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UK Elections 2024: Labour Wins


Senior Member
Sep 14, 2017
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Think about it like this

In some places not voting labour would mean a conservative or reform candidate getting through

In other places you have labour candidates that are actually quite supportive and good and worked with the community for years

In other places regardless of what's happened, labour have made promises of a fairer and more just future including for Palestine, this is where you may have to trust their word

Bottom line is this, their were places where a independent could win and where we should have thrown whole scale community support behind them, George Galloway is an example, where labour had to work hard to regain some community support and Galloway lost

But in general, with labour being a major party with good chance to form the government, YOU NEED a voice within that party so you can talk about the issues important to you and get support, for example Gaza

The Zionists don't give up on a party because they went against them, they bide their time and they work from within

We can't give up on labour, we need to retake it from the Zionists and use our numbers

These areas have a very high dense of population of peoples living there. I am very confident that independent candidates were standing here. And be found.

Absolutely ! And don't be complicit in genocide and racial hatred by voting Tory, Labour, or Reform. All they had to do was Vote Green or for a principled independent

AIPAC donate heavily to Labour Party , Kier Starmer are in their pockets

How can one man have got away with selling out the Labour Party in this way- the Labour Party is no more , it’s shameful, shocking that British Jewish board of deputies have been parachuted in to safe labour seats I wish you best in taking back Labour Party back very slim chance of it.

And his wife is Israeli so why should we be surprised where his priorities are.


Full Member
Apr 10, 2024
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Not correct.

It is true that Labour is filled with Zionist stooges like Starmer but it has a powerful Pro-Palestine faction with people like Andy Burnham and Sadiq Khan.

In order to win the election, these people and their supporters have not rocked the boat but Starmer will be forced to honour his pledges as regards Palestine - recognition and support for potential ICC arrest warrants against war crimals Netanyahu and Gallant.

They, that are still socialists, can bring Starmer down if he becomes like the Tories and so he needs to take all factions in the Labour Party into account.

Sunak was a real disappointment as he did not have to out "Zionist" other Zionists even as UK Prime Minister. He has shamed all non-whites in this country with his pathetic performance to ingratiate himself with the Zionists.

Sunak and braverman are die-hard Islamaphobes who have genocidal ambitions towards Pakistanis/Muslims. Labour may be indifferent or dislike Pakistanis/Muslims but nowhere near the same level as the indians in the conservative party. It's brilliant that they got wiped out.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Sunak and braverman are die-hard Islamaphobes who have genocidal ambitions towards Pakistanis/Muslims. Labour may be indifferent or dislike Pakistanis/Muslims but nowhere near the same level as the indians in the conservative party. It's brilliant that they got wiped out.

I am not sure whether Sunak is a paid up Islamophobe like Braverman is.

To me he seems more like an opportunist and jumping on the Zionist bandwagon over Gaza seemed like a good career move for him.

He would probably now move back into finance and work for Zionist financial institutions, and so was mindful of that when he made those disgraceful "Hamas" jibes in Parliament when questioned over the Gaza genocide and his complicity in it.


Full Member
Apr 10, 2024
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I am not sure whether Sunak is a paid up Islamophobe like Braverman is.

To me he seems more like an opportunist and jumping on the Zionist bandwagon over Gaza seemed like a good career move for him.

He would probably now move back into finance and work for Zionist financial institutions, and so was mindful of that when he made those disgraceful "Hamas" jibes in Parliament when questioned over the Gaza genocide and his complicity in it.

Trust me, they're not paid up. They are natural rabid Islamaphobes. It's in their blood/dna. They are just looking for an opportunity to publicly express it.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2012
I hope you understand that Labour is not any better. Labour has been completely reformed with ouster of Corbin and bringing in new people who are crypto conservatives. Rishi Sunak was just used as a ploy to make whites unhappy at conservatives so as to give the crypto-conservative plants a victory so that in the future, labour is also filled with conservative agents. It is simple social engineering.
neither my post was concerned to who is better who is not (there is always people against and in favor)

nor do i have any interest in Sunak either he is pushed in for some purpose or not although it is ridiculous.

i was just talking about people power which can do wonders sooner or later. and no it is not Sunak who was PM just for a couple of years. Conservatives were doing wonders for blunders.


Full Member
Dec 12, 2023
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Not correct.

It is true that Labour is filled with Zionist stooges like Starmer but it has a powerful Pro-Palestine faction with people like Andy Burnham and Sadiq Khan.

In order to win the election, these people and their supporters have not rocked the boat but Starmer will be forced to honour his pledges as regards Palestine - recognition and support for potential ICC arrest warrants against war crimals Netanyahu and Gallant.

They, that are still socialists, can bring Starmer down if he becomes like the Tories and so he needs to take all factions in the Labour Party into account.

Sunak was a real disappointment as he did not have to out "Zionist" other Zionists even as UK Prime Minister. He has shamed all non-whites in this country with his pathetic performance to ingratiate himself with the Zionists.
I hope you understand that UK would do what is in its interest regardless of govt in power. Support for Palestine is dependent on UK economy & its need for foreign funds/trade deals/arms deal with middle east. These kind of party changes are just scripted to show people that there are 2 sides & it is just the party which is deciding that way rather than the establishment (state machinery of Monarchy, security agencies & nobility). If UK supports Palestine it will be for deals with islamic powers rather than out of good will.

