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USA, CHINA and Imran Khan - Why China would lose a Taiwan war without Pakistan's help - And what Imran Khan has to do with it.


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Jul 15, 2015
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Guys stop copy pasting no one reads this much shit.

It would help china if Pakistan gets involved and starts war against India same time China does the Tauwan attack but ain’t happening else Pakistan is completely against western camp and than Taliban could become adventures in western side .


Jul 6, 2024
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To understand China's situation, one must understand the geological conditions.
China's EEZ borders South Korea on the Yellow Sea, Japan and Taiwan on the East China Sea , Taiwan, Philippines, Malaysia, Burunai and Indonesia on the South China Sea.

View attachment 48563
The battle location in a China-Taiwan war would be East China Sea.
The distance from mainland China to Taiwan is about 150km.
The water depth on the Chinese Coast (EEZ) is 20-50m. Chinese submarines have a diameter between 8-12M.
A submarine needs a minimum water depth of 8-15m.
Means a minimum sea depth of the upper edge of the submarine 16-27M.
View attachment 48573View attachment 48575
Copernicus- Europes Eyes on Earth - Sentinel Sattelites
These satellites can take measurements up to 45M underwater.
Then I don't want to know how deep US satellites look.
How can you use satellite imagery to monitor the ocean?
China's submarines would be easy to locate with satellites and would be an easy target.
Without submarine protection, the entire Chinese fleet would be unprotected.
On the coast of Taiwan the sea depth is between 80m and 250m.
This depth is enough for submarines to remain undetected.
The ranges of US torpedoes are given as 40km-70km depending on the source.
I take the range of the Turkish torpedo AKYEL as a reference(50km+)
ROKETSAN states the range of the AKYEL torpedo as 50km+.
China's frontal attack on Taiwan would end disastrously for China.
Battles of the Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea would make the Chinese Navy an easy target.
With its Nine-Dash Line policy in the South China Sea, China managed to turn the Philippines, Malaysia and Burunai against China.
As a result, American military ports and air bases were established in these countries.
In a War Ship passages leading to the Pacific and Indian Oceans would be closed to China.
China would be cut off from world trade.
A trade blockade would cripple China's economy and even cause it to collapse.

Summary: Without free access to international waters, China would be defeated very quickly in the current situation.

China only has a chance if they manage to move the battlefield to the Pacific.
1. China must manage to move its submarine/fleet to the Pacific Ocean.
2. China must be able to supply its navy without these fleet/submarines visiting ports on Chinese coasts.
Absolutely necessary for this!
1.Military ports on deep-water coasts. (Necessary to supply submarines undetected)
2. These military ports must have unhindered land connection to China.

There are only 2 countries eligible for China.
1. Pakistan, bordered by China to the north and the Arabian Sea to the south.
2. Myanmar, borders China to the north and the Indian Ocean to the south.
Both countries have deep coastal waters and land borders with China.
View attachment 48598

China is trying to make these countries dependent on China with projects such as CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor)
and CMEC (China-Myanmar Economic Corridor).
China grants large loans and builds roads, oil/gas pipelines and deep-sea ports in these countries.
The aim of these projects in the event of war:
1. Securing China's energy and raw material needs.
2.Supply of the Chinese Navy.
Only under these conditions, that China has the full support of Pakistan and Mayanmar,
does China have a small chance of moving the battlefield to the Pacific in the event of war.

What does Imran Khan have to do with it?
1. Imran Khan tried to stabilize Pakistan's economy. He got the help he needed from China.
This meant that he went against US interests.
2. Imran Khan has declared war on US influence in Pakistan.
He exposed US-funded/bought politicians and officials in the judiciary and military.

Imran Khan became a threat to US interests.
A Pakistan-China pact would be very dangerous for the USA.
That's why USA will do everything to prevent this.
This are the reasons behind the attempted murder of Imran Khan and the military coups in Pakistan.

Let's assume; Imran Khan comes to power and manages to free Pakistan's politics and army from US influence.
Under these circumstances, the US will start a war in Kashmir and cut Pakistan's ties with China.
You guys know that Russia has vast amount of minerals and hydrocarbon and shares a very long border with China, right?


Dec 25, 2023
Till US and China have highly integrated economies through trade, it is unlikely China would militarily invade Taiwan.. it might flex its muscles, may bombard with a few missiles if it gets angry but thats it.
Out-right attack on Taiwan would mean snapping ties with its main customer which is US.


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Jan 11, 2024
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You guys know that Russia has vast amount of minerals and hydrocarbon and shares a very long border with China, right?
you realize the scale of how much china imports?

can only be sea borne, cant drag all that shit across siberia, or the tibetan plateau for that matter.

To understand China's situation, one must understand the geological conditions.
China's EEZ borders South Korea on the Yellow Sea, Japan and Taiwan on the East China Sea , Taiwan, Philippines, Malaysia, Burunai and Indonesia on the South China Sea.

