Trump: I Will Regain Control of Bagram Air Base

Asfandyar Bhittani

Think Tank Analyst
Jan 2, 2017
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Former US President and current presidential candidate Donald Trump once again addressed the US withdrawal from Afghanistan during a speech to his supporters, stating that if he wins the upcoming election, he will regain control of Bagram Air Base.

Trump linked America's presence in Afghanistan to its proximity to China, highlighting that Afghanistan's location near China makes it important for the US. According to the Republican Party candidate, losing Bagram Air Base was an irreparable loss for the United States.

Speaking to his supporters, Trump said: “You take a look at the kind of things that we've given up, uh, we should be, we should have that air base we should have that oil, we should have, we would have had a whole different country, but to give up ... to give up the biggest airbase military airbase in the world, and they left it — behind but we would have been, we would have been, we would have been a much different country right now but we're going to get it back and I promise you we're going to get it back.”

In another part of his speech, Trump mentioned that if he had been the US president, he would not have abandoned Bagram Airbase.

The former US president and Republican Party candidate added: "We wanted to keep this base because of China, not because of Afghanistan. It was only an hour away from China's nuclear facilities. We lost all of that. The withdrawal process was also shameful."

Although the Islamic Emirate has not commented on Donald Trump's remarks, its officials have repeatedly stressed that they will not allow any country to maintain a military presence in Afghanistan.
Former US President and current presidential candidate Donald Trump once again addressed the US withdrawal from Afghanistan during a speech to his supporters, stating that if he wins the upcoming election, he will regain control of Bagram Air Base.

Trump linked America's presence in Afghanistan to its proximity to China, highlighting that Afghanistan's location near China makes it important for the US. According to the Republican Party candidate, losing Bagram Air Base was an irreparable loss for the United States.

Speaking to his supporters, Trump said: “You take a look at the kind of things that we've given up, uh, we should be, we should have that air base we should have that oil, we should have, we would have had a whole different country, but to give up ... to give up the biggest airbase military airbase in the world, and they left it — behind but we would have been, we would have been, we would have been a much different country right now but we're going to get it back and I promise you we're going to get it back.”

In another part of his speech, Trump mentioned that if he had been the US president, he would not have abandoned Bagram Airbase.

The former US president and Republican Party candidate added: "We wanted to keep this base because of China, not because of Afghanistan. It was only an hour away from China's nuclear facilities. We lost all of that. The withdrawal process was also shameful."

Although the Islamic Emirate has not commented on Donald Trump's remarks, its officials have repeatedly stressed that they will not allow any country to maintain a military presence in Afghanistan.
I cannot wait for this. 😁

I will support Trump all the way.
Trump will need assistance soon with a walker to be able to use the toilet unassisted, and a raised potty seat. Here he wanna conquer Bagram again?

The US has gone to hell bhai. There is no hope left now.
@HeratKabul any thoughts on this my G?
It's american election time so politicians can say whatever they want.

In any case, US can pay us some billions if it wants to use Bagram against China.

China can pay us some more billions, if it wants to keep US out of Bagram.

Best case scenario, both can pay us billions, as we play them against each other.
It's american election time so politicians can say whatever they want.

In any case, US can pay us some billions if it wants to use Bagram against China.

China can pay us some more billions, if it wants to keep US out of Bagram.

Best case scenario, both can pay us billions, as we play them against each other.
Yeah, because Playing super powers against each other in your own territory played out very well for Afghanistan back during sardar Daud'w era 😬. There were no consequences.
Trump will need assistance soon with a walker to be able to use the toilet unassisted, and a raised potty seat. Here he wanna conquer Bagram again?

The US has gone to hell bhai. There is no hope left now.
It took the US mere weeks to remove the Taliban back in 2001. Removing them from one valley and installing a NRF Tajik to govern the valley while they sit in an airbase is walk in the park. The main roadblock for this plan isn't the Taliban or afghans but American political system who might or might not be on board.
Looks like Afghans are back on the menu boys 😉
Iran will entrap them like a bunch of ‘Cuntt-tontment’ residing ‘gashtian’ again and abuse them like they doing in da Sy-Raaq.

This is not goin go anywhere. You know it.

He’s just venting to the right wingers who are hurt at the loss in Kabul. Ego is hurt so he is just talkin it up.

One more year down da road he’d need assistance to use the toilet.


I just want the US to fukk up though……this is what we all want.

They got no respect for us or our country. Always keep that in mind.
Iran will entrap them like a bunch of ‘Cuntt-tontment’ residing ‘gashtian’ again and abuse them like they doing in da Sy-Raaq.
Iran itself is entrapped right now bro, I am a big admirer of that state but they are too weak and compromised.
They got no respect for us or our country. Always keep that in mind.
I know and for that, we are at fault, our country is still a colonial outpost bro.

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