If you want a comparison with USA, Democrats have similar ideology as labour and we all see how they are behaving in international affairs. In fact Trump was far more reasonable in both words and actions (for limited extent of what he was allowed to do by establishment).


Jun 23, 2011
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Sunak and braverman are die-hard Islamaphobes who have genocidal ambitions towards Pakistanis/Muslims. Labour may be indifferent or dislike Pakistanis/Muslims but nowhere near the same level as the indians in the conservative party. It's brilliant that they got wiped out.
They can pretend to be white all day long. The true conservatives cant stand them and their coconut colour. This week when Sunak was called a dirty **** - i loved it. It was ok for others to be racially abused but now its his turn - hes offended? What goes round comes round.
For Tory voters to elect the racially charged retard Braverman shows you how deep they hate Muslims.....


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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I hope you understand that UK would do what is in its interest regardless of govt in power. Support for Palestine is dependent on UK economy & its need for foreign funds/trade deals/arms deal with middle east. These kind of party changes are just scripted to show people that there are 2 sides & it is just the party which is deciding that way rather than the establishment (state machinery of Monarchy, security agencies & nobility). If UK supports Palestine it will be for deals with islamic powers rather than out of good will.

If you want a comparison with USA, Democrats have similar ideology as labour and we all see how they are behaving in international affairs. In fact Trump was far more reasonable in both words and actions (for limited extent of what he was allowed to do by establishment).

No as the Democratic Party has no powerful pro-Palestine figures unlike the UK Labour Party.

Muslims are a major and growing voting block, we are already 6.5% of the UK population and this could easily double in next 15-20 years as the white “boomers” die off in mass.

USA is so Zionist that they are forced to pay tribute, err give “aid”, to the Zionist entity every year and on an ad-hoc basis like this genocide in Gaza. UK gives precisely zero in aid to the entity per year.


Senior Member
Jan 6, 2016
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Not correct.

It is true that Labour is filled with Zionist stooges like Starmer but it has a powerful Pro-Palestine faction with people like Andy Burnham and Sadiq Khan.

In order to win the election, these people and their supporters have not rocked the boat but Starmer will be forced to honour his pledges as regards Palestine - recognition and support for potential ICC arrest warrants against war crimals Netanyahu and Gallant.

They, that are still socialists, can bring Starmer down if he becomes like the Tories and so he needs to take all factions in the Labour Party into account.

Sunak was a real disappointment as he did not have to out "Zionist" other Zionists even as UK Prime Minister. He has shamed all non-whites in this country with his pathetic performance to ingratiate himself with the Zionists.
Considering how the sheer amount of damage that crony capitalism has caused the UK since the Tories came to power, the UK will continue to shift further left so we can confident that Starmer will be under immense pressure from the socialists in the Labour Party if he decides to deep throat the corporations like the Tories.


Elite Member
Mar 14, 2017
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Quite a few of the Muslim independents lost because of multiple people standing. At least 4 seats i've seen had multiple muslim independents standing, losing the vote to labour. There is no Muslim vote in the UK, just muslims who vote. People didn't vote strategically.

Strategic voting is more important than just the Gaza issue. Only when we organise as a community will our political representatives actually represent our communities ahead of their party policies.


Jun 23, 2011
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Quite a few of the Muslim independents lost because of multiple people standing. At least 4 seats i've seen had multiple muslim independents standing, losing the vote to labour. There is no Muslim vote in the UK, just muslims who vote. People didn't vote strategically.

Strategic voting is more important than just the Gaza issue. Only when we organise as a community will our political representatives actually represent our communities ahead of their party policies.
Look at Dewsbury and Batley bro - the Gujarati Indian heritage absolutely smashed it.

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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They can pretend to be white all day long. The true conservatives cant stand them and their coconut colour. This week when Sunak was called a dirty **** - i loved it. It was ok for others to be racially abused but now its his turn - hes offended? What goes round comes round.
For Tory voters to elect the racially charged retard Braverman shows you how deep they hate Muslims.....
Spot on. Braverman is a deeply sick individual with a strange hatred for immigrants and refugees, considering her own background. Married to a Zionist too...


Jun 23, 2011
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No as the Democratic Party has no powerful pro-Palestine figures unlike the UK Labour Party.

Muslims are a major and growing voting block, we are already 6.5% of the UK population and this could easily double in next 15-20 years as the white “boomers” die off in mass.

USA is so Zionist that they are forced to pay tribute, err give “aid”, to the Zionist entity every year and on an ad-hoc basis like this genocide in Gaza. UK gives precisely zero in aid to the entity per year.
What i find truly shocking is how British Indians like Sunak genuinely believe the goraay dont look at them as brown people. They believe if they speak the queens English - have a pint and laugh at Muslims - they will be accepted. They really need a wake up - they are detested and are in the same category as the Muslims. Wake up and smell the coffee.

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