United States elections 2024

Trump's VP Pick: Who Will It Be?​


Biden Brother James TESTIFIES On Alleged FAMILY CRIME SCHEME; Joe's Approvals SINK to 39%: Poll​

two reason why Haley is sticking around I think : 1) in case Trump is disqualified and 2) set herself up for 2028
No different. Useles election. All of them will support Israel

Trump leading against GOP opponent Hailey in South Carolina ahead of presidential primary​


Majority of New York Jewish voters intend to vote for Trump, poll finds​

'This poll tells us very little about how N.Y. Jews will vote,' Mark Mellman, president of Democratic Majority for Israel, told JNS
Author of the article:
Andrew Bernard, Jewish News Syndicate
Published Feb 22, 2024 • Last updated 6 hours ago • 2 minute read
A Jewish man looks at anti-semitic graffiti which was sprayed on the gate of a synagogue March 5, 2006 in Petah Tikva, near Tel Aviv, in central Israel. Police are investigating the incident after inscriptions, in Hebrew, death to Jews and swastika drawings were found with the signature white power.
FILE: A Jewish man looks at antisemitic graffiti which was sprayed on the gate of a synagogue March 5, 2006 in Petah Tikva, near Tel Aviv, in central Israel. PHOTO BY URIEL SINAI/GETTY IMAGES

Article content​

A poll of registered New York voters suggests that a majority of Jews in the state intend to vote for former President Donald Trump in the presidential election in November.

New York Jews now favor Trump over U.S. President Joe Biden 53% to 44%, according to the Siena College poll, released on Tuesday. Jews in the state said that they intend to continue to back Democrats over Republicans 54% to 39% in congressional elections.

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The poll has an overall margin of error of 4.2 percentage points in either direction, which means that a gap of 8.4 percentage points could potentially be dead even.

Jews made up just 8% of the large sample size: 806 people. That means the margin of error for the 65 Jewish respondents would be potentially much larger than 4.2 percentage points.

Mark Mellman, president of Democratic Majority for Israel, told JNS that “the margin of error for Jews in the Sienna poll is plus or minus 13 points on each number.”

“This poll tells us very little about how New York Jews will vote,” he said.

Mellman expects Biden, who “has been uniquely supportive of Israel,” to do well with Jews, as did Democrat Tom Suozzi, who beat Mazi Philip earlier this month in a New York congressional election.

Sam Markstein, national political director at the Republican Jewish Coalition, sees things differently. Markstein wrote on Wednesday that the poll reflected a shift among Jewish voters.

“Jewish voters moving towards the GOP is a clear trend, long in the making,” he wrote. He cited Lee Zeldin’s comparative success attracting Jewish votes in the 2022 New York gubernatorial election.

Zeldin, who is Jewish and an RJC board member, did particularly well in New York’s Orthodox Jewish communities.

He won Rockland County in Upstate New York, which has the largest per capita Jewish population of any U.S. county, by 12 points. He also garnered 88% of the vote in New York City’s 48th Assembly District, which includes the heavily Chassidic neighborhood of Borough Park in Brooklyn.

That wasn’t good enough for Zeldin to win, however, as Gov. Kathleen Hochul was re-elected by a 6% margin.

The Siena poll does not suggest that even an increasingly Republican-friendly Jewish community could flip the state red, as the poll has Biden beating Trump overall 48% to 36%.

Biden calls Putin a 'crazy SOB' and takes aim at Trump during SF fundraiser for 2024 election​


Haley has better chance at beating Biden in general election, new poll shows​


South Carolina's conservative electorate gives Trump a big edge​

There's no home-court advantage for Haley in the GOP primary.
By Geoffrey Skelley
February 22, 2024, 4:13 PM



Nikki Haley and former President Trump gear up for South Carolina primary
Nikki Haley and former President Trump gear up for South Carolina primary
Host of the 538 politics podcast Galen Druke previews the South Carolina primary and co...Show More

South Carolina is known as the Palmetto State, but when it comes to Republican presidential nomination contests, a more apt nickname might be the Kingmaker State. Since the South Carolina Republican Party introduced the state's "First in the South" presidential primary in 1980, the race has often positioned one GOP contender as the unquestioned front-runner moving into later primaries. And over the past four decades, all but one Republican aspirant who won South Carolina went on to win the party's nomination.
In 2024, South Carolina could once again prove decisive in the Republican presidential primary, albeit as a potential final nail in the coffin. Heading into Saturday's contest, former President Donald Trump holds a dominant position in the GOP race over his only remaining major opponent, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley. As a former South Carolina governor, Haley surely hoped a strong home-state showing would boost her chances for the Republican nomination. But while New Hampshire's primary electorate was relatively friendly to Haley (who lost to Trump by 11 percentage points in the Granite State a month ago), a more conservative and religious Republican electorate has helped buoy Trump to a much more commanding polling lead in South Carolina.
Haley has sounded resilient in the face of her underdog status, promising earlier this week that she will remain in the race beyond South Carolina regardless of the outcome. Still, her continued ability to raise money and appeal to voters could be greatly hampered by suffering a much worse defeat in South Carolina than she endured in New Hampshire. With the future of the GOP contest at stake, here is a look at the state of play in the Palmetto State, and why Trump appears on course to claim a sizable victory on Saturday.

