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Was Apollo 11 landing staged? Rumors about US mission resurface in China

Hamartia Antidote

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Nov 17, 2013
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I don't think the modern manned lunar mission will remotely resemble the Apollo mission,

Well I hate to break it to you but you are already using the Apollo style in your Chang'e 6


You have a 4 legged lander with a return capsule on top and an orbiter..here is the animation of how the return works

The top part of the lander takes off, rendezvous with an orbiting spacecraft, transfers occupants to it, and then the orbiter returns back.

Here is how Apollo worked
We had a 4 legged lander with a return capsule on top and an orbiter..here is the animation of how the return works

The top part of the lander takes off, rendezvous with an orbiting spacecraft, transfers occupants, and then the orbiter returns back.

BTW some modules being sent to build the Lunar Gateway will be sent on Falcon Heavies so we already have the heavy lift ability to build a space station orbiting the moon.

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Full Member
Dec 24, 2023
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NASA will almost certainly have landed humans back on the Moon by 2030.

China has flight tested almost nothing of what it will need to land humans on the Moon and it’s almost 2025. I highly doubt China will make a 2030 timeline.
There's no need for you to emphasize anything, it's actually pretty obvious how much people trust China and the US.

When China said we will have a base on the moon by 2035, no media outlet expressed skepticism about China's capabilities, including the BBC, FOX, and other anti-Chinese media outlets who never put out a questionable article.

Instead, look at the voices on the internet questioning the US moon landing. Everyone's attitude is already obvious, isn't it?


Elite Member
Jun 18, 2014
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There's no need for you to emphasize anything, it's actually pretty obvious how much people trust China and the US.

When China said we will have a base on the moon by 2035, no media outlet expressed skepticism about China's capabilities, including the BBC, FOX, and other anti-Chinese media outlets who never put out a questionable article.

Instead, look at the voices on the internet questioning the US moon landing. Everyone's attitude is already obvious, isn't it?

Proof we walked on the Moon​

Of course, until we return to the Moon there will always be anomalies and oddities in the records that can spark new claims that the Moon landings were faked. But it is the sheer size and variety of this record that proves every one of these claims to be false.

From the Apollo Moon missions, there are 8,400 publicly available photos, thousands of hours of video footage, a mountain of scientific data, and full transcripts and audio recordings of all air-to-ground conversations. We even have 382 kilograms of Moon rock that Apollo astronauts brought back to Earth. These rocks have been independently verified as lunar by laboratories around the world, ruling out a US conspiracy.

If this is not enough to convince the most-hardened sceptic, Nasa’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) might sway them. Today, LRO takes high resolution pictures of the lunar surface from a low orbit. During its mission, it has captured the landing sites and the abandoned descent modules and rovers from the Apollo missions. And its resolution is so good it has picked up the dark squiggly paths that the astronaut’s footprints made. Spacecraft from China, India and Japan have also spotted these landing sites, providing further independent verification of the landings.

A final nail in the coffin of the Moon hoax theories is a simple instrument installed 50 years ago by Apollo 11. During their day on the Moon, Armstrong and Aldrin planted a lunar laser ranging retroreflector array on the surface. It’s still operational today, and allows us to reflect lasers off of it and measure the distance to the Moon down to the centimetre. We simply couldn’t do this if we hadn’t visited the Moon.

I could care less what the media has to say. The reality is China hasn’t done any major flight testing for a human moon landing. Chinas program is essentially vapor ware at this point.

Meanwhile NASA/SpaceX have on multiple occasions for its Artemis program.

Han Patriot

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Jan 23, 2024
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Obviously you are ignorant about how CCD cameras can overcome the dynamic range issues of bright foregrounds causing the sky to appear black.

Please lookup "image stacking" and "HDR imaging". This is something easily done with digital CCD cameras but can't be done by old film cameras. Remember digital cameras are basically computers which have the ability to manipulate every pixel outputted for a picture by changing its settings dynamically in a fraction of a second.

You didn't know that??

HDR imaging? LOLOL, you must be kidding me. I tried it on my project and it ended up distorting the image. An old high resolution Zeiss Camera can beat a new digital camera anyday, that's a fact. Gosh, useless to explain to i d i o t s.


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2015
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The thread is a nonsense, it's based in social media opinions.

If you try to find any stupid opinion in every country social media, you'll find everything you want to find.

It's not based in any Chinese authority claims.

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