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Why did Muslim-majority Tajikistan ban the hijab?


Dec 20, 2023
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Why are you living in UK ?. Go back to Pakistan and embrace your faith to guide your people and build your families and communities ?.

Sitting in West, enjoying the liberal environment of West and lecturing others about Islam and Islamic way of life doesn't make sense.

Why didn't you migrate to Gulf or any other Muslim country, why Christian UK ?

He doesn't need nor begs for asylum nor sold his country out nor ran like a dog at the first sign leaving he's sisters mother at the mercy of the savages back home .

Sound familiar ? Look in the mirror , you we talk about .

Because of Pakistanis my boy you dream of walking the streets of England not being called an Afghan scum treated like shit every else in the world .


Oct 21, 2006
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Tajiks are going thru an identity and economic crises. Its the poorest country in cental asia, which for centuries is just a dirt poor busted ass region. There ain't nothing out there. Budtameez tajiks that I've had the displeasure of running into are all desperately wanna be Irani and now Iran's stepped up aid to Tajikistan. Otherwise they were facing economic collapse. A lot of ISIS jihadi's are Tajiks and they have proven this recently by pulling spectacular terror attacks all over the world.

Do rupay di auqaat hondi ae tajikon key, pata ne apnay aap ko kya samajhtay hain....... :p


Elite Member
Mar 14, 2017
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Aren’t Pakistan (according to most ) and Afghanistan same ?
Pakistani dictators are amatuers compared to Tajikistan. He has been in charge for 30 years. He has made Parliament give him the title of "Founder Of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation" and he writes books, and even performs surgery.


Elite Member
Mar 14, 2017
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Why are you living in UK ?. Go back to Pakistan and embrace your faith to guide your people and build your families and communities ?.

Sitting in West, enjoying the liberal environment of West and lecturing others about Islam and Islamic way of life doesn't make sense.

Why didn't you migrate to Gulf or any other Muslim country, why Christian UK ?
He moved for economic opportunity, unlike mongrols like you who moved because you consider yourself beta to the white man.

Mirzali Khan

Sep 25, 2020
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Tajikistan are doing this because they are afraid of taliban influence but this time there will be no Russia or soviet union to help them. Central asia will go back to being the bastion of islam inshalah

Inshallah it will be bastion of Islam.

Will Taliban help the oppressed Muslims in Tajikistan?

Afghanistan helped Tajikistan when it had a civil war while Afghanistan itself was going through a civil war.

Jamiat was assisting UTO.



Jul 1, 2024
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No religion gets corrupted. New ones like to think so to force their version on to followers of the old. By military force, torture, rapine, and industrial scale destruction and bloodshed.

About Zoroastrianism not being directly influencing the three Abrahamic faiths, you need to read more. From non Islamic sources.

Cheers, Doc

Muslims never claimed Islam is a new faith. In fact there are mutiple disciples and prophets(messengers) who were sent to each nation. Likes of Zarathustra and Buddha might well be previous prophets, but which their message over time became corrupted. But we simply dont have any concrete answers to that.

Now from scientific POV there is no reason why a cut off line should be set the time when Persians became worshippers of Ahura Mazda. Because there is plenty of evidence of earlier religions in that region. In fact even during the peak power of Zoroastrian clergy, there was a huge competetition with another prophet born in Persia. His name was Mani and his religion was Manichaeism. It became a widespread religion during the Sassanid period and even spred to Roman Empire. Over time the Zoroastrian clergy used court influence to eradicate Manichaeism and its followers slowly dwindled.

One could by logic say why not follow our hunter gatherer animistic or shamanistic faiths that was prevalent among primitive hominids and homo sapiens well up the iron age. And in many tribal communities its still a strong element. Why shouldnt all Zoroastrians, Hindus and every other non-animists go back to its real roots then?

I hope to show why this logic is totally flawed. It is equally flawed as the modern zionist claims to ancient hebrew land (Palestine).


Oct 21, 2006
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oh doc, tu 'Aryan Zoroastrian Iran' page te aein on FB.......main utthay tuwadda khuda bana betthya si........runnin da show in your community..... :p (y)

Oh bhaaaanchhhhhh......:p

Tu utthay aa to sahih......I'm reinventing all the puppu chickunn narratives.


