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UK Elections 2024: Labour Wins

lightning f57

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Feb 27, 2022
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Not at all.

The left of the party was keeping quiet in order to win the election. Powerful lefties like Burnham and Khan will make sure he delivers on some core left policies both domestically and internationally.

Starmer will have to give enough on Gaza and a whole host of other issues if he is to remain in power.

Labour is not completely taken over the Zionists like the Tories have been.
I really hope your right.


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Apr 10, 2024
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I just hope that Labour doesn't make the same mistake the Democrats and Macron's Renaissance party: justifying their incompetence by saying that at least they aren't the far right. The most concerning thing about this election is the number of seats that the Reform Party won. If Labour fails to deliver, we will see the far right becoming mainstream in the UK.

@Waz @Goenitz @313Ghazi @RescueRanger @r3alist @Musings @AJKashmir1 @PAKISTANFOREVER @Developereo

The far right is ALREADY mainstream in the UK. The UK is now becoming just as racially segregated as america.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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The far right is ALREADY mainstream in the UK. The UK is now becoming just as racially segregated as america.
The far right, the racial far right are being kept out by farage.

The racial far right are a threat to Zionists.

The cultural anti Muslim far right with no racial element is encouraged


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Aug 17, 2019
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The so called right wing faces we see are who.... Ben Habib, suella braverman, Patel etc

It's an establishment ploy to ensure the right wing space can never be racialised, so it's full of non white faces, pointed at Muslims only, moderate Muslim, Islamist etc all they say

Too many UK Pakistanis think its combat 18 in power, or something.

Its a far right constructed to ignore race and support me wars, it's a different beast


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Apr 10, 2024
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The far right, the racial far right are being kept out by farage.

The racial far right are a threat to Zionists.

The cultural anti Muslim far right with no racial element is encouraged

The more the cultural far right are promoted, there will eventually come a point where the racial far right will pour out big time.


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Aug 17, 2019
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The more the cultural far right are promoted, there will eventually come a point where the racial far right will pour out big time.

Yea I agree, but I think it's worth understanding the difference as things are, so you can properly assess.

I am sure some cultural far rights whites have this intention, the coopted Indians are all in with the cultural far right, they actually have the most to lose.

That's why under Indian origin leadership immigration has broken all records, they want to undermine the racial far right and dominate the cultural far right, race is irrelevant it's all about values blah blah

Short sighted opportunism potentially, everyone might end up hating them and they on their own


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Jul 1, 2024
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Also it is not his fault that a lot of old whites are racist and will never vote for a non-white Tory as PM

I dont know much about british political landscape, but I think that actually played a big role too. America voted for Obama twice. Not a single european country is yet ready for a non-white leader of the country.

It is also one if the reasons why American leadership of the west is in the interest of colored citizens of Europe.


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Aug 17, 2019
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Talking of racial far right, Mr nick griffin has come on quite a journey, very pro Palestine, much more sympathetic to Muslims in terms of their experience, even talks about god's plans

Don't get too deep into hate and assumptions, the world is always evolving


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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I dont know much about british political landscape, but I think that actually played a big role too. America voted for Obama twice. Not a single european country is yet ready for a non-white leader of the country.

It is also one if the reasons why American leadership of the west is in the interest of colored citizens of Europe.

Comparing USA that has 30-35% non-whites with the UK that has less than 10% is like comparing apples and oranges.

Now if you look at the person with the highest mandate in the UK after a GE, then we have none other than Pakistani origin Sadiq Khan as Mayor of London. London has similar split in terms of whites-non whites as does the USA.

UK whites are probably about as racist as USA whites. Generally the ones under 50 are either antagonistic to non-whites or see them as equal fellow citizens.


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Jul 1, 2024
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I will tell you an example from a Professor in Politics when I was doing a degree in International Politics in College.

Imagine a town with 101 residents. 100 worker class residents, and the other is the owner of the company who employ those 100 workers. Now the town 100 workers demand lower tax so they can bring home more money, the owner of that company demand a better bridge across town so his company can shorten its trip and save money, if you are a politician who works for that town, do you listen to the 100 workers and lower tax? Or do you listen to the single person who demand a new bridge? You would ignore the 100 people and go with the owner of that company because if you don't listen to the owner and he went bust and have to lay off all 100 people, that would be a bigger disaster for you than those 100 people don't get what they wanted.

This is called "Policy Bias" and it's the same thing anywhere you go

P.S I know you can do both and it wouldn't work if all 100 people don't vote for you, this is a simple example on policy bias. It wouldn't need to make sense for anything else.


And now youve got approximately 1000 business owners like that. They now only iwn factories but also media and the financial institutions. They are highly networked and belong to the same tribe and political ideology. Your politicians are allowed to recieve “donations”, which is another word for bribe.

Oh yeah, a lot of them have dual citizenship.

Not a easy nut to crack…


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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I think you've misunderstood the concept of 'correlation is not causation'. I could go into other (and actually real) reason of why Indian emigration has increased but im not going to do your work for you. Because you think of the world only through the frame of religion, much like 99.999% Pakistanis out there, you will always fail to understand real drivers of actions.

I am entirely well aware of the difference between correlation and causation. Lots of countries have millions of people who can match the so-called skills brought by Indians. Indians are preferred by the Zionists because there is a high probability they will also bring Islamophobia and Sinophobia.


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Aug 17, 2019
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I am entirely well aware of the difference between correlation and causation. Lots of countries have millions of people who can match the so-called skills brought by Indians. Indians are preferred by the Zionists because there is a high probability they will also bring Islamophobia and Sinophobia.
There is no reason to have a sudden spike in legal migration at this point, moreso given the cumulative effect of previous migration.

The fella doesn't have an explanation, so ran off.

The Hindutva types in the UK cosplay at being culturally right wing, but in fact are open for more legal migration and want Indian it consultancies to milk the UK

They also don't care about the drop in services

The UK Hindu manifesto asks for elderly Hindus to be allowed easier UK visa access...for what?

No doubt enjoy the free NHS at some point

They are not right wing, except on business matters perhaps


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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Streamlining Immigration: It addresses visa issues related to bringing dependents and elderly parents to the UK, as well as visa issues for Hindu priests

Priests..... priest's? Bring dependents?

Every community is doing this btw, I think the Hindu population is just joining the trend, however why ask for specific exception for priests?

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