge budgets to buy Western weapons for the sake of security and safety. As a result, the West’s coffers are refreshed with the money of these peoples.

If Israel achieves peace with the Arabs, this advantage that makes it important to the West will disappear, and in return it will cease to receive very generous financial, technological, security and political support or an important part of it..

Third: an internal political reason:

It is that Israeli society, despite what it declares itself to be a Jewish society from an ethnic and religious standpoint, is in fact a multi-ethnic and multi-sectarian society saturated with class and ethnic conflicts between the Sephardim and Ashkenazis with their groups and customs, between secular Jews and atheist Jews who constitute approximately 64% of the population of Israel, and Orthodox Haredi Jews who constitute with their diversity, approximately 21% of the population of Israel and Jews that live in the languages and customs of their country, even the third generation, such as Russian and Moroccan Jews, have made them unable to come up at the popular and official levels in Israel with an inclusive, comprehensive and non-controversial definition of Judaism, on which the idea of their state is based.. So how do they unite this dispersed society?! !

The answer is by following Bismarck's tactic of uniting society with the weapon of fear of the external enemy. The enemy in the Israeli case is the Palestinians in the first place, the Arabs in the second degree and the Islamic world in the third position. If Israel achieves peace with its neighbors and its citizens' fear of their surroundings dissipates, then the religious, sectarian and ethnic rifts in the Israeli society will begin to surface and the energy of the conflict will be directed to each other instead of the Arabs, as is happening now, which will lead in the end to the self-destruction of their society, and their politicians know this well, so they never want to achieve this comprehensive and just peace with this environment.
Multiple sources
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The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Dr. Munther Ishaq, President of the Evangelical Church in #Bethlehem: “The Bible was used as a weapon in the hands of the empire to justify expansion and colonization... Christian Zionism collected $1.4 billion from the 1970s until today from the evangelical churches of Israel... most of it goes to the settlements and the Israeli army.”



Senior Member
Dec 6, 2009
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Have a feeling this thing wont end well for the zionist jewish settlers. Going by how the crusades ultimately failed, although barbaric european settlers managed to torture and kill local people for a almost century, before the madness was stopped.
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Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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The benefit has to outweigh the cost to the USA, how do we measure that?

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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The benefit has to outweigh the cost to the USA, how do we measure that?
It was explained.. take your time to read the whole post..

This part:

"These are most of the reasons why the West supports Israel and that it is a pampered country for them. In short, Israel, The West benefits from it by providing Trillions that are pumped annually into their economy because of its presence in this miserable region, in exchange for how many billions they give it and weapons without the presence of their youth manning them. So we are not surprised by Biden’s last words, “If Israel did not exist, we should have created it".. and with the statement of one of the leaders of the US army, “that Israel’s presence in the Middle East saves them the presence of 5 aircraft carriers.”

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Is a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine possible?​



Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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The US-Israel relationship explained​

Thanks and you are right,on closer reading each major topic, theme and idea is touched upon, so it's very comprehensive even though each point raised are significant stand alone subjects.

My only addition is that understanding the role and general history of - Jewish people in European history is something not well understood - it is absolutely key and the essay alludes to it! (Luther).

To understand now everyone goes to Balfour, but what about how history got to Balfour, remember that the Jewish people and the Jewish identity was very deeply discriminated against for centuries. Therefore there must be a very significant and deep history of how the relationship between the jewish people to European people went from hostility to iron clad partnership. Why and for what reason?

What role did the protestants play! or the lutherans!

Anyway just a thought on the role of history!

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Why does the US support Israel? A geopolitical analysis with economist Michael Hudson​



Elite Member
Sep 8, 2009
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This brief essay is based on multiple sources about the multidimensional, deep, wide, rational and subjective at the same time, political game run with mathematical and psychological precision to dominate the Middle East by the West and its main tool _Israel_ to consolidate its dominance on the region.. but it does not stop there.. many far Eastern, Asian, south Asian and African, Muslims and non-Muslims alike will relate to the facts that follow..