Trump could win by a record-setting margin​

To begin with, the primary polls give Trump a huge lead in South Carolina. As of Thursday afternoon, Trump led Haley by almost a two-to-one margin, 64 percent to 33 percent, in 538's South Carolina polling average — a gap three times the magnitude of Trump's New Hampshire victory.
PHOTO: 538's average of the Republican presidential primary race in South Carolina.

538's average of the Republican presidential primary race in South Carolina.
538 photo illustration
Should the polls prove reasonably accurate, Trump could be on his way to one of the largest victories a Republican primary contender has ever enjoyed in South Carolina. For a non-incumbent, then-Vice President George H.W. Bush set the standard with a 28-point victory in the 1988 primary. Bush then won by 41 points while seeking renomination in 1992, the only time the state GOP held a presidential primary in a year when an incumbent Republican president was running for reelection. While Trump is unlikely to best Bush's 1992 record, his lead in our polling average would narrowly outshine Bush's 1988 victory margin.

Trump could be on track for one of the biggest S.C. wins ever​

Winner, runner-up and margin of victory in the South Carolina Republican primary, 1980 to 2016
2016Donald Trump32.4%Marco Rubio22.4%10.0
2012Newt Gingrich40.4Mitt Romney27.812.6
2008John McCain33.1Mike Huckabee29.83.3
2000George W. Bush53.4John McCain41.911.5
1996Bob Dole45.1Pat Buchanan29.215.9
1992George H.W. Bush*66.9Pat Buchanan25.741.2
1988George H.W. Bush48.5Bob Dole20.627.9
1980Ronald Reagan54.7John Connally29.625.0
South Carolina Republicans first held a presidential primary in 1980.
Now, primary polls have larger average errors than general election polls, so a closer-than-expected result is certainly not out of the question. Yet Haley would need a historically large polling misfire to even run near to Trump, much less win. Consider one of the largest presidential polling misses in modern times: Michigan's 2016 Democratic primary. In that contest, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders defeated former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by 1.4 points after trailing by a little more than 21 points in the polls — about a 23-point error, all told. An error of that size in this year's South Carolina GOP primary would barely get Haley within around 10 points of Trump, not far off her margin of defeat in New Hampshire. To actually win, she would need a polling error around 50 percent larger than the Michigan miss in 2016.

A more Republican, conservative and religious electorate​

Despite being Haley's home base, South Carolina is demographically much friendlier turf for Trump than New Hampshire. Exit polls dating back to the 2012 Republican nomination race suggest that South Carolina's GOP primary electorate — like Iowa before it — will be more heavily Republican, more conservative and more religious than New Hampshire voters. All of these are pluses for Trump.

Republican electorates look different in S.C. and N.H.​

Exit polls of voters in the New Hampshire and South Carolina Republican primaries since 2012
Party ID
Very conservative2526213836
Somewhat conservative4245324332
White evangelical/born-again Christian
In 2012 and 2016, at least 7 in 10 South Carolina GOP primary voters identified as Republican and about a quarter called themselves independents. By contrast, only around half of New Hampshire's GOP primary voters in 2012, 2016 and 2024 called themselves Republicans, while more than 40 percent said they were independent. As was true in Iowa and New Hampshire, Haley has stronger support among self-identified independents than among Republicans in South Carolina, so a larger share of Republicans voting in the GOP primary should help Trump.
In Iowa's caucuses, where only registered Republicans could participate, the entrance poll found that Trump won a majority (54 percent) of those who identified as Republican versus a plurality (42 percent) of self-described independents. In New Hampshire, which permits unaffiliated voters to cast ballots in the party primary of their choice, the exit poll found that the two groups diverged to a much larger extent: Trump won 74 percent of the vote among Republicans while Haley won 58 percent of independents. Recent polling suggests we might see a New Hampshire-esque split in preferences in South Carolina, too. Mid-February surveys from Suffolk University/USA Today and Emerson College/The Hill found Trump surpassing 70 percent among self-identified Republicans, while Haley narrowly led among independents in each poll.
Now, South Carolina is an open primary state with no party registration, so more self-described independents — and even Democrats — could participate in Saturday's primary. State law allows voters to cast a ballot in only one party's presidential primary, and the Feb. 3 Democratic contest had extremely low turnout. This was partly due to low interest in light of Biden's weak opposition — he won 96 percent of the vote — but it may also signal that some anti-Trump voters stayed home so they could weigh in on the GOP contest. Haley's campaign itself has sought to turn out voters who don't regularly participate in primaries, while groups like Primary Pivot have encouraged voters regardless of party to vote in the GOP primary to impede Trump.

