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United States elections 2024


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Jul 15, 2015
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Well, you were talking about it as it was "his" policy, again, he can't actually do anything about it, yes, he can express it as his opinion stating that NATO aint paying enough due. But that isn't a policy.....

As for Afghan, would you agree even with limited present, it will still better than pulling out completely?
Yes it is Trump policy because he took initiative and said other NATO specially EU nations need to give their agreed upon share and USA cannot come to help if they don’t give necessary funding. So yes it was his policy and implicit threat.

Actually no as limited presence was not helpful as USA was getting blackmailed by Pakistan and who also played double game. There are enough reports out there regarding that subject. Also that limited Afghan setup was not doing anything unless that was the only source gathering intelligence in surrounding.


Oct 24, 2012
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Yes it is Trump policy because he took initiative and said other NATO specially EU nations need to give their agreed upon share and USA cannot come to help if they don’t give necessary funding. So yes it was his policy and implicit threat.

A policy is something you can make, if it is just going to talk, it wasn't a policy, that would be an opinion, if he can unilaterally withdraw from NATO, then it may become a policy, or if he instructed the congress and senate to start withdrawing from NATO, that would be a policy.

Him saying all that with nothing to follow is not really a policy.

Actually no as limited presence was not helpful as USA was getting blackmailed by Pakistan and who also played double game. There are enough reports out there regarding that subject. Also that limited Afghan setup was not doing anything unless that was the only source gathering intelligence in surrounding.

Well, intel gathering is one of the most forefront way to stop terrorism, because you need to know where to hit them before they arrive, otherwise if we are blind to the intelligence and we only hit them when they are ashore, that's too late.

As for whether or not being Blackmailed by Pakistan, that's another issue.


Elite Member
Oct 2, 2013
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If Biden Resigns After Debate And Kamala Harris Takes Over, It's Better Politically For GOP: Emmer​



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Oct 2, 2013
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Pollster predicts how debate will impact swing states that will decide election​



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Oct 2, 2013
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Should Democrats replace Biden? Hear what historian thinks​



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Oct 2, 2013
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Here's how the Democrats could replace Joe Biden according to Bruce Wolpe from the US Studies Centre​



Oct 24, 2012
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  • Trump will strengthen the border wall and completely resolve the southern border crisis
  • Trump will deport all illegal immigrants (this could save the lives of thousands of US citizens each year)
  • Trump will put AntiFar, BLM and many other far-left terrorist groups in jail
  • Trump will stop funding corrupt Ukrainian politicians
  • Trump will increase police powers and restore law and order in American cities
The United States went from a great nation to a third world pile of trash under the rule of the democratic party. Look at the cities in America: everywhere there is theft, robbery, rape, drugs, violence....

Biden and the democratic party love black people, LGBT, refugees, immigrants, Ukraine... but not America.

Truly a tragedy.
The two highlighted policy would mean US will turn to a Police State and Authoritarian regime, this is what China is and has been doing.

On the other hand, border is never going to be physically secure, you can't physically man the almost 2500 km US Mexico Border and he had 4 years to build "the wall" even the laziest contractor would be able to finish it, and the wall will not be protecting the border, ask the Israeli about that. Plus he can't actually deport illegal that was in the court system, you need to change the constitution to do that. The Asylum court is the issue, not the people under the system.

On top of that, he is going to spend at least half his presidency fighting the appeal on his 34 counts conviction in New York, we may as well vote for whoever his running mate is, because he/she will be the one running the country.

Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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America is way past its prime after peaking in the 1980s. Trump and Biden are the best America has to offer, and they both suck.
Those two are the best the criminal deep state can offer.

The sooner it collapses, the sooner us real Americans can take our country back.


Mar 20, 2022

If Biden Resigns After Debate And Kamala Harris Takes Over, It's Better Politically For GOP: Emmer​


just listen to that witch cackling away like hyena .

I rather see USA nuked and glowing away


Dec 27, 2023
I think the democrat party will pick Gavin Newsome to replace Biden. Gavin Newsom is an empty shell of a human that will be just as easy to control as dementia Biden. He is also good looking and speaks well and thats all that is needed to win an election.

Kamala Harris is as insufferable as Hillary Clinton so she won't be running for anything except maybe VP again.


Elite Member
Oct 2, 2013
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Trump Didn’t Avoid Jan. 6 Questions People In The Media Didn’t ‘Like The Answers He Gave’: Tom Emmer​



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Oct 2, 2013
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New York Times first US paper urging Biden to drop out of presidential race​

Editorial board says exiting is ‘greatest public service’ Biden can perform after disastrous debate performance

Sammy Gecsoyler
Sat 29 Jun 2024 10.48 BST

The New York Times’s editorial board has called on Joe Biden to drop out of the 2024 presidential race after a disastrous debate performance against Donald Trump.
Biden’s poor performance sent leading Democrats into a panic on Thursday night, after the US president appeared shaky and at points struggled to finish sentences. It amplified fears about his age and fitness for office that it had been hoped the debate would allay.

Shortly after the debate, senior Democrats including the vice-president, Kamala Harris, acknowledged Biden’s “slow start” but emphasised his “strong finish”, while others privately suggested he should step aside.

Trump supporters at a rally in Chesapeake, Virginia, on the day after the presidential debate.

In a move that will add further pressure on the White House, the New York Times editorial board said in an opinion piece on Friday that “the greatest public service [Biden] can now perform is to announce that he will not continue to run for re-election”.

“The president appeared on Thursday night as the shadow of a great public servant,” it said. “He struggled to explain what he would accomplish in a second term. He struggled to respond to [Trump’s] provocations. He struggled to hold [Trump] accountable for his lies, his failures and his chilling plans. More than once, he struggled to make it to the end of a sentence.”
“Biden is not the man he was four years ago,” it added.
Earlier in the day, the leading New York Times columnist Thomas L Friedman called on his “friend” to step aside. “Joe Biden, a good man and a good president, has no business running for re-election,” he said.
The former US president Barack Obama defended Biden in a social media post on Friday. “Bad debate nights happen,” he said. “But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself.”
In a campaign stop in North Carolina on Friday, Biden appeared far more energised and coherent. He acknowledged his widely panned debate performance.
“I don’t walk as easily as I used to, I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to, I don’t debate as well as I used to,” Biden said. “But I know what I do know. I know how to tell the truth.”

The New York Times has become the first US newspaper to call on Biden to drop out of the race, but other influential publications including the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times and the Atlantic have published op-eds by their leading columnists calling on Biden to step aside. Journal columnist Peggy Noonan said allowing Biden to continue “looks like elder abuse”.

In 2020, the New York Times jointly endorsed Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren in the Democratic primary.

Kamala Harris says election 'will not be decided by one night in June' – video
In response to the NYT’s call, the Biden campaign co-chair Cedric Richmond told CNN: “The last time Joe Biden lost the New York Times editorial board’s endorsement, it turned out pretty well for him.”
Biden and Trump are neck and neck in national polls for November. A New York Times/Sienna poll published this week before the debate found that Trump had a three-point lead over Biden. In the “battleground” states that are key to winning the White House, Trump is ahead in six out of seven, according to RealClearPolling.

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