Since the announcement of the establishment of the State of Israel on May 14 1948, the agreement and acceleration of the two arch-polar nations at that time, namely the Soviet Union and the United States, to recognize it in a successive and simultaneous manner, unusually, and with all the other Western European powers following them in recognition and support, made us ask ourselves the question: What is the great importance of Israel that makes all the major powers rush to support it, justify its crimes, and dilute them at best, despite their differences and conflict in everything?

Do the Jews rule the Western world as he claims, or does he support them only to get rid of them from his countries?

Did the influence that the Jews achieved in the West in the media and financially make them rule it and determine its policies, or is this influence left to them in America and the West because it serves the Western capitalist project and serves its Anglo-Saxon political project in the countries of the East as an extension of colonialism?

Despite the importance of finding a comprehensive answer to the above questions in understanding the lines of the relationship between Israel and the colonial powers in the hope of creating a distance of contradiction and conflict of interests between them that contribute to reducing Western support for this entity, unfortunately - until now no comprehensive, in-depth, non-populist answer that explains in numbers the importance of the existence of this state to the West was found..

Only superficial answers that revolve around the fact that the Jews rule the world and own it, as many Arab and other thinkers have mentioned through popular media, even though anyone who studies Western social economics knows that they, the Jews, do not own more than 3% of its wealth - if we consider that there are around 14 million Jews between Religious and Zionist..This is a percentage that does not entitle them to the complete control and obtaining all this generous and endless support from The US and the West.

Another example of the superficiality of this proposal is Russia, which has huge wealth and is the second most powerful military force.. Despite this, America did not hesitate to confiscate its money and besiege it when they deviated from its specified line, and Israel is not stronger than Russia by any means..to be spared all this when it deviates..

What removes this proposition that Israel rules the West and not the West ruling it and moving it in its favor as a “functional state” is that Israel before 1967 did not receive as much military and economic American support as it does now, since after 1967. where the USA was betting on bringing Abdel Nasser to its camp until he was defeated in 1967, so its bet changed to Israel.

Most of Israel's weapons 67 years ago were English and French, and when Israel wanted to take the weapons from America in the sixties, they provided them with a loan at the outset and the US supported Egypt against the tripartite aggression, which Israel was part of.

So If the Jews were the ones ruling America, as most Middle Eastern political analysts support, it would have found American support for it from the first day of its founding and not after the war in 1967, as it happened.

On the other hand, you find opinions that explain the relationship between Israel and the West on populist foundations based on superficial, metaphysical religious dogmatism, like a sect, where these opinions neglect the historical, social, and economic interpretation of the political phenomenon as a basis for understanding it.

Thus, in order to understand the importance of Israel to the West, we must in fact determine “accurately the West’s various interests in the Middle East” and Israel’s role in achieving them. In order to understand this, we must know:

First: the internal economic situation of Western countries, their political, security and economic crises, their development plans and interests..Their transnational companies and the centers of power that influence their decision making and their future plans, such as the American sovereign funds, to know the political line of its lobbyists, which the United States has adopted and has driven its policies since the American War of Independence (1755-1783) until the present day.

Secondly: knowing the psychological makeup of these peoples, both their conscious and subconscious parts.. In order to know this, you must know their political, religious, and national history, the environment surrounding them, and their concerns, so that you can finally delve intellectually into their personality and imitate their way of thinking, so that in the end you can know their motives and anticipate their actions and their true trends, which are not made public, and of which the East is always the victim.

The strategic importance of Israel from a Western perspective!!

Does Israel rule the West or a functional state?

Firstly: Israel is waging the West’s battle to discipline the Middle East region that has deviated from their influence and has rejected their control over it throughout its history. Israel and its army also provide them with thousands of soldiers, dozens of battleships and hundreds of aircrafts to keep their children in their schools, universities, and factories in Europe and America, comfortable and stable.

