United States elections 2024

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Trump leads Biden in latest national poll​

BY SARAH POLUS - 04/18/24 6:00 AM ET

Former President Trump is leading President Biden among potential voters in the upcoming presidential election, an Emerson College Polling national survey released Thursday found, with Biden’s polling rate dropping since early April.
Trump leads Biden 46 percent to 43 percent, according to the poll. Support for Biden dropped 2 percentage points since the previous Emerson College poll in early April, while Trump’s polling stayed at 46 percent.

Another 12 percent reported being undecided, according to Thursday’s results. When undecided voters were pressed to pick a candidate, Trump’s support rose to 51 percent, while Biden’s climbed to 48 percent.
When independent candidates were thrown into the mix, support for Trump dropped to 44 percent and 40 percent for Biden. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. received 8 percent of support, another 8 percent reported being undecided, and 1 percent supported Cornel West.
Among issues that voters cited as most critical in forming their opinion of each candidate were the economy and immigration. When asked about specific economic issues, 70 percent said they think the cost of living is rising, and that 70 percent was more likely to support Trump over Biden, the survey found.
“Voters who think the cost of living is rising support Trump over Biden, 56% to 32%,” said Spencer Kimball, executive director of Emerson College Polling. “Those who feel the cost of living is easing or staying the same support Biden over Trump, 94% to 6% and 67% to 18%”
The Israel-Hamas war also came up as a point of contention among the polled voters, with a plurality of voters, 44, percent, saying they feel they’re not getting the full picture when it comes to the war.
“Perceptions of receiving accurate war information show a significant split,” Kimball said. “Biden leads among those who think they are getting accurate information (53% to 36%), while Trump leads among skeptics (53% to 38%). Those unsure are divided, with 44% leaning toward Trump and 42% toward Biden.”

The Emerson College Polling survey was conducted April 16-17 among 1,308 registered voters and has a 2.6 percent margin of error.

Trump cuts into Biden’s lead among demographic traditionally dominated by Dems: poll​

Poll indicates President Biden's lead over former President Trump among voters under 30 is smaller than it was in his White House victory 4 years ago​

Paul Steinhauser
By Paul Steinhauser Fox News
Published April 18, 2024 1:14pm EDT

Media's polling addiction

A new well publicized poll from Harvard University is the latest to indicate rising support for former President Trump among the nation's youngest voters, who traditionally are a key part of the Democratic Party's base.
President Biden leads his Republican challenger 45%-37% among people ages 18 to 29 in a Harvard Youth Poll released early Thursday by the Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics. Sixteen percent of those questioned were undecided.
However, Biden's 8-point advantage over the former president is much smaller than his 23-point lead over Trump at the same point four years ago in the 2020 election cycle.

The president's lead over Trump widens to 50%-37% among registered voters under age 30, and to 56%-37% among those likely to cast a ballot in the November election.
Biden, Trump

President Biden, left, and former President Trump. (Getty Images)
However, even Biden's 19-point margin among likely voters under age 30 is much smaller than his 30-point lead over Trump four years ago.
Additionally, the poll indicates that the president's 19-point lead over Trump among likely voters shrinks to 13-points when third party and independent candidates are added to the mix.
According to the survey, Biden stands at 43%, Trump 30%, Democrat turned independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at 8%, Green Party candidate Jill Stein at 4% and independent Cornel West at 2%.
Joe Biden in Scranton, PA

President Biden speaks during a campaign event in Scranton, Pennsylvania, Tuesday, April 16, 2024. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)
The poll suggests Trump's made major gains among young male voters.

"Democrats have lost significant ground with young men," the poll's release highlighted.
The president leads among women by 33 points in the poll, but his advantage among men is just six points. While Biden's lead among women is nearly identical to four years ago, his advantage among men has plummeted 20 points from this point in the 2020 election cycle.
"The gap between young men’s and young women’s political preferences is pronounced," polling director for the Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics John Della Volpe emphasized.
He also cautioned to "make no mistake, this is a different youth electorate than we saw in 2020 and 2022."
Former President Donald Trump exits Trump Tower in New York City

Former President Trump exits Trump Tower in New York City on Monday, April 15, 2024 ahead of the beginning of jury selection in his so-called hush money trial in Manhattan Criminal Court. (Probe-Media for Fox News Digital)
The poll also indicated that younger voters supporting Trump are much more enthusiastic about the former president than Biden voters are about the current president. More than three-quarters of those backing Trump said they were enthusiastic about their support, compared to just 44% of Biden backers who said the same thing.
The poll is the latest to indicate an erosion in support for Biden among younger voters. Also alarming for the president is his approval rating among those under 30, standing at just 31% in the new survey.

