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UAE armed forces

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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It is also called the little Sparta

UAE Military Strength 2019 | United Arab Emirates Armed Forces​


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Chinese media: If the US is not ready to supply F-35 fighters to the UAE, China could agree on the supply of J-20​

February 28 2021

The military-thematic section of the Chinese portal Sina indicates problems with the supply of fifth-generation F-35 fighters to the UAE. Chinese authors point out that these problems were confirmed during the arms exhibition held in Abu Dhabi, where they never signed the previously announced contract for the acquisition of American fighters for the United Arab Emirates Air Force.

It was noted that the United States "probably takes into account the concerns of Israel, which does not want its Arab neighbors in the region to have the latest military equipment." It is also noted that "China could take advantage of the situation to its advantage."


From material in Sina Military:

If anyone suspected that after the Biden administration suspended large-scale sales weapons in the UAE, relations between the United States and the United Arab Emirates turned into a difficult format, then the actual absence of the United States at the defense exhibition in Abu Dhabi undoubtedly proves this speculation. If the United States is not ready to supply F-35 fighters to the UAE, then China could agree on the supply of its J-20s.

The Chinese press notes that from the United States in Abu Dhabi there were “only the commander fleet Central Command and Deputy Commander of the Air Force ". But, allegedly, no meaningful negotiations were held on the supply of the F-35.


The United States sent a signal to the Gulf countries that they cannot be considered permanent allies. They themselves revise deals, canceling their own decisions without much explanation. The Middle East will clearly take this signal into account and understand that there are more reliable partners in the world.

Recall that earlier negotiations on the supply of F-35 fighters to the UAE were conducted by the Trump administration, including in the format of the "big Middle East deal."


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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UAE: Joint Operations Commander discusses military cooperation with China

BEIJING, 23rd April, 2024

The visit began with a meeting with General Chang Dingqiu, Commander of the Air Force of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, at the Chinese Ministry of Defence in Beijing today.

During the meeting, a number of topics related to areas of joint military cooperation between the two countries and ways to support and develop them were discussed.


The meeting was attended by a number of senior officers and officials of the Ministry of Defense of the two countries.


It is interesting to note the appearance of the Chinese J-20A fighter..


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Delivery of “Whirlwind” cars to the United Arab Emirates at the end of April

The company "Technical Overhaul Bratunac", the manufacturer of modern combat vehicles equipped with "vihor", which was produced in Bratunac in #Bosnia and Herzegovina, confirmed that it will be delivered to the #United Arab Emirates at the end of April.

Slaven Ristic, majority owner of Technical Overhaul Bratunac, said that two "Vihor" combat vehicles will be delivered to the UAE on April 29 and 30, and that planes from this Arab country will come to #Banjaluka Airport to receive them.

These combat vehicles were demonstrated in September last year at the Belgrade exhibition of arms and military equipment “Shrek 2023” and were subsequently introduced to the international market.

50 vehicles of this type of combat vehicle are manufactured annually, and the value of the vehicle called “The Whirlwind” is more than 500,000 euros.

The UAE purchased combat vehicles from Bosnia and Herzegovina

Technical Remont Bratunac (TRB) will deliver the first two modern Vihor combat vehicles to the #UAE at the end of January as the first stage of the purchase of dozens of vehicles.

The combat vehicle "Vehor" is considered easy for tactical vehicles, the market price of which, depending on the equipment, is about 500 thousand euros.

Company owner Slavenko Ristic said: Our production capacity is 50 vehicles per year, so our production will be complete in the next four years. The UAE Army is serious and we are happy that they decided to buy our vehicles.

These vehicles have been in the testing phase for about a year at the Special Anti-Terrorism Unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Republika Srpska, where they have passed all tests.

The UAE has bought 200 "Vihor" vehicles..With ToT..




The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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According to the National Interest Website:
China's J-20 Stealth Fighter Could Soon Be Headed to the Middle East



Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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Ya akhy,I gotta ask. How much is the percentage of indigenous Emirati Arabs in their Armed Forces? Do you know? I've been wondering about it.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Ya akhy,I gotta ask. How much is the percentage of indigenous Emirati Arabs in their Armed Forces? Do you know? I've been wondering about it.
It depends..it varies according to the systems they buy.. if they don't buy the whole company..They do JVs mostly..


Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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It depends..it varies according to the systems they buy.. if they don't buy the whole company..They do JVs mostly..
No,I mean the people,the soldiers. The personnel.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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No,I mean the people,the soldiers. The personnel.
To be in the UAE armed forces you need to have the citizenship first..so most are born there, they can be Arabs or else..They are considered Imarati..and if you ask about imaratis with ancestries the are around 70% now..

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Really bro?
Why you disgracing the name of The Great Sparta.
Sparta was Sparta not because of Equipment they had
It's the warrior spirit something that UAE have never ever ever even seen a shadow of that..
If there was one of the most coward army on the planet....
It would be UAE showpiece army....
Bet you some Admiral General Marshall of little African nation can take UAE on and still win...
Saudi Vs Yemen
Is a test case....
In Desi words... A rebel of phattu's with shiny toy...
Like a monkey flying a plane... 😂
Whole UAE stand still and starts to tremble if 2 Jews of Israel show up in UAE with message 😂 😂 😂
Phat jati hai Sheikh ki and he runs to West for vacation
GAZA is real Sparta of history....was there when temple was built and still stands today defying prophet killing Jews...Fighting and take them on..
GAZA is Sparta
And in today scenario GAZA and Hamas are 300 from movie 300
Gave Israel nothing and took from Israel EVERY THING......
"Little Sparta", is a nickname that was given by former United States Marine Corps General and Secretary of Defense James Mattis, due to their active and effective military role and power projection in the surrounding region compared to their relative size.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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On the 48th anniversary of the unification of the armed forces, we extend our highest congratulations and blessings to our wise leadership, our valiant forces, and to all the people of the Emirates, proud of their sacrifices and heroism, which were the fortress of the nation, the foundation of its unity, and its impenetrable fence.



Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Chinese media: If the US is not ready to supply F-35 fighters to the UAE, China could agree on the supply of J-20

That's how you deal with the US. You tell it to shove it up it's ass if it keeps up with this bitch ass pandering of that criminal loser state's QME. It wants to do that? Fine, go play with them and enjoy being milked dry by them and we'll just look at your largest economic challenger.

As a matter of fact, this should've been what the UAE did from the start. I know they went looking at Russia first with the Su-75 and that might still happen. But Russia is just too lagging and has its own problems. But China? The UAE should've went to them first for the J-20 and then watch the US come crawling on its knees begging for the UAE's consideration. Mal3oun abuhom w'lad el zeft! lol

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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The first appearance of the KMSAM air defense system in the Emirates



The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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The United Arab Emirates is in talks with China to purchase advanced J-20 fighters



The United Arab Emirates is in talks with China about the possibility of purchasing advanced fifth-generation J-20 aircraft, as revealed by the American “National Interest” magazine.

According to the magazine, Abu Dhabi is seeking to accelerate the process of purchasing Chinese fighters, although Beijing imposes strict restrictions on their export to maintain the secrecy of its advanced technologies.

These talks come on the heels of the United States agreeing in 2021 to sell 50 F-35 fighter jets and 18 MQ-4B drones to the United Arab Emirates in a deal worth $19 billion.

However, the US deal was not implemented due to Washington's concerns about strengthening UAE-Chinese relations, especially in the field of 5G technology.

The J-20 is an advanced fifth-generation fighter aircraft characterized by exceptional stealth capabilities. Its development began in the mid-2000s, conducted its first flight in 2011, and entered service with the Chinese Air Force in 2017.

Its avionics are widely considered to be on par with those of the F-35.

The J-20's primary armament, consisting of PL-10 and PL-15 missiles, outperforms its American and Russian counterparts.

Unlike the single engine in the F-35, which has very limited flight performance, less than half the range of the J-20, and no super-cruise capability, the Chinese fighter’s twin engine can accommodate many missiles and has significantly superior flight performance. Overwhelming, high levels of maneuverability.

These talks are an important step in the UAE's efforts to modernize and develop its air capabilities, and reports indicate that Abu Dhabi is interested in purchasing a large number of Chinese aircraft.

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