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UK Elections 2024: Labour Wins


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Jul 15, 2015
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One thing I love about the UK Pakistani community is that we do not seek the acceptance and approval of white english people like the way indians and all other ethnic minorities do. We are comfortable and happy with who we are. sunak and his race are not. In fact a lot of them have deluded themselves in to thinking that they are white europeans.
No one seeks approval of anyone, living by laws of nation and respect local culture is not seeking approval.

Anyway personally I always know where conservatives stand on race vs some of most closeted racist I have seen are usually liberals .


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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No one seeks approval of anyone, living by laws of nation and respect local culture is not seeking approval.

Anyway personally I always know where conservatives stand on race vs some of most closeted racist I have seen are usually liberals .



Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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this is what I am talking about. stupidity and greed from two independent candidates meant they both lost

There you go, you can take the villager out of the village....

Its a big wake up call for UK Muslims, they have been for too long unthinking and uninterested, consequently they are politically naive and unorganized.

Now they suddenly need results and impact, guess what no infrastructure.


Jul 1, 2024
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Someone below is always brown, someone above probably White.

It's not a grand Indian conspiracy or anything of the sort, that would be a big misunderstanding

Yes that part of the reason.
But am bit naive and believe power and wealth also play important role.

White westerners have been most powerful, advanced and wealthy people for almost 200 years. Of course we have colonial legacy too on top of that.


Sep 14, 2006
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To some extent I agree with you but there is another point to ponder. Why do rich, successful uk indian women like priti patel and suella braverman always marry and breed with white men? Why not marry and breed with their own indian men? What is the reason for this? Even rishi sunak's sister is married to and breeding with a white man.

Quite a number of them. They seek validation from the white community and have a deep rooted racial inferority complex. There's a great video on TikTok from a young British Indian girl (popular content provider), who calls out such women who in their childhood were abused for being 'curry munchers' and having hair everywhere, but then become 'pick me white guy girls' later in life.


Sep 14, 2006
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As for the election never doubted Labour would win. ]
It's a fact that many Muslims carried on voting for the Labour party, it's like a drug they can't get over. I can understand voting for a Labour Canddiate who is pro-Palestine e.g. Diana Abbot but not someone who stays criminally silent or worst still undermines the cause.

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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As for the election never doubted Labour would win. ]
It's a fact that many Muslims carried on voting for the Labour party, it's like a drug they can't get over. I can understand voting for a Labour Canddiate who is pro-Palestine e.g. Diana Abbot but not someone who stays criminally silent or worst still undermines the cause.
Labour won fewer votes than in 2019 or 2017, they did nothing special

Tories just fell apart after Reform ate into their support in hundreds of seats, allowing Labour to win many seats without increasing their number of votes


Sep 14, 2006
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Labour won fewer votes than in 2019 or 2017, they did nothing special

Tories just fell apart after Reform ate into their support in hundreds of seats, allowing Labour to win many seats without increasing their number of votes

True the Tories were the worst I have seen them since 1992. People couldn't be bothered to vote and Reform took a fair few votes as well.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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As for the election never doubted Labour would win. ]
It's a fact that many Muslims carried on voting for the Labour party, it's like a drug they can't get over. I can understand voting for a Labour Canddiate who is pro-Palestine e.g. Diana Abbot but not someone who stays criminally silent or worst still undermines the cause.
A drug they can't get over?

You mean it's at the stage of brain rot now?
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Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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True the Tories were the worst I have seen them since 1992. People couldn't be bothered to vote and Reform took a fair few votes as well.
Reform won 14% of the vote and Tories lost 10% of the vote compared to 2019 ... seems to line up nicely 😀
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Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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Will sunak stay to serve his constitution lol

Will he pretend for a bit.

If sunak jets off, what does that say about his sincerity


Senior Member
May 27, 2018
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Democracy works in the UK. Thankfully no khaki sepoys trying to rig the results here in the UK thinking they know better with the matrix fail level education….

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