The Harvard Youth poll of 2,010 Americans ages 18-29 was conducted March 14-21, with an overall sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points.
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Trump cuts into Biden’s lead among young people, poll finds​

The president is still leading with people under 30, but by smaller margins than four years ago.
Joe Biden steps off of Marine One.

President Joe Biden steps off of Marine One and walks across the South Lawn of the White House in Washington on April 17, 2024, after returning from a trip to Pennsylvania. | Susan Walsh/AP
04/18/2024 05:00 AM EDT

Former President Donald Trump is cutting deeper into President Joe Biden’s lead among young voters, according to a new poll.
Biden leads Trump, 45 percent to 37 percent, among people ages 18 to 29 in a Harvard Youth Poll released Thursday, with 16 percent undecided. That 8 percentage point margin is much smaller than at this point in the 2020 election. At that time, Biden was leading Trump by 23 percentage points among young people.

Biden’s margins widen when the pool is restricted to registered and likely voters. But, still, his 19-point lead over Trump among the voters under 30 who are considered likely to turn out is significantly smaller than his 30-point advantage this time four years ago.

Biden holds wide leads among likely voters who are non-white and women — up by 43 points and 33 points over Trump, respectively. He trounces Trump among the higher-educated set, leading the presumptive Republican nominee by 47 points among likely voters who are college graduates and 23 points among college students.
But Biden’s margins are far slimmer — or nonexistent — among other key demographics. He’s just 6 percentage points ahead of Trump among likely voters who are young men, according to the poll, and just 3 points ahead among white voters. When it comes to young people without college degrees, Biden and Trump are in a dead heat.
And though there are fewer of them, Trump’s younger voters are far more enthusiastic about the former president than their peers who are backing Biden, according to the poll. More than three-quarters of Trump voters said they enthusiastically support the Republican, while just 44 percent of Biden voters said the same.
Trump supporters cheer.

Trump supporters during a rally for Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump on Tuesday April 2, 2024, in Green Bay, Wisconsin. | Mike Roemer/AP
The nationwide survey of 2,010 Americans aged 18 to 29 was conducted between March 14 and 21 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points. Respondents were surveyed online after being randomly recruited to join a panel maintained by Ipsos Public Affairs.

“Make no mistake, this is a different youth electorate than we saw in 2020 and 2022, and young voters are motivated by different things,” John Della Volpe, polling director for the Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics and an expert on polling young voters, said in a statement.
“Economic issues are top of mind, housing is a major concern — and the gap between young men’s and young women’s political preferences is pronounced,” he said.
The Harvard youth survey is the latest to show Trump rising among the nation’s youngest voters, another potential warning sign for Democrats whose presidential candidates have long been able to successfully court that bloc.
Indeed, while Biden’s lead is 26 points among likely voters ages 25 to 29, it falls to 14 points among those ages 18 to 24.
Still, the survey shows some reasons for concern for Trump, too. Biden’s overall lead grows if the former president is convicted in any of his criminal trials, with the Democrat jumping up 10 points among all young adults, 8 points among registered voters and 9 points among likely voters.
But third-party candidates threaten to erode Biden’s margins, putting more data behind a scenario Democrats have long feared. Biden would still win the youth vote with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Cornel West and Jill Stein on the ballot, the Harvard pollsters said, but potentially only by a handful of points.


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And Biden’s job approval rating among younger adults is just 31 percent.
Meanwhile, Biden’s approach to the ongoing Israel-Hamas war could cost him at the ballot box. More than half of young adults, 51 percent, support a permanent cease-fire in Gaza — which Biden has stopped short of calling for — a viewpoint that cuts across party and demographic lines. Just 10 percent of young people oppose it.
Just a fifth of young Americans believe Israel’s response to Hamas’ Oct. 7 incursion is justified, while 32 percent believe it is not.

Fox News Poll: Biden and Trump in tight races in battlegrounds Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin​

The surveys show the head-to-head matchup between President Biden and former President Trump is tight​

Dana Blanton
By Dana Blanton Fox News
Published April 18, 2024 6:00pm EDT | Updated April 18, 2024 6:01pm EDT

Majorities of voters in four battleground states are unhappy with President Biden’s job performance and don’t feel they are getting ahead financially. That’s according to the latest Fox News statewide surveys in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. The polls were conducted April 11-16 and include over 1,100 registered voters in each state.

The surveys, released Thursday, show the head-to-head matchup between President Biden and former President Donald Trump is tight. The candidates are tied in two states (PA, WI) and Trump is ahead in two (GA, MI), although neither advantage is outside the margin of sampling error.

In addition, in all four state surveys:

— Trump is meeting or exceeding his 2020 vote percentages in the two-way race, while Biden trails his number.

