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United States elections 2024


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RFK Jr. files paperwork to get on the ballot in Pennsylvania​



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RFK 2024 | Single Digit Polling Explanation​



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Kayleigh McEnany: What does Biden have to run on?​



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Lara Trump Says It “Doesn’t Matter” If Her Father-in-Law Is in Prison During the Republican National Convention​

The RNC will nominate him from the big house if it has to.

JUNE 20, 2024

Lara Trump Says It “Doesnt Matter” If Her FatherinLaw Is in Prison During the Republican National Convention


In exactly three weeks, Donald Trump will be sentenced by Judge Juan Merchan, at which point he’ll learn if he will receive prison time. Days later, the Republican National Convention will kick off in Milwaukee, where the RNC will nominate him for president. Is his possible incarceration of any concern to the Republican committee? Not in the slightest, says his daughter-in-law.
In an interview with Real America’s Voice, host Terrance Bates noted to Lara Trump, “Judge Juan Merchan could very well sentence President Trump to jail or some sort of prison time, not allowing him to be there for the Republican National Convention, which is of major concern.” Her response: “Here’s the bottom line. It doesn’t matter whether Donald Trump is in Trump Tower, Mar-a-Lago, or anywhere else they may try to put him. On the day that we, as the Republican Party, will be nominating him as our official candidate and our official nominee for president, he will accept that no matter where he is. He will go on to be our candidate all the way to November 5th, when he then is reelected as our 47th president.” Lara Trump also claimed her father-in-law’s 34 felony convictions have been “a positive for him” because people “see how third-world and communist it is, and they do not want to see this as the future of America.”

Earlier this month, Puck News reported that “the prospect of serving prison time…appears to be sinking in more forcefully, and the former (and perhaps future) president has been peppering friends and aides” with “specific questions” about what that might entail, including, “What type of jail do you think they’ll send me to?”

While the prevailing wisdom is that Trump will not actually receive time behind bars, not everyone in the legal community is convinced. “This is not a one-off, ‘Oops, I made a mistake on my business records,’ or even a one-off scheme,” Diana Florence, a former prosecutor with the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, told Politico last month. “Given the entirety of the facts and circumstances that came out during the trial, I believe, if convicted, a sentence of incarceration is warranted and justified. If I were the prosecutor, I would absolutely be asking for state prison.” Each of the 34 felony counts Trump was charged with carries a maximum sentence of four years; if convicted on more than one, he would almost undoubtedly serve the sentences concurrently.


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Trump is on a fundraising blitz. But Republicans are still nervous about ‘very dicey’ November.​

For the first time this year, the Fox News poll had Joe Biden leading Donald Trump by two points, within the poll’s margin of error.
Former President Donald Trump walks offstage after speaking at a campaign rally.

Donald Trump may be raking in donations. But across the country, the mood of Republicans has dimmed, according to nearly a dozen Republican operatives, county chairs and current and former GOP officials. | Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

06/24/2024 05:00 AM EDT

For Republicans who spent much of the year crowing about Joe Biden’s weaknesses, Donald Trump’s massive fundraising haul looked like an affirmation, with the former president erasing Joe Biden’s longstanding cash advantage.
But outside of the money race, a series of other developments in recent days have left even Republicans with the impression that November may not be quite as good for the GOP as it once seemed.

First came the GOP’s underperformance in a special House race in a deep-red swath of Ohio that included a swing county. Then, after Republicans over the weekend nominated a far-right candidate for lieutenant governor in Indiana, a top national GOP lawyer predicted a “serious” threat to the top of the ticket even in the heart of MAGA country.

Now, new polling from Fox News shows a seven-point swing in President Joe Biden’s favorability among independents: They prefer Biden by 9 points, a reversal from May, when they favored Trump by 2 points.

For the first time this year, the poll has Biden leading Trump by two points, 50-48, within the margin of error.
Trump may be raking in donations. But across the country, the mood of Republicans has dimmed, according to nearly a dozen Republican operatives, county chairs and current and former GOP officials. It comes amid ongoing concerns about the effect of abortion on Republican candidates. And it follows defections from Trump in the primaries and, most recently, polling that has found Trump’s conviction in his New York hush-money trial hurting him with independents.