Yet it's still hard to imagine the electorate dramatically shifting from what we saw in 2012 and 2016 to include a much larger share of independents or even Democrats. In fact, 2012 may be instructive: That year, President Barack Obama faced minimal opposition for renomination and ran unopposed in South Carolina, so the GOP primary was the only real game in town. Despite this, there was only a small uptick in the share of non-Republicans in the primary electorate.
Beyond party identification, Trump also stands to benefit from South Carolina's larger share of conservative-minded voters. More than 35 percent of GOP primary voters identified as "very conservative" in South Carolina's 2012 and 2016 races, whereas New Hampshire's electorate didn't surpass 26 percent in that category between 2012 and 2024. And Trump does best among the most conservative voters in the polls: For instance, a late January Monmouth University/Washington Post poll of South Carolina found Trump garnering 80 percent support among very conservative voters, compared with 59 percent among somewhat conservative and 33 percent among moderate/liberal voters. This is a major shift from 2016, when Trump attracted more support from less conservative voters, while Texas Sen. Ted Cruz tended to do best among those who labeled themselves very conservative.
Trump's greater appeal among conservatives is also connected to his increased support among white evangelical Christian voters. Voters who fall in that category tend to identify as more conservative than non-evangelicals, and they will likely make up a majority of South Carolina's GOP primary electorate. In 2012 and 2016, about two-thirds of GOP primary voters there identified as white born-again Christians, compared to less than a quarter in New Hampshire. That this group would be so numerous adds up: South Carolina ranks in the top one-third of states based on population share that identifies as white evangelical Christian (23 percent), according to the Public Religion Research Institute, and white evangelicals rank among the Americans most likely to identify as Republican.
The late January Monmouth University/Washington Post poll found Trump attracting support from 69 percent of white evangelicals, compared with 46 percent of other voters. Meanwhile early February surveys from Winthrop University and The Citadel didn't separate out white evangelicals, but found Trump at 70 percent or better among evangelical Christians, compared with around 60 percent among those who didn't identify that way. (Note that most voters will be white: In South Carolina's 2012 and 2016 GOP primaries, 98 percent of voters identified that way, according to the South Carolina Election Commission. Though participation among voters of color may tick up this year, they will remain a very small part of the primary electorate.)

What to watch as the returns come in​

As the state begins to report vote counts on Saturday evening, we'll be watching county and broader regional results to gauge the potential scope of Trump's advantage. The 2016 Republican primary can serve as a helpful starting point for understanding where Trump's strongest — and weakest — areas might be. Back then, Trump won by 10 points, garnering 32 percent of the vote. His two main rivals, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Cruz, each received about 22 percent, with Rubio finishing second. Yet with a crowded field — three other candidates won between 7 and 8 percent — Trump's showing was good enough to carry all but two counties in the state.

In 2016, Trump's strongest-performing area was in the state's northeast: He won about 44 percent of the vote in the Myrtle Beach-Florence media market, which made up close to one-eighth of the state's vote. The northeastern part of the state should once again be one of Trump's strongest in 2024: The Citadel's poll found him winning around two-thirds of the vote in that media market, and Suffolk found him garnering about 7 in 10 voters in the Pee Dee region, which overlaps much of the same turf. He's also poised to improve in a critical area of (relative) weakness in 2016: the vote-rich Upstate area around Greenville in the state's northwest, which contributed about one-third of the 2016 primary vote and was Cruz's strongest region. Both The Citadel and Suffolk polls found Trump at around 70 percent support there. His strength in the Upstate region — the most evangelical-rich part of the state — will come in part from having won over very conservative and white evangelical voters more likely to have backed Cruz in 2016.
By contrast, Haley will likely do best in Rubio's strongest regions, like the more affluent and well-educated Charleston area, where Haley pulled in between 40 and 50 percent of respondents in The Citadel and Suffolk polls. Charleston County proper was one of just two counties that Rubio carried in 2016, the other being Richland County (home to Columbia, the state capital) in the center of the state. Haley could be competitive there, too, as the Suffolk poll found her running within a dozen points of Trump in central South Carolina. Overall, the Charleston and Columbia media markets made up about one-sixth and one-fifth of the state's 2016 GOP primary vote, respectively.
Headed into Saturday, the win-loss outcome in South Carolina lacks much drama. Trump is a huge favorite to carry the Palmetto State, leaving the final margin — and Haley's response to it — as the main point of interest. Were Haley to depart the race right after South Carolina, the 2024 Republican race would rank as the shortest competitive presidential primary since the modern nomination process began in the 1970s. Though she insists that her plan is to soldier on into March regardless of Saturday's outcome, despite trailing Trump by huge margins most everywhere, a decisive loss in her home state could change that calculus.

