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The strategic importance of Israel from the perspective of the West

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Why did the United States present a draft resolution requiring a ceasefire in Gaza...?

From the details of the decision, we find that it fulfilled Hamas’ demands to some extent
This explains Hamas's quick response to welcome the decision...and what explains Israel's principled rejection of this decision

But wait, who proposed the decision..?

It's the United States..?

1- It is the same America that to this day still sends dozens of military shipments to Israel in order to continue the war

_ It is the same America that threatened the Court of Justice and Criminal Courts if it took any decision that harmed Israel

_ It is the same America that to this day still denies the occurrence of genocide and justifies Israel for all its crimes

2- That's why in order to understand what is going on around us
We must understand the secret behind America taking such a step

“Is America really serious with its decision...or is there something behind it?”

“In fact, if the United States was serious and wanted a ceasefire in Gaza, it would have imposed an arms embargo on Israel...and this war would have ended in less than a week.

3- So what prompted the United States to take steps like this...!
“Let me tell you an interesting piece of information: During the Bosnian war, Western countries imposed a blockade to prevent the delivery of weapons to Yugoslavia.

"Of course, the justification for this decision was so that weapons would not reach the Serbs who were committing genocides

4- But what they did not learn is that the Serbs did not even need weapons because they had seized all the weapons of the Yugoslav state.
Those who needed weapons were the Bosniaks, and since the conflict was never balanced... countries had to intervene to balance the conflict.

But those countries clashed with the land and air embargo on Yugoslavia

5- It was not even possible to drop weapons to the Bosniaks

Rather, French planes were hovering over the heads of the Serbian fighters
While they were bombing the Bosnians without her bombing them, she just watched
Even while the Serbs were committing the famous Srebrenica massacre
The peace forces at that time were observing the massacre without interference and without even shame

6- Do you know when NATO started intervening to stop the war?
Starting when the Bosniaks formed an army of approximately one hundred thousand and began to regain their lands little by little
Then NATO intervened and imposed the solution forcefully, to the point of bombing Belgrade as well

What happened after that was that America restricted the Balkans to an agreement that I have never seen more vile in history - the Dayton Agreement.

7- “Okay, why did this event from history come to my mind?

You remember that when the war began, Israel received great Western support

But now things are not going well

_Israeli leaders are tried in the criminal court
_ Israel as a state is tried in the court of justice
_ Countries announced their recognition of the State of Palestine for the first time

8- Countries have taken measures to impose sanctions on Israel..
Internally, the demonstrations do not stop
Gantz and Eisenkot withdrew from the government

Militarily, Al-Qassam changed its tactics and the war took a frightening turn
While God's war began to expand his attacks...the danger to Israel's national security actually increased

9- And Netanyahu even if he wanted to stop the war today, he cannot because of the threats from Ben Gvir and Smotrich, because if he does so, his government will fall and he will go to trial internally.

Perhaps the solution that America finds to save Netanyahu as a ruler and Israel as a state is to find an international justification to pressure the extreme right to agree to the American proposal.

10- As you know, the United States of America is heading towards elections, and the chance of Biden winning is very slim, and the most important file that he must resolve before entering the elections is the Gaza file.

“On the one hand, he is trying to please the Jewish lobby in America...and on the other hand, he is trying to please the voter of Arab and Muslim origins there.”

11- The solution lies in an American-Israeli agreement on a plan to buy time
How then.?
“Do you remember when Biden announced the ceasefire decision, he said that the decision had originally been approved by Israel?
Do you remember that during Blinken’s visit to Israel?
He spoke almost the same thing in front of Israeli officials..!

12- “Then why did the Netanyahu government publicly reject the decision?

Why was the Israeli ambassador to the United Nations not present yesterday during the resolution?.. Rather, the lowest representative of Israel in the Security Council attended and spoke Israeli propaganda and confirmed Israel’s rejection of this resolution and that it would not waste its time with truces.

13- You know that if Israel rejects the resolution, the Security Council must implement the resolution; By sending peacekeeping forces to Gaza..
A decision like this takes a long time which means that Biden may enter the elections before any decision is issued to send peacekeeping forces to Gaza
But at the same time, he will also show the Americans that he has taken strong steps to stop the war

14- On the other hand, it gave the Netanyahu government additional time to finish what it started
However, countries such as France and Britain could also intervene to obstruct the decision
“Okay, why were UN peacekeeping forces actually sent to Gaza?”
“You remember that Israel said it was ready to hand over the Rafah crossing, but it would not hand it over to Hamas

15- It even offered Arab countries to form peace forces and take over the crossing, but no one wanted to take this risk, especially since Hamas still maintains its forces.
That is, Israel originally wants peace forces to be present in Gaza after the war

But what does the United States want?

16- Do you remember all the analysis published during Blinken’s visit to Turkey and then to the countries of the region?
It showed the details that the United States project in Gaza...is a demilitarized Palestinian state similar to Kosovo and Turkish Cyprus.

17- The borders of this country would be protected by UN peace forces
Because Washington believes that this solution will contribute significantly to Israel's security..So will the grand deal that America is preparing, which is peace and comprehensive normalization between the Arab countries and Israel

18- Finally and in brief
The motives for the American decision in the Security Council are just an attempt to buy time in a very smart way on the part of the United States


Elite Member
Dec 12, 2008
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Well, Because Israel is willingly used as their tool.. its benefits a lot form it..up to its existence..
Not "willingly", it is more like a betrayal. You may want to read the 1943 book The Forgotten Ally by Pierre Von Passen for more details. (Can you get it in Canada? The British gov't banned it some decades back.) Update: substituted Kindle link for print edition.
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The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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(Shlomo Sand) Professor of History at the University (Tel Aviv) spoke in his book entitled “The Invention of the Jewish People” which surprised all Zionist circles, as it was very likely that the book would be banned. Here is a summary of what was stated in the book:

The book is a complete review of Jewish history as a critical presentation of traditional Jewish historical discourse in its various stages and trends.