View attachment 48563
The battle location in a China-Taiwan war would be East China Sea.
The distance from mainland China to Taiwan is about 150km.
The water depth on the Chinese Coast (EEZ) is 20-50m. Chinese submarines have a diameter between 8-12M.
A submarine needs a minimum water depth of 8-15m.
Means a minimum sea depth of the upper edge of the submarine 16-27M.
View attachment 48573View attachment 48575
Copernicus- Europes Eyes on Earth - Sentinel Sattelites
These satellites can take measurements up to 45M underwater.
Then I don't want to know how deep US satellites look.
How can you use satellite imagery to monitor the ocean?
China's submarines would be easy to locate with satellites and would be an easy target.
Without submarine protection, the entire Chinese fleet would be unprotected.
On the coast of Taiwan the sea depth is between 80m and 250m.
This depth is enough for submarines to remain undetected.
The ranges of US torpedoes are given as 40km-70km depending on the source.
I take the range of the Turkish torpedo AKYEL as a reference(50km+)
ROKETSAN states the range of the AKYEL torpedo as 50km+.
China's frontal attack on Taiwan would end disastrously for China.
Battles of the Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea would make the Chinese Navy an easy target.
With its Nine-Dash Line policy in the South China Sea, China managed to turn the Philippines, Malaysia and Burunai against China.
As a result, American military ports and air bases were established in these countries.
In a War Ship passages leading to the Pacific and Indian Oceans would be closed to China.
China would be cut off from world trade.
A trade blockade would cripple China's economy and even cause it to collapse.

Summary: Without free access to international waters, China would be defeated very quickly in the current situation.

China only has a chance if they manage to move the battlefield to the Pacific.
1. China must manage to move its submarine/fleet to the Pacific Ocean.
2. China must be able to supply its navy without these fleet/submarines visiting ports on Chinese coasts.
Absolutely necessary for this!
1.Military ports on deep-water coasts. (Necessary to supply submarines undetected)
2. These military ports must have unhindered land connection to China.

There are only 2 countries eligible for China.
1. Pakistan, bordered by China to the north and the Arabian Sea to the south.
2. Myanmar, borders China to the north and the Indian Ocean to the south.
Both countries have deep coastal waters and land borders with China.
View attachment 48598

China is trying to make these countries dependent on China with projects such as CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor)
and CMEC (China-Myanmar Economic Corridor).
China grants large loans and builds roads, oil/gas pipelines and deep-sea ports in these countries.
The aim of these projects in the event of war:
1. Securing China's energy and raw material needs.
2.Supply of the Chinese Navy.
Only under these conditions, that China has the full support of Pakistan and Mayanmar,
does China have a small chance of moving the battlefield to the Pacific in the event of war.

What does Imran Khan have to do with it?
1. Imran Khan tried to stabilize Pakistan's economy. He got the help he needed from China.
This meant that he went against US interests.
2. Imran Khan has declared war on US influence in Pakistan.
He exposed US-funded/bought politicians and officials in the judiciary and military.

Imran Khan became a threat to US interests.
A Pakistan-China pact would be very dangerous for the USA.
That's why USA will do everything to prevent this.
This are the reasons behind the attempted murder of Imran Khan and the military coups in Pakistan.

Let's assume; Imran Khan comes to power and manages to free Pakistan's politics and army from US influence.
Under these circumstances, the US will start a war in Kashmir and cut Pakistan's ties with China.
pakistan doesnt "have" any waters

its all the indian ocean. if you simpl cant accept that india would dominate those waters and dont want to consider it. then you can assured that diego garcia,, al udeid, al dhafra etc will be active in any taiwan contingency.

if you think china wont last long in a war if its cut off from sea borne trade. how long do you think pakistan lasts if its cut off from gulf oil. their boats would be on one way trips lol. thed have a 100 million people starving to death. their army cant keep the peace now. LMAO

the fauj knows it and wont lift a finger. imran khan/whoever is a nonfactor
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Full Member
Jan 11, 2024
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Sorry to burst your bubble
Taiwan is like a Gas station for Chinese Air/Navy fleet

If China does a WW2 style ground landing in Taiwan Shores it will be max 7 to 14 days that it will control over all the Island - This is based on the capability of the Chinese Navy /Airforce

Taiwan is quite small

Also geographically - Pakistan is in Western Asia while Taiwan is on East Asia

China does not need Pakistan for such matter , Taiwan is like next door
walking distance
The taiwan strait is only crossable at certan times per yer. Taiwan has a horrible geography and is armed to the teeth. It would require the greatest amphibious landing in human history by a factor of 10. If it was that easy china would have taken taiwan, they are not famous for their restraint.

what capability has china shown fo you to "know" this lol


Jul 6, 2024
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you realize the scale of how much china imports?

can only be sea borne, cant drag all that shit across siberia, or the tibetan plateau for that matter.
Its called pipeline.... and trains.... you are welcome! Russia China can have many of those.


Jun 9, 2024
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The taiwan strait is only crossable at certan times per yer. Taiwan has a horrible geography and is armed to the teeth. It would require the greatest amphibious landing in human history by a factor of 10. If it was that easy china would have taken taiwan, they are not famous for their restraint.

what capability has china shown fo you to "know" this lol
Taiwan's geographical location is indeed bad. It is only 200 kilometers away from the mainland and has an area of 30,000 square kilometers. The entire island is a front line. The PLA can use long-range rockets to strike targets across the island.


