'Turn Out Warships Like Sausages': China Has the Largest Navy on Earth

China is very close to the Usa, they are only lacking in a deadly stealth nuclear submarine, aircraft carriers, and navy aviation, I believe soon this will be solved, they have newer submarines on the way, aircraft carriers being build and j35s nearly ready. Frigates and destroyers are already battle ready.
True. That's why I believe that equalization will still take about 15 years.
Your ship building capacity means nothing when it’s destroyed. USN shipyards are practically safe from Chinese attack. Chinas? No🤣
And US mainland will be hit too in that case.
How original !

60 some years ago a guy called Gorbachev said the same thing, those sausages didn't turn out so good for his country in the end, seems the perennial copycats can just copy and cannot learn lessons.

Please do keep up with the sausage fetish like your ex-masters!
What a foolish statement, Gorbachev was nobody sixty years ago, know your history, he didn't BS like that, lol. The only desperate wannabe of West copycats are Indians, but losers can't even do that.
What a foolish statement, Gorbachev was nobody sixty years ago, know your history, he didn't BS like that, lol. The only desperate wannabe of West copycats are Indians, but losers can't even do that.
Ahh finally, here we find one rare Chinese educated outside of CCP system who knows the difference between Gorbachev and Khrushchev,your comrade @Beijingwalker couldn't figure that out and was proving a good laughing cretin

Ahh finally, here we find one rare Chinese educated outside of CCP system who knows the difference between Gorbachev and Khrushchev,your comrade @Beijingwalker couldn't figure that out and was proving a good laughing cretin

Lol, still have the face to brag eh, no matter how silly you were.
Lol, still have the face to brag eh, no matter how silly you were.
Nah, only one bragging about warships like sausages are the white worshipping comrades, little do they know they use 60 year old words of white men publicly.

Nah, only one bragging about warships like sausages are the white worshipping comrades, little do they know they use 60 year old words of white men publicly.

Only shameful are you Indians, lie right under your teeth and proud of it. Lol, the title of the article is from US publication.

Rhetoric fights are boring and inconclusive. PLAN did even protect Chinese ships passing through Red Sea. That says it all.
Lmao all the author talks about is why china not participating in the US failed coalition venture against the houthis. China doesn't owe the US anything and why should china participates in America war against the houthis. 🤣 Waste of time and resources. If the US wants, china can send aid to the houthis via Iran with anti ship cruise and ballistic missiles even hypersonic lol
Lmao all they talk about is why china not participating in the US failed coalition venture against the houthis.
Chinese strategy is to let others protect its ships in dangerous environment? So what is the purpose of creating such a large navy? These are the opportunities to show your capability on a limited level if not more.

The US is rather stupid to do all that for others.
If China will not protect its ships in a dangerous environment, who will? These are the opportunities to show your capability on a limited level if not more.

The US is rather stupid to do all that for others.
Let the Americans do that lol china only participate in anti piracy operation in the Gulf of Aden. The PLA(N) have clear capability to make a difference in the Red Sea, in particular, a standing patrol of three warships in the Gulf of Aden just beyond the strategically vital southern entrance to the Red Sea, the Bab-al-Mandeb strait. Locally, the Chinese are better set-up than Western navies, having opened a substantial military base in Djibouti in 2017.

China rebuffed an invitation to participate in the US-led Operation Prosperity Guardian. This was despite China having been a nominal part of international anti-piracy operations in the Indian Ocean since 2008. There is regional precedent for competing maritime security frameworks: the Strait of Hormuz is patrolled by both the UK/US-led International Maritime Security Construct and the European Union’s Maritime Awareness in the Strait of Hormuz mission. The EU launched its own Red Sea mission, Operation Aspides, on 20 February 2024.
The author is just mad that China not following the US orders. I say let em cry.
How is it going for the coalition forces????? 🤣 🤣
Let the Americans do that lol china only participate in anti piracy operation in the Gulf of Aden. The PLA(N) have clear capability to make a difference in the Red Sea, in particular, a standing patrol of three warships in the Gulf of Aden just beyond the strategically vital southern entrance to the Red Sea, the Bab-al-Mandeb strait. Locally, the Chinese are better set-up than Western navies, having opened a substantial military base in Djibouti in 2017.

China rebuffed an invitation to participate in the US-led Operation Prosperity Guardian. This was despite China having been a nominal part of international anti-piracy operations in the Indian Ocean since 2008. There is regional precedent for competing maritime security frameworks: the Strait of Hormuz is patrolled by both the UK/US-led International Maritime Security Construct and the European Union’s Maritime Awareness in the Strait of Hormuz mission. The EU launched its own Red Sea mission, Operation Aspides, on 20 February 2024.
The author is just mad that China not following the US orders. I say let em cry.
How is it going for the coalition forces????? 🤣 🤣
Mate, all I see are "claims of superiority" for the Chinese side. Refer back to the article that I shared in post # 101. It points out everything that is worth saying on this topic.

American warships have shot down drones, cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and more in Red Sea. They have demonstrated their capability on a technical level and also operational vigilence. This is the difference.

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