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UK Elections 2024: Labour Wins


Elite Member
Oct 2, 2013
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Keir Starmer speaks for first time as new Prime Minister | UK General Election - BBC​



Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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Not sure I agree, the atmosphere has just made it more permissable for them to be useful

I can assure you, in an imaginary world where mr.grey loved Muslims, let's imagine, the same Patel's and sunaks would pretend to do the same.

There is no ideological or principled stance, it's all about pragmatic relativist positions

You are right that the mainstreaming of Islamophobia has brought many rats out of the sewer but the hatred was always there, the media has only 'legitimized' it.

If the dominant media did not tolerate Islamophobia, these bigots would act more surreptitiously and less openly. The fact is that many of these people hate followers of all Abrahamic religions, including Christians and Jews, although they have special hatred for Muslims because of India's history. However, they don't say anything against Christians and Jews for obvious reasons.

To some extent I agree with you but there is another point to ponder. Why do rich, successful uk indian women like priti patel and suella braverman always marry and breed with white men? Why not marry and breed with their own indian men? What is the reason for this? Even rishi sunak's sister is married to and breeding with a white man.

This could just be individual instances of normal attraction or gold digging rather than be racially motivated. At least in the US, Indians have among the lowest rates of marriage outside their ethnicity and community.

Maybe, but the potential is there. 250 million people, plenty of natural resources, plenty of educated people.

If utilised in 15-20 years we'd be talking about a different country.


Under the right leadership, it is very possible. I was commenting based on the current landscape.


Mar 6, 2024
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I must have missed sunaks incredible success, oh wait, he was a wet weak disaster, a historical disaster.

Outside your internal echo chamber people don't really respect or admire or indeed follow petty opportunists

This is a conversation you have in your WhatsApp groups, where it's safe.
Of course, he's been a disaster, who argued otherwise?


Full Member
Jul 15, 2015
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Quite a number of them. They seek validation from the white community and have a deep rooted racial inferority complex. There's a great video on TikTok from a young British Indian girl (popular content provider), who calls out such women who in their childhood were abused for being 'curry munchers' and having hair everywhere, but then become 'pick me white guy girls' later in life.
Says whose army and all politicians are known as bootlicker of west by their own awam. (I know very few on forum actually reside in Pakistan)

Anyway to your original point as time goes Indians (Hindu, Sikh, Jains, Buddhist..) have less and less issues with interracial marriage.,White, Spanish, Black, Oriental and now Indians all of them do inter racial marriage. What you call asking validation is natural course of life in progressive society vs those living in ghettos and marrying cousins. Anyway to each their own.


Jan 10, 2024
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The West is often called the melting pot for a reason. Many Indians generally have no issues with Western ideology and are happy to integrate into society and prosper. On the other hand, it seems that many Pakistanis, when given the chance, often leave Pakistan and attempt to recreate Pakistan in the West. The whole reason the west hates islamic immigrants at a higher level

Mirzali Khan

Sep 25, 2020
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The whole reason the west hates islamic immigrants at a higher level

Canada hates Indian immigrants at a much higher level you can ever imagine. That's why people are spray painting racial memes



Oct 24, 2012
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But that is not how history has turned out to be.

Honestly, do you really think he will live beyond 5 years? He is 78 now and barely speaks in complete sentences. The absolutely impossible miracle is the Immortality of St. Donald J. Trump.

I don't care if he lived beyond 5 years, that is NOT a valid reason for anyone to become a dictator, I mean how about he "Appointed" Trump Jr as President once he suspended Posse Comitatus Act and uses the Military and Declare Martial Law (which is what he was thinking to do after the 2020 loss, the only reason why he didn't do it is he thought he will be prosecuted if he had done that, now the SCOTUS said no, he can't be as this is an official acts).

On the other hand, there are pretty much nothing Trump can actually do about foreign war, since the use of the military depends on the congress, he can issue executive order to maybe limit the scope for military action (like not bombing Syria or even withdraw the troop from Syria, depends on who had authorised it) But he can't withdraw from any Defence Treaty or even Closes bases oversea because you need senate Supermajority to do the first one, you need a new Defense Spending Bill to pass thru both house to do the second one.