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Jan 11, 2024
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Its called pipeline.... and trains.... you are welcome! Russia China can have many of those.
trains and pipelines cannot replace seaborne trade they can't move the same volume at the same cost. thats my point.

power of siberia is like a $70b project and it will supply abbout 40bcm nat gas when at fulll capacity. china consumes ~400bcm nat gas of which half is immported.

thats just nat gas. china has a half a trillion dollar of other fuel imports and a 300b of minerals/ores it still needs addressed.

how many trains and pipeline ACROSS SIBERIA can they have?

natural gas is a bit of an outlier here too. why would any commodity traderchoose to pay the premium for land transported commodities during peace time? will they just build all these trains and pipelines and mainitain them while they sit empty because they would be strategicl useful if a war happens?

they burned $60b in cpec. 0 profitaable projects/still havent completed it. gwadar has like 2 ships dock a year becase shipping goods over the tibetan plateau when you can just put it on a big boat makes no sense


Jun 9, 2024
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The taiwan strait is only crossable at certan times per yer. Taiwan has a horrible geography and is armed to the teeth. It would require the greatest amphibious landing in human history by a factor of 10. If it was that easy china would have taken taiwan, they are not famous for their restraint.

what capability has china shown fo you to "know" this lol
I have traveled around Taiwan Island and have not seen a single bunker on the coastline. There are no defensive fortifications on the coastline of Taiwan. When war comes, Taiwan's trenches are all dug temporarily. Can such fortifications withstand the PLA's fuel-air explosive bombs?


Jun 9, 2024
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you realize the scale of how much china imports?

can only be sea borne, cant drag all that shit across siberia, or the tibetan plateau for that matter.

pakistan doesnt "have" any waters

its all the indian ocean. if you simpl cant accept that india would dominate those waters and dont want to consider it. then you can assured that diego garcia,, al udeid, al dhafra etc will be active in any taiwan contingency.

if you think china wont last long in a war if its cut off from sea borne trade. how long do you think pakistan lasts if its cut off from gulf oil. their boats would be on one way trips lol. thed have a 100 million people starving to death. their army cant keep the peace now. LMAO

the fauj knows it and wont lift a finger. imran khan/whoever is a nonfactor
New Delhi is not far from the Chinese and Pakistani armies. The two armies will join forces to capture New Delhi.


Full Member
Jan 11, 2024
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Taiwan's geographical location is indeed bad. It is only 200 kilometers away from the mainland and has an area of 30,000 square kilometers. The entire island is a front line. The PLA can use long-range rockets to strike targets across the island.
we are talling about an invasion. not launching rockets. what do you gain by just bombing taiwan lol

they will shoot rockets back.

New Delhi is not far from the Chinese and Pakistani armies. The two armies will join forces to capture New Delhi.
View attachment 53632

pakistan will stab you in the back and take america side.

if somehow this comes to pass (it wont) you will have to rejoice from the radioactive craters of beijing and islamabad


Jun 9, 2024
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Are you serious or are you joking?
If it is so simple, what is China waiting for?

Do you think China will attack Taiwan and everyone is watching?
A Chinese attack on Taiwan is exactly what the US and Europe want.
They will provoke and corner China until China attacks Taiwan.
The USA is arming Japan, South Korea and the Philippines militarily.

Japan gets 400 advanced Tomahawk missiles With a range of 1,600 kilometers.

Typhon midrange ground-based missile launchers are stationed in the north of the Philippines.

U.S. builds web of arms, ships and bases in the Pacific to deter China

Do you think all this is just for fun?

The Chinese are very smart and will use the Coast Guard and mace to fight invaders


Jun 9, 2024
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Are you serious or are you joking?
If it is so simple, what is China waiting for?

Do you think China will attack Taiwan and everyone is watching?
A Chinese attack on Taiwan is exactly what the US and Europe want.
They will provoke and corner China until China attacks Taiwan.
The USA is arming Japan, South Korea and the Philippines militarily.

Japan gets 400 advanced Tomahawk missiles With a range of 1,600 kilometers.

Typhon midrange ground-based missile launchers are stationed in the north of the Philippines.

U.S. builds web of arms, ships and bases in the Pacific to deter China

Do you think all this is just for fun?

When the Chinese Coast Guard was enforcing the law in the South China Sea, the US aircraft carrier strike group ran a thousand kilometers away. The Americans would say that the Chinese Coast Guard's law enforcement does not constitute a military conflict.


Jun 9, 2024
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we are talling about an invasion. not launching rockets. what do you gain by just bombing taiwan lol

they will shoot rockets back.

pakistan will stab you in the back and take america side.

if somehow this comes to pass (it wont) you will have to rejoice from the radioactive craters of beijing and islamabad
Bomb the Taiwanese army into ashes, and there will be no obstacles to landing.
Pakistan will not betray China. There is no territorial dispute between China and Pakistan. The common enemy is India.
The United States has betrayed Pakistan many times. There is no basis for trust between the United States and Pakistan.

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