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United States elections 2024


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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Biden likely to drop out, and IMHO, it’s is unlikely his replacement will be able to sway the public against a solid Trump base.

Also, this shows that it only takes enough of a margin to hurt Biden’s prospects, and that margin, among others came from the anti-Palestine war voters.

The democrat party, as it stands needs to be broken down and rebuild, from its current corporate linked and lobbyist directed bent to one that meet the demand of left and center leaning Americans, especially people being driven down and out of the middle class.

The Republicans rebranded in the past 15 years; tea party and Trump, but the democrats have been the party of Obama 2008 for the past 16 years. Time for a change.

One issue that could really help democrats win is Housing. Young voters could be motivated to come out if a new government policy is there for a large national program to build baby build.

A Whitmer / Harris might be a decent ticket. But even still, it’s now more likely Trump will win, so the Pakistani establishment needs to get ready for the at increasing likelihood.

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Hamartia Antidote

Elite Member
Nov 17, 2013
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Biden likely to drop out, and IMHO, it’s is unlikely his replacement will be able to sway the public against a solid Trump base.

Also, this shows that it only takes enough of a margin to hurt Biden’s prospects, and that margin, among others came from the anti-Palestine war voters.

The democrat party, as it stands needs to be broken down and rebuild, from its current corporate linked and lobbyist directed bent to one that meet the demand of left and center leaning Americans.

The Republicans rebranded in the past 15 years; tea party and Trump, but the democrats have been the party of Obama 2008 for the past 16 years. Time for a change.

One issue that could really help democrats win is Housing. Young voters could be motivated to come out if a new government policy is there for a large national program to build baby build.

A Whitmer / Harris might be a decent ticket. But even still, it’s now more likely Trump will win, so the Pakistani establishment needs to get ready for the at increasing likelihood.

I totally agree with Cenk..and I only watched the 1st minute.

I said previously on PDF the Democrats screwed themselves over big time by not vetting Joe Biden's condition last year. They have come across as a bunch of incompetents knowingly holding Biden up with special interest group puppet strings.

2022 SNL skit about the frantic realization the Democrats have if Joe Biden can't run (which was ignored by the Democrats)

Now they have to make a late game substitution and there's no backup to grab from the bench.

They are going to get murdered in election ads by the Republicans.

They are going to desperately try to keep him in office but all the Republicans have to do is show Biden's performance in 2020 vs 2024 and say it's only going to accelerate down even more quickly in the next few years.

Trump/Biden 2020

Trump/Biden 2024
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Elite Member
Oct 2, 2013
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Interesting analysis. Worth a watch.

Body Language EXPERT Analyzes Joe Bidens WEIRD Behavior​



Elite Member
Oct 2, 2013
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Expected. Trump tops Biden after that awful awful embarrassing debate.

New poll shows Trump leading Biden post-debate | The Hill​


Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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Representative Chip Roy (TX-21) filed a resolution (H.Res.1336) calling on Vice President Kamala Harris to convene the Cabinet and declare President Joe Biden as unable to carry out his duties as Commander-in-Chief.

Representative Roy said, “I put forth a resolution calling upon the Vice President to immediately use her powers under section 4 of the 25th Amendment to convene and mobilize the principal officers of the Cabinet to declare the President of the United States is unable to successfully discharge the duties and powers of his office.”



Elite Member
Oct 2, 2013
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New Poll Reveals RFK Jr.'s Standing Since The Biden-Trump Presidential Debate​


Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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Elite Member
Oct 2, 2013
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What an despicable woman.

Trump wise to keep a low profile, says a former assistant | On Balance​

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Elite Member
Oct 2, 2013
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Donald Trump trashes Kamala Harris and ‘broken-down’ Joe Biden in leaked video​



Elite Member
Oct 2, 2013
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Dems sour grapes can't stop the Trump train.

Overwhelming evidence against Trump dulls benefits of Supreme Court gift ruling in immunity case​


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