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UK Elections 2024: Labour Wins


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Birmingham re elected labour Mp Jess Philips a fully signed up zionist whore! Wtf is wrong with you Pakistanis communities in these areas there????????

They were making a lot of promises to the local communities, now it's time to see if they will follow through


Senior Member
Sep 14, 2017
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He even went as far as to support Israel in cutting off the food and electricity of Palestinians.

How anyone Pakistani communities can vote for Labour, especially with current leadership, is beyond belief. Unless they're okay with the atrocities given a green light.


Senior Member
May 27, 2018
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I wonder if there is a conservative 1922 committee concept for the Labour Party? Given how British politics work - starmer may not last the full term?!


Senior Member
Jan 6, 2016
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How anyone Pakistani communities can vote for Labour, especially with current leadership, is beyond belief. Unless they're okay with the atrocities given a green light.
As much as I hate Starmer, if I were British, I would rather have Starmer as prime minister than any Tory MP.


Senior Member
Sep 14, 2017
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As much as I hate Starmer, if I were British, I would rather have Starmer as prime minister than any Tory MP.

If the Scottish had voted this way in 2017 and 2019, we’d have Jeremy Corbyn , a much better leader by all accounts, promising real change, not centre -right political stagnation. Will always hate this iteration of labour.


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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How anyone Pakistani communities can vote for Labour, especially with current leadership, is beyond belief. Unless they're okay with the atrocities given a green light.

Think about it like this

In some places not voting labour would mean a conservative or reform candidate getting through

In other places you have labour candidates that are actually quite supportive and good and worked with the community for years

In other places regardless of what's happened, labour have made promises of a fairer and more just future including for Palestine, this is where you may have to trust their word

Bottom line is this, their were places where a independent could win and where we should have thrown whole scale community support behind them, George Galloway is an example, where labour had to work hard to regain some community support and Galloway lost

But in general, with labour being a major party with good chance to form the government, YOU NEED a voice within that party so you can talk about the issues important to you and get support, for example Gaza

The Zionists don't give up on a party because they went against them, they bide their time and they work from within

We can't give up on labour, we need to retake it from the Zionists and use our numbers


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Jeremy Corbyn retains his seat. (y)


Ex-Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn re-elected as MP after running as independent in Islington North​

Jeremy Corbyn has held on to his north London seat for the 11th time, on this occasion standing as an independent rather than a Labour candidate.

Jeremy Corbyn has been re-elected MP in Islington North after standing as an independent.

The former Labour leader clinched a victory with more than 24,000 votes, compared to Labour candidate Praful Nargund who won more than 16,000."


Full Member
Dec 12, 2023
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it's a humiliating defeat to Sunak. 14 years were enough to kick tumultuous conservatives out.

change actually bring by the people, there is no other power that can deny them.

you can prolong the process but there is always a win for them in the end.
I hope you understand that Labour is not any better. Labour has been completely reformed with ouster of Corbin and bringing in new people who are crypto conservatives. Rishi Sunak was just used as a ploy to make whites unhappy at conservatives so as to give the crypto-conservative plants a victory so that in the future, labour is also filled with conservative agents. It is simple social engineering.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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I hope you understand that Labour is not any better. Labour has been completely reformed with ouster of Corbin and bringing in new people who are crypto conservatives. Rishi Sunak was just used as a ploy to make whites unhappy at conservatives so as to give the crypto-conservative plants a victory so that in the future, labour is also filled with conservative agents. It is simple social engineering.

Not correct.

It is true that Labour is filled with Zionist stooges like Starmer but it has a powerful Pro-Palestine faction with people like Andy Burnham and Sadiq Khan.

In order to win the election, these people and their supporters have not rocked the boat but Starmer will be forced to honour his pledges as regards Palestine - recognition and support for potential ICC arrest warrants against war crimals Netanyahu and Gallant.

They, that are still socialists, can bring Starmer down if he becomes like the Tories and so he needs to take all factions in the Labour Party into account.

Sunak was a real disappointment as he did not have to out "Zionist" other Zionists even as UK Prime Minister. He has shamed all non-whites in this country with his pathetic performance to ingratiate himself with the Zionists.

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