Sand poses a series of questions that are forbidden in Israel that affect the main foundations of building the Zionist and Jewish narrative of history in general, and among these questions: Is it possible to talk about a Jewish “people” that existed and continued for thousands of years while many other peoples who were more numerous, more influential, more civilized, and more Stable and rooted in a specific area of geography?

How and why was the Torah transformed from a book of religious laws into a history book that narrates the emergence of the “Jewish nation,” knowing that no one knows precisely when the Torah was written? Who wrote it? What path did the Jews expelled from Egypt take?

Were the inhabitants of the “Kingdom of Judea” really exiled after the destruction of the Temple, or is this nothing more than a Christian myth that made its way into the Jewish heritage, which it later exploited for its own benefit?

If there was no exile, then where did the Jews of the world come from? Then what brings together culturally, ethnically, and genetically (in the civil sense) the Jews of “Marrakesh” and the Jews of “Kiev,” for example? If there is no cultural unity between the different Jewish groups, is there a “unity of blood”? Is it true that there is a “Jewish gene” as Zionism claims?

To answer these questions, Sand formulated his thesis, which says: The Jews have always formed important religious groups that have gained a foothold in various regions of the world and not exclusively in the land of Palestine, but they did not constitute a people (ethnos) of a single, unique origin that was then transferred through permanent displacement and exile. In Western Asia, North Africa, Eastern and Southern Europe, they settled in Spain.

Sand says that in 1970, there was a development in archeology under the influence of the Annales Historical School in France, and the social character of historical research assumed greater importance than the political character, and this transformation reached Israeli universities... Thus, the contradictions of the official narrative began to emerge, which undermines the established myths. Not only for the State of Israel, but for all of Jewish history.

The occupation of the land of Canaan and the extermination of its inhabitants, according to the Book of Joshua, which is considered the first massacre in human history, did not occur at all and is one of the myths that archeology has completely refuted.

☆ Likewise, the other Biblical narrative about the kingdom of David and Solomon, which is supposed to have lived in the tenth century. BC, which all Israeli historians consider to be the cornerstone of national memory, and the brightest and most influential stage in Jewish history, was also refuted by archaeological discoveries over seventy years on the land of Palestine, as the excavations that took place in 1970 until the present day and beyond in the vicinity of Al-Aqsa Mosque and underneath it have not been proven to have any trace of this imagined kingdom or of that alleged structure.

Sand says: “Jerusalem before the birth of Christ was only a small village that could not accommodate Solomon’s palace or accommodate his seven hundred wives and three hundred servants from his entourage.” Where is that great edifice whose existence in the city of Jerusalem has been unable to prove for decades by archaeological excavations using the latest devices, equipment, sensors and huge budgets?

Sand then concludes by saying that these central myths about an ancient and exceptional Jewish people faithfully served the emergence of the Jewish national idea and the Zionist project and provided justification for the settlement process in Palestine.

Sand says in his book that the Zionist historical narrative began to disintegrate at the end of the twentieth century in Israel itself and in the world and turned into mere literary myths separated from actual history by a deep gap that is impossible to bridge. These are the most important points that Sand mentioned in his book..

The overwhelming archaeological facts on the ground are that Israel was founded on a myth and historical lies created by global Zionism to occupy Palestine in order to implant a strange entity that possesses military power and serves the West.

We add to the above historical facts which can only be disputed by those who do not have a wise mind and sound logic and who do not know the methods of historical research and experience in refuting many of the myths and legends that are filled in the distorted Torah.

It is known that the land of historical Palestine is part of the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, which was settled by the Canaanites more than 4 thousands of years ago. , they came to the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, coming from the Arabian Peninsula, and mixed with the indigenous people of this Mediterranean coast.

As for the Prophet of God, Abraham, the Hebrew, and his family and sons after him, he migrated from the Shinar Plain in southern Iraq and settled in the Hebron region as a Bedouin tribe for a short period of time, then they moved to Egypt during the period of the rule of the Bedouin shepherd kings of northern Egypt, and the Pharaohs called them (Hyksos). Then they left Egypt under the leadership of the Prophet of God Moses to Sinai and did not enter the land of Palestine until forty years later at the hands of Joshua bin Nun and in the successive migration of the Hebrew clan of Abraham from Iraq to Palestine and from Palestine to Egypt and then from Egypt to Palestine.

The land of Palestine was not devoid of its Canaanite, Moabite, and Jebusite inhabitants. Rather, the entry of the Hebrews, led by Joshua bin Nun, was through the invasion and occupation of part of the land of Palestine, not all of Palestine, and the ancient history of the Middle East region, through documents and antiquities, and even from throughout the biblical narratives, it is clearly shown that the Hebrews were a nomadic, mobile tribe throughout ancient history, and they did not settle on the land of Palestine except for short, sporadic, and distant periods, while the land of Palestine remained full of its people, who trace their origins to the Canaanites, Moabites, Jebusites, and others who settled on the land of Palestine from the arriving Philistine tribes from the islands of the Mediterranean and the Arabs coming to it from the Arabian Peninsula before Islam, as well as after its emergence and spread in what is known today as the Arab world, and in its heart, including Palestine.


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Palestine never asked for or deserved any of this!
I stand proudly with Palestine


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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A brief view of the Palestinian suffering under Israeli occupation. One of the reasons for October 7 attack


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Palestine was and still is the center of the earth, and it has been occupied countless times over the past centuries. Every time, the occupation was destroyed and Palestine remained..


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