Jul 1, 2024
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It's not too late. Pack up and move to Pakistan, Kuwait, Malaysia or any other Islamic country and practice your faith, values and culture.

Why live and keep your children in a non-halal West country ?. Practice, what you are lecturing us.

Hey , listen now Ms. Braverman. In the western society we have something called FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION. If you dont like it, then you are free to leave.

Whether you like it or not, Islam is growing in the west. There are good reasons for that. You can only fool a certain amount of people for a time period before people wakes up. Dwindling birth rates and degenracy is being noticed by more and more people, including ethnic europeans. In some corners even conservative christianity is making a comeback.

No real man wants to see their daughters and family members become a empty shell. Women have a inherent value. The postmodernist sexualization and objectification of the female body is having a detrimental consequence for the society as a whole.

No one would want their daughters to sleep around with 100 men, or start selling content on onlyfans. Even you wouldnt want that. Dont come and say its their choice, like if there are no societal consequences of every action.

Dont use the lack of principles as a measuring stick for what other men and women ought to be.

BTW «tradwifes» are becoming a thing now. They are women who freely choose to stay home and prioritize family. Women are becoming sick of the stupid stressful life and inhumane demands on the modern woman: look like beauty cotestants or fitness queens, have a univerity degree and fantastic career, along with the heavy responsibility of bearing kids.

Its almost impossible to fullfill all these things without going nuts or having serious physical harm in the long run. Luckily more and more women are waking up to this fact and abandoning the feminist ideology. They no longer dont want to be used by the state, corporate industry and stupid boys who just want to sleep around.
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Oct 21, 2006
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Hey , listen now Ms. Braverman. In the western society we have something called FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION. If you dont like it, then you are free to leave.

Whether you like it or not, Islam is growing in the west. There are good reasons for that. You can only fool a certain amount of people for a time period before people wakes up. Dwindling birth rates and degenracy is being noticed by more and more people, including ethnic europeans. In some corners even conservative christianity is making a comeback.

No real man wants to see their daughters and family members become a empty shell. Women have a inherent value. The postmodernist sexualization and objectification of the female body is having a detrimental consequence for the society as a whole.

No one would want their daughters to sleep around with 100 men, or start selling content on onlyfans. Even you wouldnt want that. Dont come and say its their choice, like if there are no societal consequences of every action.

Dont use the lack of principles as a measuring stick for what other men and women ought to be.

BTW «tradwifes» are becoming a thing now. They are women who freely choose to stay home and prioritize family. Women are becoming sick of the stupid stressful life and inhumane demands on the modern woman: look like beauty cotestants or fitness queens, have a univerity degree and fantastic career, along with the heavy responsibility of bearing kids.

Its almost impossible to fullfill all these things without going nuts or having serious physical harm in the long run. Luckily more and more women are waking up to this fact and abandoning the feminist ideology. They no longer dont want to be used by the state, corporate industry and stupid boys who just want to sleep around.
oh bhai, this is major cope! I am surprised you are being conservative whilst living in the liberal west. You lost the argument by not being in Bangladesh bro.

You should go back to Bangladesh and try making it an Islamic country bro. Don't worry about the liberal West at all. Its not your business.

As a Muslim, you need to be in your Muslim country and help toward that cause of uplifting your people, with what you wrote here no?


Jul 1, 2024
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oh bhai, this is major cope! I am surprised you are being conservative whilst living in the liberal west. You lost the argument by not being in Bangladesh bro.

You should go back to Bangladesh and try making it an Islamic country bro. Don't worry about the liberal West at all. Its not your business.

As a Muslim, you need to be in your Muslim country and help toward that cause of uplifting your people, with what you wrote here no?

Excuse me but who were you again?


Oct 21, 2006
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Good. Then stay in your line.
Bro, yous totally outta line asking for Sharia in da EU/ west no? Yous gotta go home bro......yous outta place.....Yous gotta country ta call home no?.........Bungali/ Rohingya suffering no?

Come on bro.

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