United States elections 2024


Oct 24, 2012
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Trump is very independent of the Republican Party. That's because they need him (to fill lower level seats) but he doesn't need them (except to pass the two party gauntlet that is impossible to remove in the short term).

As for this talk of 'let them finish' he has to say certain things to please the Zionist king makers, else he can kiss goodbye to the election, his wealth and his future. It is also true that Jared has enormous influence on him through Ivanka (or Ivana, I can never remember which is which), but he also prides himself on being his own man and not taking orders from anybody. His ego will demand that America is seen as bossman in any dealings with Israel.
This is not how US Politic works. Unlike Australia or the UK, congress and senate both separate from the office of President. The Pres can't do anything if he does not have control of either/both Senate and Congress. So Trump is going to need to stick to the party than the other way around, the party control both houses, not the president. In Australia or UK, the leader of the country is by default, the leader of the Parliament (Otherwise you can't form a government), it's not going to be the case in the US. Even now, it's a Dem president but a GOP congress with a Dem senate

On the other hand, you have to be extremely naive to think Trump is going to be a boss of Israel. Again, Israel pulls in the US political scene is enormous, when Trump said let them finish, it means he is going to give no bar support to Israel to finish the job. I mean you are the only person I know both from this forum and other would think Trump is not going to support Netanyahu.....


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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This is not how US Politic works. Unlike Australia or the UK, congress and senate both separate from the office of President. The Pres can't do anything if he does not have control of either/both Senate and Congress. So Trump is going to need to stick to the party than the other way around, the party control both houses, not the president. In Australia or UK, the leader of the country is by default, the leader of the Parliament (Otherwise you can't form a government), it's not going to be the case in the US. Even now, it's a Dem president but a GOP congress with a Dem senate

LOL, I am extremely well versed in how the American political system works, but let's leave that aside.

What I meant by GOP needs him more was in the context of winning elections. When it comes to working with Congress, once again the GOP knows whom the American people like better: Trump or the GOP politicians. They will not cross the floor against Trump, not a chance, especially when the Dems are in the midst of major fractures, what with AOC and the progressives getting bolder by the day.

Even that aside, the Executive branch has immense powers to side-step the checks and balances, especially in matters of foreign policy, and all POTUS have used these powers.

I mean you are the only person I know both from this forum and other would think Trump is not going to support Netanyahu.....

Once again, my original comment had nothing to do with Israel. so this line of discussion is irrelevant to my comment.

Biden is dead meat. He has been dead meat for months. Any appearance of a tight race is artificially maintained to generate election year income for the people I mentioned.


Oct 24, 2012
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LOL, I am extremely well versed in how the American political system works, but let's leave that aside.

What I meant by GOP needs him more was in the context of winning elections. When it comes to working with Congress, once again the GOP knows whom the American people like better: Trump or the GOP politicians. They will not cross the floor against Trump, not a chance, especially when the Dems are in the midst of major fractures, what with AOC and the progressives getting bolder by the day.

Even that aside, the Executive branch has immense powers to side-step the checks and balances, especially in matters of foreign policy, and all POTUS have used these powers.

You don't need him to win an election, all election are done locally, if GOP need Trump to win an election, then it would mean he (Trump) has to run every elector campaign (that's over 600 - 435 Congress Election, 50 Senator, 50 Governor and then other role like DA and so on)

Congress and Senate are aligned to state politics, not Federal, even tho they are elected federally. The state is the point of election, because they represent the state in the federal government.

On the other hand, GOP Congress had crossed the floor multiple time just this years alone. First with the Ukraine and Israeli supplement package, and then with the censure of Mike Johnson

And lol, Executive Branch can't side-step the congress with Foreign Policy, POTUS can veto a bill, but House can override the Presidential Veto power if they have Supermajority, which in most case, they will need to have Supermajority to pass any law to begin with (Think the only bill that don't need supermajority is a confirmation of nominee).

For a person who claim to be well versed with US Politic who don't understand the power separation between the executive branch and the legislative branch
Once again, my original comment had nothing to do with Israel. so this line of discussion is irrelevant to my comment.

Biden is dead meat. He has been dead meat for months. Any appearance of a tight race is artificially maintained to generate election year income for the people I mentioned.

And I had said you are entitled to what you think.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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You don't need him to win an election, all election are done locally, if GOP need Trump to win an election, then it would mean he (Trump) has to run every elector campaign (that's over 600 - 435 Congress Election, 50 Senator, 50 Governor and then other role like DA and so on)

Congress and Senate are aligned to state politics, not Federal, even tho they are elected federally. The state is the point of election, because they represent the state in the federal government.

You don't even understand the concept of endorsement so I won't bother educating you. A Trump endorsement for a candidate is not a sure thing -- it can even backfire in some cases -- but mostly it's a winning strategy for lower level candidates.

And lol, Executive Branch can't side-step the congress with Foreign Policy, POTUS can veto a bill, but House can override the Presidential Veto power if they have Supermajority, which in most case, they will need to have Supermajority to pass any law to begin with (Think the only bill that don't need supermajority is a confirmation of nominee).

