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U.S. airmen try to quit military over U.S. support of Israel in Gaza war

Davey Crockett

Full Member
Dec 17, 2023
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Which country imported the most slaves?

The British and Portuguese account for seven out of every ten transatlantic slaving voyages and carried nearly three quarters of all people embarking from Africa destined for slavery (Eltis et al 2001).

Davey Crockett

Full Member
Dec 17, 2023
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Here are some estimates of the number of African slaves transported to different countries during the Atlantic Slave Trade (1526–1867):
  • Portugal and Brazil: 5,099,815
  • Britain: 2,733,324
  • France: 1,164,967
  • Spain and Uruguay: 884,922
  • Netherlands: 475,240
  • United States: 252,652
  • Denmark and the Baltics: 91,733

Davey Crockett

Full Member
Dec 17, 2023
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Well slave ships ended in the US ~1800 but persisted in other areas until the 1850s so sure it is possible with the end of the slave ships to the US they turned to South America and the islands
Two percent of the entire African slave trade went to the United States.

The biggest offenders are Britain (who America fought two wars against), Portugal, and Brazil.

Let's talk about them.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2020

That is why the Kuffar have changed their game plan---. They are killing more muslims like never before and without any prejudice---.

You are another illiterate pakistani---. World wars 1 and 2---. The 100 year war prior to that-. History is filled up of wars of the "kuffars"---.

You would only know if you learnt to read---.


Americans killed 56 million native americans without a hiccup---.

They then killed over a 100 million Bisons to starve the remaining natives to death---.

They obliterated the japanese with nucs---they decimated the germans in ww2---.

Your wish is going to come true sooner than later---.

You pakistanis have big mouths---.
Alhamdulillah my Emaan is strong. Not everyone fears death like you. The gains Muslims made till today was possible because of the immense sacrifices Muslims gave. Muslims didn’t shy away from martyrdom and they were able to defeat the Romans and the Persians. Our enemies have fought lots of wars but our emaan is our strongest weapon. Ofc someone like you wouldn’t understand. You can be as literate as you want with a small mouth but you need strong emaan to understand what I’m saying. If the early Muslims had people like you the Muslim empires wouldn’t have made it out of Arabia.

Hamartia Antidote

Elite Member
Nov 17, 2013
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Two percent of the entire African slave trade went to the United States.

The biggest offenders are Britain (who America fought two wars against), Portugal, and Brazil.

Let's talk about them.

Well now that I look at those numbers it isn't clear how many of those "British" slaves were sent to North America while we were still under British rule. The Caribbean can only hold so much...

Hmm..time to start counting

Well this famous guy who also points to the database says only 388,000 to North America (which theoretically could include the Caribbean islands)
And how many of these 10.7 million Africans were shipped directly to North America? Only about 388,000. That’s right: a tiny percentage.

So not sure where Britain was sending them.
Last edited:


Think Tank
Dec 26, 2005
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Alhamdulillah my Emaan is strong. Not everyone fears death like you. The gains Muslims made till today was possible because of the immense sacrifices Muslims gave. Muslims didn’t shy away from martyrdom and they were able to defeat the Romans and the Persians. Our enemies have fought lots of wars but our emaan is our strongest weapon. Ofc someone like you wouldn’t understand. You can be as literate as you want with a small mouth but you need strong emaan to understand what I’m saying. If the early Muslims had people like you the Muslim empires wouldn’t have made it out of Arabia.

Stop talking stupid----.

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