Secondly: Israel creates a state of “positive anxiety or negative peace” in the region, spreading a state of fear among its neighbors, causing them to put their money in the safer banks of the West or invest it in European and American companies instead of investing it in their countries or the troubled countries of their neighbors (the Arabs’ money in the West is estimated at $6 trillion).

This prevailing state of fear and instability in the Middle East also prevents the investment of this money inside the Arab world in establishing companies that manufacture products and thus take away from the West’s share in the global market.

The West’s presence and implantation of the State of Israel among the Arabs also leads to directing their countries’ budgets to armament at the expense of scientific research, which leads to the migration of bright Arab minds to the West, which in turn contributes to increasing the state of intellectual and scientific desertification and decadence prevailing in the Middle East region, which is of course in the interest of immigration and also the supply of Western universities and its companies to use these minds to fill the terrible deficit that they suffer from in the field of researchers.

(The number of Middle Eastern scholars in Western countries is estimated to exceed 4 million who hold specialized doctorates)

Thirdly: the presence of Israel in the Middle East region leads to wars or the threat of wars, which puts Western military companies in a state of permanent export activity to this region, resulting in billions of annual profits for them that revitalizes their economies.

(3% of the US national product, close to a trillion dollars, comes from the US arms industry, most of which comes from the Middle East or based on its conflicts and America’s involvement in it).

Fourthly: the presence of a strong Israel - for the West - leads to it being used as a scarecrow against the Arab rulers to make them obedient to accept and implement the orders of the European and American masters.. and whoever refuses they unleash it on him.

Just as the US does not want to get involved in all the dirty conflicts of the Middle East directly, so as not to damage its international image further as a guardian of human rights and the freedom and dignity of peoples, it uses Israel as a front to implement this as an alternative and protects it politically in international institutions, consecutively.

Fifthly: the presence and support of Israel from the West leads to Arab and Jews being preoccupied with each other instead of being preoccupied with the Europeans, both of whom, i.e. Arabs and Jews, have historical problems with the colonial West. The West’s support for the Israeli presence in the Middle East also leads to the release of “negative energy and the spirit of revenge and vengeance” _that The Jews hold from Western persecution_ on the Arabs instead of remaining in Europe and taking revenge on its governments and peoples for what they did to them throughout history and most recently the Holocaust. This is the biggest undeclared German reason for their generous support for Israel and the Jewish presence in it.. Which saves Germany billions that would have been spent on security monitoring and political containment of them in the hope that they will forget what the Nazis committed against them, and that the Israelis’ preoccupation with the Arabs in the Middle East will save the Germans from this problem.

Sixth: There is a psychological reason lurking in the subconscious of Western people, which is that they established the state of America, Australia, Canada, and the white settler enclave in South Africa at the expense of exterminating millions of the inhabitants of these original countries. The West sees that Israel is an extension of this Western policy, and it sees in this Jewish settler colonialism itself and its history. But this time, it is being implemented in the Middle East, so the European citizen will tune in to the Israeli proposal subconsciously because of that, even if his external awareness realizes the error and injustice of this proposal.

Seventh: There are other cultural reasons that interact with the sixth reason - the psychological motivation - which is the religious motivation because the United States, or the Nation of God as they call it, was formed by the migration of devout Protestant Christians fleeing Catholic persecution and poverty, and it is known that the Anglican or Protestant Christian doctrine is close in its religious interpretations to Judaism and its prophecies of the end of the world are greater than other Christian sects. There are millions of Protestants in America, of which the Lutheran Baptist Church, with its 43 million American followers, represents the largest backer and supporter of Israel and the largest advocate of sending Jews to it, which creates sympathy in the subconscious of Western citizens in Protestant countries towards Israel, even if it does not appear directly..

