What is your Education or your Credentials (Include Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates)?

This is a good program, combining computer science and business administration.
Yeah, this is a very good program

Was going to go for a double degree, but believe it or not, I lost interest on the Computer science parts. I was doing AI/Machine Learning on my 3rd year, and it just got stale.

Then I pivot to a more commerce related degree afterward
Ok we run feed mills and hatcheries to produce day old broiler chicks and I'm happy doing that.. as a country we are protein deficient even in household consuming meat, hopefully businesses like mine help improve that..

And most of my work force in my feed mills etc are from Bihar, Chattisgarh, Odisha, West Bengal.. and we even have some staff from Arunachal Pradesh.. happy to be giving them jobs that their own state is unable to support

I'm an 50 year old Chemical engineer who worked in Oil and Gas sector for many years. Planning to retire soon and join almost exactly your path. Planning a animal feed mill with further expansion into Broiler and piggery.
To make a good use of one's institutional degrees, one ton of education requires 9 tons of intelligence and 99 tons of wisdom.....

As for me, my formal education is equivalent to that of an elementary school grad (5th grade) from the Ottoman era....
1) MBA (Specialization: Finance), Pakistan
2) CFA charterholder.
3) Also hold Financial Risk Manager (FRM) certification
I am professor tanatan di tanatan emeritus in the of the universeteee

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