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Why did Muslim-majority Tajikistan ban the hijab?


Jul 1, 2024
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So the order and Grammer of Holy Quran is decided by Kalifa and not by Allah. Thanks for that. All my Muslim brothers argue that it's by Allah.. Not even one letter changed.
You seem to lack knowledge about arabic.

There are, and have been, local variations.. like it is in every other language on Earth.

Caliph Uthman simply standardized the quran by anchoring it in the Quraish dialect which was the spoken dialect of The Prophet.

In Norwegian language there dialect variations in both word and pronunciation but every learned Norwegian would immidiately understand the meaning of the word regardless.
Forexample the word «Vann», meaning water, is spelled «Vatn», «Vann», «Vatten» in different regions.
A guy named Ivar Aasen collected all Norwegians dialect into a traditional norwegian called Nynorsk, which sounds very different from the more «modern» norwrgian spoken by most people in the eastern half of the country.


Jul 1, 2024
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My advice for muslim brothers on this forum is to avoid discus Islam with non-muslims here. Its like trying to teach and argue with a junior highschool student, no offense.

Of course one cannot expect a non muslim to be learned in Islam like practising muslims are. So the discussion really lead nowhere. A lot of islamic theology is subtle and abstract, as i see it. If the belief havent reached one deepest heart and mind , then we are simply not on the same plane to able to understand eachothers standpoint.

But non-muslims are welcome to read about Islam themselves by reading biographies about the life of the prophet and of course read The Noble Quran with a pure heart and intent.

Islam is a source of Light. But one have to open the doors of the heart in order to let the let light in.
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Jul 15, 2015
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This is why I don’t like discussions about religion.
Suddenly we all become super knowledgeable about each others beliefs and no one should disrespect knowingly or not. Religion out to not be discussed IMO
On here……
Agree with all you said , In personal life I generally do not discuss religion or politics unless person is very open to hot topics without jeopardizing personal relationships and obviously it is two way street. For us posters on forums sometimes it get fun to poke but agree it makes moderators life as hell so apologies for that.


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Nov 16, 2007
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Agree. He is a totally different person now from the one I knew in the old forum. That's why I was asking him if his account was stolen.

The dramatic change is kind of shocking to me.:sick:
he became extremely religious and quotes the quran all the time. I have nothing against him but one of reason this forum rules for decade+ was not to discuss whose religion is better or right etc


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Aug 17, 2019
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He does not belive in evolution but I have seen his evolution form old forum to new and it is amazing.

Should not comment about Hinduism if you don’t know basics.

You should have confidence in your own beliefs and not try to align yourself to monotheistic beliefs just because you think it suits, i just find it dishonest and slippery.


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Jul 15, 2015
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You should have confidence in your own beliefs and not try to align yourself to monotheistic beliefs just because you think it suits, i just find it dishonest and slippery.
look brother however you want to believe and interpret Hinduism I cannot force you and that is how it works in Hinduisam. There are atheist in Hinduism school of thought.

Anyway MOST of Hindus believe in “Nirgun Nirakaar” which is what written in vedas about god. You can google quoted term if That will help understand monotheistic point. That does not mean all powerful god cannot take human form.

Anyway following is link to schools of Hinduisam. All these schools are set long before advent of abrahamic religions.

Personally, I don’t believe any religion is good or bad. Which ever gives us peace of mind in our little time on earth follow it or don’t.

lightning f57

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Feb 27, 2022
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The term 'monkey' is quite broad, and humans didn't evolve directly from monkeys but rather from a specific ancestor shared with chimpanzees. Both humans and chimpanzees shared a common ancestor in the distant past. Over time, they followed separate evolution paths, resulting in them becoming distinct species today and it is highly unlikely that the chimpanzees you see in the park will ever evolve into humans.
There is no evidence of this, its just a theory.


Jul 25, 2013
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Everything is theory including god, heaven and hell.
Every thing is not just in theory regarding spiritual world. If it is hiden to you, it doesnt mean all human will also experience the same thing.

lighning talking about science that is easier to be proven compared to spiritual world that is very subjective


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Feb 8, 2024
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Because we have a massive and growing community here, what's the point in running?

Islam is the fastest growing faith in the world, and our message is potent

As these Westerners used to mock Muslims about hijab, or family etc now they are learning the hard way, that if you allow your women to become delusional, push liberal LGBT crap and confuse your own children their are societal consequences

Now is the time to push Islam more then every as the solution

You are living in a forbidden sin ridden society immersed with women who wear mini skirts, consume alcohol and believe in equality with men. You seem to be a staunch Muslim who no different from all other "bible thumping" staunch religious men who wish only to live to achieve heaven and salvation with your God someday. You ought to consider raising your descendants in a society where your laws of God are adhered to or else it's no salvation for you sadly


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Aug 17, 2019
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look brother however you want to believe and interpret Hinduism I cannot force you and that is how it works in Hinduisam. There are atheist in Hinduism school of thought.

Anyway MOST of Hindus believe in “Nirgun Nirakaar” which is what written in vedas about god. You can google quoted term if That will help understand monotheistic point. That does not mean all powerful god cannot take human form.

Anyway following is link to schools of Hinduisam. All these schools are set long before advent of abrahamic religions.

Personally, I don’t believe any religion is good or bad. Which ever gives us peace of mind in our little time on earth follow it or don’t.
You prove my point tbh, so I don't know why you seem defensive.

Monotheistic belief is much simpler and unambiguous, what you briefly described already has so many branches or interpretation, it can't be the same group and it's not my fault for saying so.


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Jul 15, 2015
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You prove my point tbh, so I don't know why you seem defensive.

Monotheistic belief is much simpler and unambiguous, what you briefly described already has so many branches or interpretation, it can't be the same group and it's not my fault for saying so.
whatever floats your boat brother.


Jul 1, 2024
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You prove my point tbh, so I don't know why you seem defensive.

Monotheistic belief is much simpler and unambiguous, what you briefly described already has so many branches or interpretation, it can't be the same group and it's not my fault for saying so.

I believe the main ORIGIN of the vast difference between pure monotheism and polytheism is that accordung to Polytheism God kinda incarnates in physical forms here on earth; sometimes as men, sometimes as animals, sometimes even as a mixture. Whereas is monotheism God dosent have to incarnate into anything of this physical world. God is omnipotent enough to influence and move everything in the physical world while still being outside of the creation itself.

Therefore polytheism tend to create a myriad of deities. And with it, teachings which seemingly contradicts eachother.

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