Some might say that they are secular countries that have nothing to do with religion. I would say that this is true, up to an average level, but religion is part of the Western heritage and the collective consciousness of their people, inherited and hidden in their subconscious, and it pushes Western people to trends under its influence, even if they do not feel it.

An example of this is that countries with a Catholic and Orthodox background, such as Eastern Europe, the southern Mediterranean, and Latin America, where the mood of their people do not agree with the policies of their rulers for absolute support of Israel, in contrast to the Anglo-Saxon countries with a Protestant heritage, such as northwestern Europe and the US.

Whoever reads the book of the founder of Protestantism, Martin Luther, "Jesus is Jude", will understand this and will know..That the founder of Protestantism is the true founder of Zionism and the originator of its idea..

These are most of the reasons why the West supports Israel and that it is a pampered country for them. In short, Israel, the West benefits from it by providing trillions that are pumped annually into their economy because of its presence in this miserable region, in exchange for how many billion they give it and weapons without the presence of their youth manning them. So we are not surprised by Biden’s last words, “If Israel did not exist, we should have created it".. and with the statement of one of the leaders of the US army, “that Israel’s presence in the Middle East saves them the presence of 5 aircraft carriers.”

Stories of the guilt complex and that it is a democratic oasis, the talk of the media and the humanitarian masks that Western politicians wear to pass their pragmatic colonial agenda behind their support for Israel and to satisfy the Hebrew ideology with stories of Israel ruling the West and its people, But in reality it is nothing but a functional group that has been transformed into a functional state created by the Anglo-Saxons for achieving their goals, some of which were mentioned above.

Eighth: recent reason for America’s support for Israel is to make it a policeman guarding American interests in the Middle East with some Pro-US Arab regimes, to devote themselves to the Asian challenge represented by China.

It is known that the US has announced and planned that it will withdraw most of its forces from the Middle East in early 2025 for several reasons, including: that It has become the largest producer of crude oil in the world and has become almost self-sufficient in it. Consequently, the Gulf oil and gas from which the region was gaining its importance to America may have faded or lost the priority as before, and that sending its forces to Southeast Asia as an alternative to the Middle East has become an urgent necessity for the US.

Therefore, before the US leave this region - whose people were rebellious and untamed - and head most of its forces and bases to Asia, it had destroyed the Arab countries and regimes whose survival in their condition might have represented a threat to its interests, and because of which it might be forced to return militarily to the region again to regain its strength, so it removed them with direct military intervention, such as Iraq and Libya. And sometimes with revolutions and internal civil wars, as in Syria, Yemen, Sudan, and before them Somalia, so that only the Pro-US Arab regimes and Israel remain in this region.

The general lines of Western policy in the Middle East:

- A comfort zone is what the West is achieving, as its interests in this region revolve around seeking the inevitability of the presence of a permanent state of anxiety and a constant state of surveillance controlling this region, and this is exactly what Israel is doing for them in exchange for how many billions of dollars they give it...

- The European wants you as an Oriental:

Do not be completely ruined and bring refugees and terrorism to the EU; They do not want you to be in a state of complete security collapse that prevents the flow of energy to them or raises its price and cut off their trade lines. They do not want you to be completely ruined and your purchasing power destroyed and you are unable to buy their products, so their economy will be affected.

At the same time, They do not want you to be healthy, strong, and standing on your feet, so you can invest oil revenues and your human wealth in creating a renaissance that threatens them, especially when you are on their borders and embracing an expansionist Islamic ideology, waiting for an opportunity, as they believe, and if it is somewhat true, it is not in their interest to support your strength or development either.

Therefore, the Europeans intend to use Israel to create this state of anxiety to a certain extent... which is neither comprehensive wars nor complete peace.

Unlike the US, that does not care about refugees or terrorism, and is also self-sufficient energy-wise and exports as well.. It can provoke a mess and Israel is being the executor as a functional state for the Anglo-Saxon project in the countries of the East..