'I think she can do it': Why some South Carolina voters are sticking with Haley despite polls​

"The prospect of four years of Trump or Biden is really scary," one voter said.
By Gabriella Abdul-Hakim
February 22, 2024, 1:05 PM


Voters in South Carolina are getting ready to weigh in on Saturday's Republican presidential primary: a matchup between former President Donald Trump and former Gov. Nikki Haley.
With Haley significantly trailing Trump in the polls, ABC News asked her supporters over the past three weeks why they're still pulling for her despite her being so far behind.
After his wins in previous primaries, Trump is expected to beat Haley handily in her home state of South Carolina with 538's polling average showing Haley trails Trump by 30 points.
But Haley says she isn't deterred. Earlier this week, she vowed to stay in the race for South Carolina and beyond, saying she feels "no need to kiss the ring."
Voter Ed Kosinski said it will be challenging for Haley, despite being the state's two-term governor, to win in the state.
"I think it's going to be tough. Yeah, it's tough to dethrone the king. And that's what [Trump] wants to be," said Kosinski -- who moved to Kiawah, South Carolina, a year ago from Connecticut.
PHOTO: Donald Trump and Nikki Haley

Donald Trump and Nikki Haley
Getty Images

"I think she can do it and I think we can't give up that right. She's got to do it. The prospect of four years of Trump or Biden is really scary."
Kosinski said Haley is what America needs right now.
"America really needs a thoughtful, strong leader. And we've reached this critical time, I think, for the United States. We've got to have someone that we have confidence in. That's going to lead us where we need to go. Nikki's got that."
Haley has sharply ramped up her criticism of Trump, recently calling the former president "unhinged" and "more diminished." On Tuesday, she said politicians know Trump is a "disaster."

She has also turned up the heat on her campaign ads -- attacking Trump for his past comments mocking military veterans. More recently, the two have sparred over Trump's mocking jabs at Haley's husband, who is serving a one-year deployment in Africa with the South Carolina National Guard.
Trump implied during a campaign event in South Carolina, earlier this month that Haley's husband is in Africa to get away. Haley said his comments "cut deep" for military families who sacrifice for the United States.
Several voters who spoke with ABC News said they supported Haley and hope she stays in the race to prevail over Trump -- and eventually Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee.
PHOTO: Republican Presidential hopeful and former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley speaks during a campaign event, Feb. 21, 2024, in North Augusta, S.C.

Republican Presidential hopeful and former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley speaks during a...Show more
Julia Nikhinson/AFP via Getty Images

"Whenever elections come around, people always say that they have to choose between two different [candidates] and which one is the less evil. But in this election, I don't really think … there is an evil when you look at Nikki Haley versus the other two evils," said 21-year-old independent Lilli Taylor.
Several people who voted for Trump in 2020, are considering changing their votes this time around, hoping Haley can win.
Rebecca Jones said she has soured on Trump and is "very impressed" with Haley.

PHOTO: Republican presidential candidate and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley greets supporters during a campaign visit at Clemson University, Feb. 20, 2024, in Clemson, S.C.

Republican presidential candidate and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Ni...Show more
Alyssa Pointer/Reuters

"I did like the way he did things in the beginning, but I think what happened is I think he kind of turned, and now it's all about him. It's not about us. It's all about him. If we don't think the way he does, it's not good, and I don't like that," Jones said.
Pat Sanders, a Republican who voted for Trump in the last election, said he thinks Haley can win in the South Carolina primary. He said Trump's behavior, attitude and comments led him to consider Haley, who he said had "wonderful ideas" as the state's governor.
"I like what Nikki has to say," Sanders said. "… I was on the cusp."
Haley, who has attacked both Trump and Biden over their age, brings some much-needed youth to the race, Kosinski said.
"I'm in my 70s and I can tell you, I'm too old to be president. And I'm younger than both [Biden and Trump]. So, it's time for them to move aside. Let's get some youth in line," he said. "I love the idea that we have a woman as a candidate for president, a thoughtful, strong woman. I think it's great for America."

BREAKING NEWS: Tulsi Gabbard Defends Trump From Nikki Haley At CPAC As South Carolina Primary Nears​


Trump: The life of our country is at stake​


Nikki Haley's last stand and the election conspiracies surrounding Taylor Swift | Planet America​


Nikki Haley vows to remain in presidential race​


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