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U-214/S-80 vs Hangor

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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True, still doe not stop this happening on a frequent basis if only IN was as brave as your forum posts hey?

well thats what your fed just like your shaheens defeted so called USSR when it was in fact combined might of USA & NATO and there financial and media ecosytem which crumbelled the soviets from within just like they are trying there level best with Russia against Ukraine but failing ... but sure sure you can dream ... lagge rao ;) :p


Full Member
Jan 3, 2024
well thats what your fed just like your shaheens defeted so called USSR when it was in fact combined might of USA & NATO and there financial and media ecosytem which crumbelled the soviets from within just like they are trying there level best with Russia against Ukraine but failing ... but sure sure you can dream ... lagge rao ;) :p

Unsure what that has to do with PN detecting IN Scorpenes 2 times but this seems to be your MO when I am showing you up constantly


Senior Member
Feb 8, 2009
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but thats till your detected by P8I or Romeo Class Sub Hnters of Indian Navy besides that there are more than dozen points where there are underwater fixed sonars called "fish hooks" at all critical points after lessons learned over the years

cause we are just next door and dont need owr subs to be submerged for way too long as evenIAFs land based fighter or drones from Rajasthan to Gujrat /Maharashtra can destroy entire shipping on pakistani cost line

while owr subs andaircraft carriers are for the eastern wind /bay of bengal and Indian ocean they are not for Pakistan or Pakistani navy as you dont need a sabre where you can do it with a knife ;) :p
Interesting ! then the point of the subs is to go close to east coast and target assets there.

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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Unsure what that has to do with PN detecting IN Scorpenes 2 times but this seems to be your MO when I am showing you up constantly
but problem is those you detected were not scorpene subs at all but sure yu can dream no harm in that ;) :p

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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Interesting ! then the point of the subs is to go close to east coast and target assets there.
well when they got there was 53 years ago when you had full support of USA and india had not even close technology that you had but still you guys lost that sub and that too without it getting the job it was send to do ;) :p


Senior Member
Feb 8, 2009
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well when they got there was 53 years ago when you had full support of USA and india had not even close technology that you had but still you guys lost that sub and that too without it getting the job it was send to do ;) :p

This is a very flawed logic. tech has improved and also Pakistan is quite self reliant in terms of tech..


May 24, 2024
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There are advantages and disadvantages whether you use the MESMA approach, Fuel Cell or Stirling. Every system has its own drawbacks. But Pakistan has an active AIP powered submarines for a long time and as of today, India has no active AIP. Pakistani submarines thus enjoy definitive advantages because they can maintain stealth and remain submerged for considerably longer periods than their Indian counterparts.
I fully agree.
The main problem with the indians is that they are late to choose. Probably because of a cahotic bureaucraty.

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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Yes, was confirmed, and we even forced them to surface and took videos, will take that evidence over your rants any day
well strange hwo could you do that i dont understand as all subs have there very own secure communication appratus and no enemy specially here you as per your reports dtetcted them by your Nimrod sub hunters but contacted wia what kind of LINK or shot at them by some kind of depth charges or rockets ..... or you mean to say your air asset shot at owr subs that were on routine patrol as per your navy and that too at edge of international waters much closer for comfort to your naval assets

isnt that a act of war and devclaration of war in itslef and against the international maratime norms ?????

no wonder why and how no one trusts your goverment but ok you can dream and belive in whatever you feel like ;) :p


Full Member
Jan 3, 2024
well strange hwo could you do that i dont understand as all subs have there very own secure communication appratus and no enemy specially here you as per your reports dtetcted them by your Nimrod sub hunters but contacted wia what kind of LINK or shot at them by some kind of depth charges or rockets ..... or you mean to say your air asset shot at owr subs that were on routine patrol as per your navy and that too at edge of international waters much closer for comfort to your naval assets

isnt that a act of war and devclaration of war in itslef and against the international maratime norms ?????

no wonder why and how no one trusts your goverment but ok you can dream and belive in whatever you feel like ;) :p

This post makes little send and seems to be just ranting, I am not sure what it means, pretty sure you do not even realise the point you are trying to make. such ranting does any real argument or debate you participate in a real disservice....

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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This post makes little send and seems to be just ranting, I am not sure what it means, pretty sure you do not even realise the point you are trying to make. such ranting does any real argument or debate you participate in a real disservice....
well in short

your ISPR fed media is misleading your nation as Pakistan is the only nation that advertises the critical and confidential naval missions or give them to media

thats dose not stops there your the only nation that even parades POWs on camera and baosts about how you mistreated them but want all kinds of human rights and prvilages when yours get caught up in simillar situations ;) :p

so point is owr sub was strolling in international waters close to your maratime boundries where your sub hunting planes snapped them from far and posted it on media that they have made you resurface and all your nation is dancing for couple of years over it ... but those in your own navy or those in any navy or such background are laughing at your nation and people in charge .... no wonder your nation is in a state where it finds itself ... lagge raho ;) :p


Full Member
Jan 3, 2024
well in short

your ISPR fed media is misleading your nation as Pakistan is the only nation that advertises the critical and confidential naval missions or give them to media

thats dose not stops there your the only nation that even parades POWs on camera and baosts about how you mistreated them but want all kinds of human rights and prvilages when yours get caught up in simillar situations ;) :p

so point is owr sub was strolling in international waters close to your maratime boundries where your sub hunting planes snapped them from far and posted it on media that they have made you resurface and all your nation is dancing for couple of years over it ... but those in your own navy or those in any navy or such background are laughing at your nation and people in charge .... no wonder your nation is in a state where it finds itself ... lagge raho ;) :p

Sure, will take their word over some Indian guy on the internet any day. Thanks

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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Sure, will take their word over some Indian guy on the internet any day. Thanks
well for last 76 years you have been doing that and without doing any critical annalusis and asking them questions about what and why and how things went wrong and look at your nation, society and so called ZINDA QUOM as a whole today in a funny yet misrable situation to say the least ;) :p

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