The evidence here is that there is a point of somewhat “conflict of interest” between the Europeans and the Americans regarding the level of conflict and anxiety that is supposed to be in the Middle East, which Israel is creating, and regional policy makers must take advantage of this distance.

To this day, the West still maintains enormous influence in all the countries of the MENA region, including countries that are completely far from the Arab-Israeli conflict, such as North African countries. We will also find that the Western conflict’s war was not limited only to the Middle Eastern countries, in fact we find that the matter was repeated in Africa and Asia. The question here is why the West does not have this retaliatory tendency there also, and on this basis, why did it not imitate the Zionist experience in other places?

And it is not only that.. Why should the West give up areas that are richer, larger, and have more resources than the Middle East?.. Like India and Southeast Asia, and how the West allowed colonies that were inhabited by the same white men, like Rhodesia and South Africa, to slip out from under its control.

The answer is simply because the middle East is on its borders and its strategic depth, any force of yours represents a direct threat to his, unlike Asia for example. It also looks to you, like North Africa, that you were part of the Holy Roman Empire, and you embraced another religion, destroyed its eastern part, and controlled it. You did not stop there, but continued your path to ruling Europe, which you began by controlling Spain for 800 years until the army of Fernando and Isabella expelled the Saracen Arabs, as they called them..

During the occupation..the Saracen Arabs of Spain did not stop continuing their quest to spread Islam in all of Europe until they were stopped by Charles Martel, who until now is considered a right-wing Western symbol!

When the Europeans stopped the Arab-Islamic threat from expanding in Europe by expelling them from Spain in 1492 to where they were before..there was another Asian people who embraced the same religion and threatened Europe again, but this time from the eastern side, and they occupied it in 1453 for more than four centuries. If they had not been defeated by the Austrians in 1529, all of Europe would have been occupied by them.

This is why a Middle Eastern person differ from an East Asian and Africa in the European view.. because he is on their borders and surrounding them from the east and south,
And also, according to his idea and according to reality, you embrace an expansionist religious thought that wants the world to be subjected under its banner, and it has a life model that contradicts the Western model, unlike the Asian model, for example, especially the Indian and African model, which is somewhat obedient and easy to contain compared to the unilateral Islamic one, according to their vision. And you also have a society in which 60% of it is young. If it is strengthened economically and culturally with military power and a prevailing Islamic tendency, it will represent a severe danger to them. Therefore, they developed against the middle east the concept of pre-emptive war, or as Bush said, “Let us take the battle to their country.”

As for South Africa, the extreme extremism of the whites has embarrassed the West from supporting them, but they are still in control of it and its resources,, For example, the whites in Zimbabwe until the end of the seventies controlled the best lands which Robert Mugabe redistributed.. and Look what they did to him him.

Not only did the West create Israel in the Middle East, but...The West repeated the model of settler colonialism and demographic change exploiting religious and ethnic differences in several areas in South Sudan, especially with the escalation of the threat of the Mahdist movement in Sudan and East Africa against British colonialism, so they brought in Tigrayan pagan tribes and others and placed them there to transform the conflict from Sudanese purely against English presence to Sudan, a Muslim, an Arab, or an Arabist, against others, which was embodied in the secession of southern Sudan with Western supremacy and with a Sudanese Islamist extremism as well.. And this was repeated in Djibouti..

It was repeated in Malaysia by bringing thousands of Indians and Chinese to it to destroy the Malay component, which now constitutes less than 60%, after it was 100% before British colonialism.

It was repeated religiously in eastern Indonesia, called East Timor, with Australian Anglo-Saxon support..

And also the displacement of whites and Indians to South Africa with the same idea..

The displacement of millions of Irish, Indian and African slaves to the Caribbean region, especially Jamaica... is something repeated, like a general Anglo-Saxon policy, and not specific only to Palestine.