Read up on Executive Orders. You clearly have no clue what they are and how often they have been used by POTUS. The bar is very very high on challenging an Executive Order. Congress has to really really come together to challenge an Executive Order.

For a person who claim to be well versed with US Politic who don't understand the power separation between the executive branch and the legislative branch

You are reverting to your old personality. You can't conduct a discussion without getting personal and rude. The 'checks and balances' concept includes not just the Executive and Legislative but also the Judiciary.

It is not my job to educate you.

This conversation is over.
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Oct 24, 2012
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You don't even understand the concept of endorsement so I won't bother educating you. A Trump endorsement for a candidate is not a sure thing -- it can even backfire in some cases -- but mostly it's a winning strategy for lower level candidates.

Endorsement means nothing in the US......It only mean something if you have a primary on that Congress/Senate seat. Which usually does not (There were 220 seats up for grasp in 2022 mid-term only 18 or 20 have primary), which mean whether or not a particular candidate is endorsed by Trump would be on the ticket and that would be what people vote for GOP voted for.

By the way 82% of last Trump endorsement failed to gain their position.

Read up on Executive Orders. You clearly have no clue what they are and how often they have been used by POTUS.

Executive Order only applies to federal government wrt to federal law, not foreign policy........Bruh. President can issue an executive order to have CBP to stop and detain illegal immigrant or have ATF or FBI done an audit, but he can't issue an executive order to say withdrawn from NATO or sign any treaty with any country....Those needed to be endorsed by the house.....

Also, Congress can override executive order if they again have supermajority......

Dude, you have zero understanding on how this work, so yes, I agree with you, you need to read up on Executive Order.

You are reverting to your old personality. You can't conduct a discussion without getting personal and rude. The 'checks and balances' concept includes not just the Executive and Legislative but also the Judiciary.

It is not my job to educate you.

This conversation is over.
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Jan 1, 2024
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I hope trump become the president. He was close to declare war on Iran last time and with how things have unfolds now he will do it as soon as he is sworn in. Let middle east burn, it is not fair for the children of gaza to suffer alone, let also the children of israel, saudi, iran suffer


Elite Member
Oct 2, 2013
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'A Rip Off': Trump Blasts Climate Accords, Pans Biden For 'Destroying' Social Security During Debate​



Elite Member
Oct 2, 2013
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WATCH: Trump Reacts To Claims That Biden Will Leave Race After Debate—And Makes His Own Prediction​


Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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I hope trump become the president. He was close to declare war on Iran last time and with how things have unfolds now he will do it as soon as he is sworn in. Let middle east burn, it is not fair for the children of gaza to suffer alone, let also the children of israel, saudi, iran suffer
Americans are tired of being the world's policeman, but our voices, for the most part, are being ignored.

Look at the number of voters this primary season. Across the board, voter participation is down from 40-80% from 2022 and 2024.


Jul 15, 2015
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Am I the only one who think Biden wasn't really that bad in this debate. The thing is, we have spend the last 3.5 years talking about how senile Biden was, with all the "malfunction" and falling down. I mean, we aren't really expecting Biden to be sharp as a tack on this debate, him stuttering and seems forgetful is something we all expected in this debate. I mean we all know this and he was still ahead of Trump into the debate. Which mean the only thing we need to look at is Trump's performance.

Was looking at the Poll after debate, most of them have Mid-High 20 on Dem winning the debate, the problem is, Trump is still only mid-high 40, which mean even at that, Trump should have won by a landslide, and it did not. That did show the undecided cloud is still strong.

P.S. I am a double hater, I don't want neither Trump nor Biden to be President.
I think you are one of very few because your exception was already too low for Biden but many had very high hopes for Biden.
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Jul 15, 2015
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The issue is not with the debate

The issue is the debate did not change the poll figure a lot, I would expect a lot of people would change their mind about Biden after yesterday debate. But it wasn't as the straw poll suggest.

View attachment 51747

View attachment 51748

Again, in legal term, there are something called "Jury Bias" and "Jury Nullification" the same term applies in election. That is when voter ignore basic result and vote regardless of logic. Trump clearly won the debate, but that was not reflected on the early poll number, that is saying something.

I didn't say Biden won the debate, he lost it, and he lost it bad. But then bear in mind, Trump lost the 2016 Presidential Debate in poll too, and he ends up winning the presidency.
I mean really no one is going to change sides debate or no debate and there are very few undecided. My thought was simple that any decent democrats except Biden would have easily won against Trump. Now only way for Biden to win is on Hate Trump votes not what he did.


Oct 24, 2012
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I mean really no one is going to change sides debate or no debate and there are very few undecided. My thought was simple that any decent democrats except Biden would have easily won against Trump. Now only way for Biden to win is on Hate Trump votes not what he did.
I Have absolutely no expectation on Biden, I don't want him to be the President. But at the same time, I also don't want Trump to be POTUS again, and if I have to choose between the two. I would prefer Biden than Trump

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