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May 7, 2024
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I don't care if he lived beyond 5 years, that is NOT a valid reason for anyone to become a dictator, I mean how about he "Appointed" Trump Jr as President once he suspended Posse Comitatus Act and uses the Military and Declare Martial Law (which is what he was thinking to do after the 2020 loss, the only reason why he didn't do it is he thought he will be prosecuted if he had done that, now the SCOTUS said no, he can't be as this is an official acts).

On the other hand, there are pretty much nothing Trump can actually do about foreign war, since the use of the military depends on the congress, he can issue executive order to maybe limit the scope for military action (like not bombing Syria or even withdraw the troop from Syria, depends on who had authorised it) But he can't withdraw from any Defence Treaty or even Closes bases oversea because you need senate Supermajority to do the first one, you need a new Defense Spending Bill to pass thru both house to do the second one.
I think Trump is lazy, useless but harmless guy. However, because of his stupidity, some smooth talkers can get access to him and use him to do some dastardly things like the fake electoral college vote manufacturing during the 2020 elections. It is for that reason, we should reelect, if need be, even the dead body of Biden.


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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Rishi concedes and a YouTuber is there to document the moment in a befitting gesture.



Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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You are right that the mainstreaming of Islamophobia has brought many rats out of the sewer but the hatred was always there, the media has only 'legitimized' it.

If the dominant media did not tolerate Islamophobia, these bigots would act more surreptitiously and less openly. The fact is that many of these people hate followers of all Abrahamic religions, including Christians and Jews, although they have special hatred for Muslims because of India's history. However, they don't say anything against Christians and Jews for obvious reasons.
Yup, the ultimate challenge is to dismantle civilisational rhetoric where islam is the other and then you have good minorities and bad minorities, this is all coalescing around Gaza right now.

Of course, he's been a disaster, who argued otherwise?

Only a small cohort, they might be the ones who go to a similar temple to him


Oct 24, 2012
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I think Trump is lazy, useless but harmless guy. However, because of his stupidity, some smooth talkers can get access to him and use him to do some dastardly things like the fake electoral college vote manufacturing during the 2020 elections. It is for that reason, we should reelect, if need be, even the dead body of Biden.
I don't know about Biden, I don't want either of them to be the President. I just know Trump already was thinking about going full martial law before when he loses the 2020 election, now the SCOTUS said it's okay to do that and he would have immunity, he is going to try again when he became the President again, and this is not a harmless thing to do. Since the Supreme Court already had written off the checks and balance on that.

But I think we went on an off-topic tangent long enough, we should get back to the UK election


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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The West is often called the melting pot for a reason. Many Indians generally have no issues with Western ideology and are happy to integrate into society and prosper. On the other hand, it seems that many Pakistanis, when given the chance, often leave Pakistan and attempt to recreate Pakistan in the West. The whole reason the west hates islamic immigrants at a higher level

Actually, Indians remain more Indian in Western countries than any other immigrant group. Hindutva practice their Hinduism and anti-Muslim beliefs much more staunchly. I am surprised Hindutva haven't lynched or raped much yet. The white far right Brits are allied with Hindutva and Zionists for obvious reasons.

It has been a joy to see your kind getting demolished during these elections.


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Canada hates Indian immigrants at a much higher level you can ever imagine. That's why people are spray painting racial memes

View attachment 53586

These Hindutvatis think the world revolves around them and everybody adores them. It doesn't work like that, but the Hindutvati likes to live in a fake bubble.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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The far right is coming I feel, they think the country is full tbh, so everyone coming is a burden

In the 60s, 70s and so on there was a level of solidarity between all commonwealth migrants just for basic survival.

It was the Carribbean origin folk who took the most pain, essentially on behalf of everyone else.

The UK faux right wing Indians have all forgotten this, they think they are safe and the far right is distant, they have thrown Pakistanis Bengalis and west Indians under the bus.

They are leeching of the priory sacrifice of previous generations who fought to have basic dignity .

One day they may well have to seek alliance with the West Indians, Pakistani and Bengali as they did before...

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