Financially, the conviction was a boon to Trump’s small-dollar donor operation. But electorally, the reality of Trump’s conviction has begun to set in, they said.
“I do think this is probably about the time that we should legitimately see a reaction to the guilty verdict, so it certainly makes sense,” said Jason Roe, a Republican strategist and former executive director of the state Republican Party in Michigan.
Or, as Tom McCabe, the GOP chair of swingy Mahoning County, Ohio, put it: “This election is going to be decided on the margins, and short-term, his conviction is hurting him in the polling.”
It isn’t just Trump’s conviction, of course. Republicans are now seeing reasons for concern across the map, even in the most unusual of places. Trump is animating base voters — and donors — with his grievances about the trial. But his standing with swing voters and independents appears to be slipping. And other problems for Republicans are popping up down-ballot.
In a special election in Ohio’s 6th Congressional District this month, massively outspent Democrat Michael Kripchak erased 19 points from Trump’s 2020 margin of victory — still losing, but becoming the first Democratic candidate to carry the blue-collar Mahoning County since Trump painted it red in 2020.
Incumbent Democratic senators in battleground states like Wisconsin, Nevada and Pennsylvania are polling ahead of their Republican challengers. In Arizona’s open Senate race, Republican Kari Lake, a star of the MAGA movement, is underperforming in the polls.
And Republicans across the map are still laboring under backlash to the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade. A Gallup poll released this month found record levels of voters saying that, in major races, they would only vote for candidates who share their views on abortion — with the intensity surrounding the issue likely to benefit pro-abortion rights candidates more.

“Republicans have a ton of down-ballot problems,” said Barrett Marson, a Republican strategist in Arizona. “Not the least of which is on abortion.”
In the presidential campaign, there are, of course, reasons to temper the latest developments with caution: Both Trump and Biden are historically unpopular, and Democratic operatives have their own deep-seated concerns about their nominee.

“Both of the presidents have, by historical standards, low job approval,” said Haley Barbour, the former Republican Mississippi governor and former chair of the Republican National Committee. “Biden’s being the lowest, probably, in the history of polling.”
In a Truth Social post, Trump called the Fox News poll “TRASH!”
A Trump campaign spokesperson, Karoline Leavitt, said in a prepared statement, “Crooked Joe Biden and the Democrats’ weaponized the justice system against President Trump and Biden’s failing campaign has spent nearly $80 million on media buys alone, yet President Trump continues to lead Joe Biden in virtually every poll.”
Still, Democrats are quick to point out that polls matter less than voting results, and on that matter, they have been beating expectations in a string of special elections this cycle. Before the Ohio contest, now-Rep. Tim Kennedy in April won a special House election in New York, outpacing Biden’s 2020 performance in the district by about 6 percentage points. Before that, now-Rep. Tom Suozzi (D-N.Y.) flipped a seat previously held by disgraced former Republican Rep. George Santos.
“The best indicator of how voters are feeling heading into November is how they are actually voting at the ballot box, and for the past three years, in special elections across the country, voters have turned out to support Joe Biden and Democrats’ winning platform of safeguarding Americans’ freedoms against MAGA extremism,” Democratic National Committee spokesperson Maddy Mundy said in the wake of the Ohio vote.
Meanwhile, next door in Indiana, Republicans are fretting that even in a state Trump won by 16 points in 2020, the party’s lurch to the right could be problematic for them come November. Earlier this month, state Rep. Julie McGuire, Sen. Mike Braun’s endorsed candidate for lieutenant governor, narrowly lost to Micah Beckwith, the Christian nationalist pastor and former congressional candidate who has said that God told him he sent “those riots to Washington” on Jan. 6 and that it was God’s “hand at work”
In a memo obtained by POLITICO, James Bopp Jr., the Indiana lawyer who advises National Right to Life, wrote that Trump’s results in the state’s May primary pose “danger” for the party’s own ticket. “Trump got 78% of the Republican primary vote and [Nikki] Haley got 22%,” he wrote. “Now there is very good reason to think that 10 to 12% of that vote were Democrats, leaving 10% of Republicans not convinced to support Trump.”
He added: “This makes the general election very dicey.”


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First 2024 presidential debate happening Thursday | FOX 13 Seattle​



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US Election 2024 | Biden Vs Trump On Immigration: The Key Battleground In US Polls​



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Biden campaign spox: Trump 'wants to get back in office so he can protect himself'​


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