— More voters disapprove than approve of Biden’s job performance by at least 10 points.

— Biden overperforms his approval rating by at least 3 points in the matchup, as 10% of those who disapprove of his job performance still prefer him over Trump.

— Trump holds a substantial trust advantage on immigration and the economy; Biden holds a smaller edge on election integrity and health care. On abortion, more trust Biden in MI, PA, and WI, while more trust Trump in GA.

— Biden has a higher unfavorable rating than Trump (except in WI, where both are viewed negatively by 54%).

— Support for third-party candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is below 10% in a hypothetical five-way race in all four states.

See results from the individual state surveys: Georgia here, Michigan here, Pennsylvania here and Wisconsin here.

The Fox News Poll is conducted under the joint direction of Beacon Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R). The battleground surveys were conducted April 11-16 among registered voters randomly selected from a statewide voter file in Georgia (1,128), Michigan (1,126), Pennsylvania (1,141) and Wisconsin (1,198). Respondents spoke with live interviewers on landlines and cellphones or completed the survey online after receiving a text. Results based on the full sample in each state have a margin of sampling error of ±3 percentage points. Weights are generally applied to age, race, education, and area variables to ensure the demographics of respondents are representative of the registered voter population.

Trump leads Biden in North Carolina: Poll​

BY JULIA MUELLER - 04/19/24 5:00 AM ET

Former President Trump and President Biden appear side-by-side in this composite image.
Justin Lane; Alex Brandon, Associated Press pool
Former President Trump, left, and President Biden are tied in The Hill/Decision Desk HQ’s aggregate of polls.
Former President Trump is six points ahead of President Biden in North Carolina, new polling shows.
A Mason-Dixon North Carolina poll found Trump with 49 percent support among voters in the Tar Heel State, while Biden brought in 43 percent. Another eight percent were undecided.

The poll comes just after North Carolina’s Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper said on Wednesday that he thinks Biden can win the state this fall – after Trump took the state in both 2016 and 2020.
“I believe President Biden can win North Carolina,” Cooper said at Semafor’s World Economy Summit. “And the campaign obviously believes that because they are investing. And they are there.”
No Democratic presidential candidate has won North Carlina since Barack Obama in 2008. President Obama lost the Tar Heel State four years later to Republican Mitt Romney.
The Biden campaign is zeroing in on North Carolina as a possible flip opportunity in 2024, but has acknowledged it will “take relentless effort” to reach the voters it needs by November.
In Western Carolina, Trump is up by a whopping 30 points, according to the poll – while Biden is ahead 18 points in the Triangle area around Raleigh and Durham, and is up more narrowly in the Charlotte metro area.
Trump is leading among men in North Carolina, while Biden is ahead among women. Trump has 61 percent of white voters in the state, while Biden has 80 percent of Black voters.

The Republican also has the edge among independent voters, with 49 percent to 41 percent.
Polling averages from The Hill/Decision Desk HQ show Trump with a 3-point edge over Biden in the state.
The new poll from Mason-Dixon Polling & Research, Inc. was conducted April 9-13 among 635 registered North Carolina voters and had a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

Biden is losing young voter support because of these two key issues, new poll finds​

Sudiksha Kochi

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden is losing support among young voters, according to a new poll, as his handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict and other issues have spurred dissatisfaction among the group.
The Harvard Youth poll, conducted among 2,010 18-29-year-olds, found that Biden would outperform Trump 50% to 37% among registered young voters and 56% to 37% among likely young voters. Among all young adults below 30, those figures narrow with 45% supporting Biden and 37% for Trump. 16% of Americans remain undecided.
By contrast, the president had a much higher lead at this stage during the 2020 election, according to the poll. 60% of likely young voters under 30 supported Biden while only 30% supported Trump. 51% of all young adults supported Biden while 28% supported Trump.

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The poll was conducted between March 14 and March 21 with a margin of error of plus or minus 3.2 percentage points.
Prep for the polls: See who is running for president and compare where they stand on key issues in our Voter Guide
“Young people today have clear concerns about where our country is headed,” said Setti Warren, the director of the Insitute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School, in a news release. “From worries about the economy, foreign policy, immigration, and climate, young people across the country are paying attention and are increasingly prepared to make their voices heard at the ballot box this November.”

The Israel-Hamas conflict is one issue driving young voters to the polls. The poll found that more young Americans think Israel’s actions are unjustified rather than justified.
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Immigration is also becoming a hot topic. While 53% of young Americans think there is a crisis at the southern border, 50% agree that immigrants “improve the culture” of the U.S. and 45% oppose the construction of a wall.

Other polls have also found that Biden has weak support among young voters. For instance, a USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll released in January found that among registered voters under 35, Trump leads 37% to 33%.

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