This policy is also being implemented quietly in Europe with the support of the Americans and the English, by filling it with refugees of different religions and ethnicity and directing most of their waves to the Germanic countries. This is an Anglo-Saxon policy, one of whose goals is to destroy the national identity of these countries to prevent or make it difficult for the resurrection of a German nationalism that threatens Britain again.

So Playing with ethnicity and demographic change is a general Anglo-Saxon policy, not only in Palestine..

Do the Jews in Israel want peace?

Any human being wants to live in security, of course.. So, why do they reject the two-state solution and living with the Palestinians in peace?

For three reasons:

The first is psychological: It is that the Israelis start their dealings with the Arabs and their view of them from the standpoint of racial & intellectual superiority, and they see that the Palestinians and Arabs are a people inferior to them in gender and knowledge. Therefore, this superior view they have makes them psychologically incompetent to reach a just and equal peace with the Palestinians and Arabs in which both sides emerge as winners.

Secondly, an external political reason:

If Israel agreed to the Arabs’ proposal for a two-state solution and achieving comprehensive peace with the Palestinians, this would mean the end of its role with the West as their spearhead in the countries of the East, creating a state of positive tension or negative peace and anxiety that would make the Arabs’ rich wealth and brilliant minds migrate to the more stable and secure West. It also makes them, the Arabs, spend huge budgets to buy Western weapons for the sake of security and safety. As a result, the West’s coffers are refreshed with the money of these peoples.

If Israel achieves peace with the Arabs, this advantage that makes it important to the West will disappear, and in return it will cease to receive very generous financial, technological, security and political support or an important part of it..

Third: an internal political reason:

It is that Israeli society, despite what it declares itself to be a Jewish society from an ethnic and religious standpoint, is in fact a multi-ethnic and multi-sectarian society saturated with class and ethnic conflicts between the Sephardim and Ashkenazis with their groups and customs, between secular Jews and atheist Jews who constitute approximately 64% of the population of Israel, and Orthodox Haredi Jews who constitute with their diversity, approximately 21% of the population of Israel and Jews that live in the languages and customs of their country, even the third generation, such as Russian and Moroccan Jews, have made them unable to come up at the popular and official levels in Israel with an inclusive, comprehensive and non-controversial definition of Judaism, on which the idea of their state is based.. So how do they unite this dispersed society?! !

The answer is by following Bismarck's tactic of uniting society with the weapon of fear of the external enemy. The enemy in the Israeli case is the Palestinians in the first place, the Arabs in the second degree and the Islamic world in the third position. If Israel achieves peace with its neighbors and its citizens' fear of their surroundings dissipates, then the religious, sectarian and ethnic rifts in the Israeli society will begin to surface and the energy of the conflict will be directed to each other instead of the Arabs, as is happening now, which will lead in the end to the self-destruction of their society, and their politicians know this well, so they never want to achieve this comprehensive and just peace with this environment.

Nicely put together article very informative thank you
I don't quite understand the difference between protestant vs Catholics thing ...but still very informative article

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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True Nature Of Israel Revealed More and More Every Day

The Irgun | The Birth of Modern Terrorism (Greater Israel) - Stern Gang​



Elite Member
Dec 12, 2008
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SC, I like the title of the post, but IMO the concentration on Israel itself is misplaced.

Instead, it's necessary to go back further than 1948. It isn't just about the yearning of the Jews for returning to their ancient homeland; it's also about how Western countries sought to preserve and expand their power and wealth in the wake of the fall of the Ottoman Empire.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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SC, I like the title of the post, but IMO the concentration on Israel itself is misplaced.

Instead, it's necessary to go back further than 1948. It isn't just about the yearning of the Jews for returning to their ancient homeland; it's also about how Western countries sought to preserve and expand their power and wealth in the wake of the fall of the Ottoman Empire.
Well, Because Israel is willingly used as their tool.. its benefits a lot form it..up to its existence..

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Why does America support Israel?
Noam Chomsky


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