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Why did Muslim-majority Tajikistan ban the hijab?


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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Couldn’t this demand on the Tajik womenfolk be 1. a response to the fear in the Tajik government of Afghan influence extending into their country, 2. To test to see how much power the government of Tajikistan actually holds to control the public, 3. To make their country attractive to external powers, who demand such laws.


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May 7, 2024
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Everything is theory including god, heaven and hell.
Those things are faith. Don't mix them with science.

A theory is a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena. e.g. the wave theory of light


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May 7, 2024
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from a specific ancestor shared with chimpanzees. Both humans and chimpanzees shared a common ancestor in the distant past. Over time, they followed separate evolution paths, resulting in them becoming distinct species today
If anyone is interested (and believes in evolution), the most recent common ancestor is known by the taxonomic name 'Hominini'. The split happened between 5 to 13 million years back.


Jul 1, 2024
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Those things are faith. Don't mix them with science.

A theory is a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena. e.g. the wave theory of light

Science and faiths are two sides of the same coin. They both dwell om knowledge but with different angle and for different purposes.

Religions are holistic systems which ponder on metaphysics, moral, societal, ethic and existential topics. While science concentrate on the physical side of it. Interestingly all science begins as a philosophical thoguht.


Jun 27, 2024
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How is denying your faith, value and history modernizing?

If you look at the west, the "modernising" has made a generation of delusional feminist whores

Marriage rates have collapsed
Divorce has skyrocketed
Birth rates are at a all time low

The relationship system has collapsed, leading to hook up culture where only certain men are capable of getting women and has led to rampant debauchery leaving women unable to sustain long term relationships

Islam is the perfect answer and Muslim should embrace our faith to guide our people and build or families and communities
I’m convinced this is another Indian larper on this forum. Just look at their speech. You can’t tell me he doesn’t sound like a Hindutva piss stain larping as an afghan. His speech betrays who he really is.


Jun 27, 2024
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It's not too late. Pack up and move to Pakistan, Kuwait, Malaysia or any other Islamic country and practice your faith, values and culture.

Why live and keep your children in a non-halal West country ?. Practice, what you are lecturing us.
Why don’t you mind your own business Mr “Afghan.” I could smell the poop stained Mumbai railroad tracks from a mile away whenever you type all that bs.


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May 7, 2024
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Science and faiths are two sides of the same coin. They both dwell om knowledge but with different angle and for different purposes.

Religions are holistic systems which ponder on metaphysics, moral, societal, ethic and existential topics. While science concentrate on the physical side of it. Interestingly all science begins as a philosophical thoguht.
There is a fundamental difference. Science works on a circular basis: Experimentation -> observation -> inference -> experimentation .... There are no absolute truths in science. If you find one exception, the law or theory goes out of the window. Newton's laws were held as absolute truths, then came relativity and quantum mechanics. Now, we know Newton's laws are only approximate. Good enough for most purposes most of the time. But still imperfect. In religion, you hold some beliefs as beyond question or analysis. For example, Christianity demands belief in Resurrection. Without it, there is no Christian religion. You can't demand to observe or infer how a dead man comes back to life.


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Oct 21, 2006
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The west has deeply devout Christy X-Tians who are spiritually religious. However they are fiercely nationalist.

I notice the same with the Iranian people who are spiritual yet fiercely loyal to their country/culture.

These two are thriving both politically and economically and have successfully maintained their identities over the last 3000 odd years.

Nobody thinks these cultures are going to recede into history quietly.

They are rather pretty successful today marketing their brand…..and we anticipate this to be true for a long time to come.

What we need is a persona like Ayub Khan sahb to mold us into a nation so we can compete on an equal footing with these giants of history and civilization.

Unfortunately, IK sahb didn’t cut da mustard.


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Jan 6, 2024
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Islam isn't their ancestral faith.

They are denying what is transplanted, imposed, and reclaiming their ancestral culture.

Essentially they have taken a step closer to their faith.

Cheers, Doc

That clearly shows you are a bad faith participant here.

First, you are trying to attribute the imposed work of a brutal dictator to their collective society.

And even without taking that into account, how is forcing people out of their existing belief system the right way to return to 'original' culture?

There are many Tajiks who chose to wear Hijab. If you like old culture so much, then promote it. But trying to force people out of their existing culture is by definition a significant violation of human right.

Just because you have deep insecurities and inferiority to complex toward Muslims like the way part of your society does, it doesn't it mean you have to celebrate such violation of human right.


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Jan 6, 2024
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Ok. Won't argue. You are welcome to your beliefs. The facts may be different.

Cheers, Doc

At least you should have the decency to get your ones straight. It's not that hard. Mixing one text with another makes you look ignorant.


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Oct 21, 2006
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@vsdoc .......Tajik are dubious characters. Half are totally jihadi and the other half are century old Sovietized communist bad apples. Now among these two competing idiotas, we suddenly got Soohpurr ass dhamaka Persian nationalism appearing out of the blue.

Iranis trying to influence them, but its all sadqa (welfare) bhai. Iran getting tired of feeding all these busted ass people in central asia/ Afghanistan bro.......I know, Iran got da money........but playing grandma to these failed Sovietized states? Is that in Iran's interest?

Are you aware how much money Iran's gotta dole out in the middle east?

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