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Why did Muslim-majority Tajikistan ban the hijab?


Jul 25, 2013
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Jan 6, 2024
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You just admitted that there is no one Quran and in fact it is not a book directly by God unchanged to this date.

Thank you for proving my point.

No other interest in this discussion.

Cheers, Doc

Lmao, Prophet himself stated-

"Quran has descended in seven different ways. So, recite it in the way that is easier for you."

Each of them is correct as the other. This isn't the gotcha as you think it is.


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Dec 23, 2023
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Dude, my female family have been to China recently and they are all wearing Hijab

Burqas is extreme version of Hijab derived from Afghan Taliban Innovation

This is another report from Indonesian reporter visiting China

Ahh so burqa is banned in china, not hijab


Jul 25, 2013
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Here is Indonesian women (Muslim) who married with Chinese in China. She then make her husband become Muslim as Muslim female cannot marry Non Muslim men.

Despite she is not wearing Hijab, but still very proud of being Muslim. Just see the Allah and prophet Muhammad word in her house



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May 7, 2024
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Couldn’t this demand on the Tajik womenfolk be 1. a response to the fear in the Tajik government of Afghan influence extending into their country, 2. To test to see how much power the government of Tajikistan actually holds to control the public, 3. To make their country attractive to external powers, who demand such laws.
I think the first explanation is at least partly possible. I would replace 'Afghan' with 'Middle East'. They want to 'brand' the country as Central-Asian and not Middle Eastern. This is not a new idea as Turkey and Turks also is/are very conscious to project itself/themselves as European and not West Asian. (2) is unlikely as Tajikistan is already a dictatorship and why should they periodically test their authority. (3) is also unlikely as most external powers don't care about attire in a foreign country. Many Malaysian and Indonesian women wear hijab and that disturbs no one.


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Dec 23, 2023
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Here is Indonesian women (Muslim) who married with Chinese in China. She then make her husband become Muslim as Muslim female cannot marry Non Muslim men.

Despite she is not wearing Hijab, but still very proud of being Muslim. Just see the Allah and prophet Muhammad word in her house

Yes, she seems to be more devoted to allah than to CCP


Jul 25, 2013
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Yes, she seems to be more devoted to allah than to CCP

Of course, if you want to understand Muslim mind, check this Quran verse


Check this Indonesian song

Peaceful With You​

I am daydreaming under the sun
In the middle of this almighty world
Enjoying the beauty of your love
I feel peaceful in my heart

Your words are like flowing water
Wetting the scorching heat in my heart
Lighting everything in my paths
I feel peaceful in my heart
Don't let this peace go (from me)

Don't let everything pass me by
Only to you, God
My shelter
From all the falsehoods of the world

When I am far from you
I will travel every path
So I can always be near you
Let me feel the softness of your love/ Don't let this peace go (from me)
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Jul 25, 2013
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Lets go deeper with Spiritual side of Islam


Ibnu Qayim words that tells exactly what Sufism is about

"The contemplative believer who remembers Allah will begin to enjoy solitude and places of seclusion where voices and movements are hushed… There he will find strength of heart and will, and he will no longer be worried or depressed… Then he will begin to taste the sweetness of worship, of which he cannot have enough. In it, he will find abundance of pleasure and comfort – more than what he used to find in diversion and play, or in the satisfaction of wordly desires…When he experiences this state, many of the wordly concerns will disappear, as he is in a completely different world from the rest of humanity."

(Ibnu Qayim)



Jul 25, 2013
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Lets go deeper with Spiritual side of Islam

View attachment 53422

Ibnu Qayim words that tells exactly what Sufism is about

"The contemplative believer who remembers Allah will begin to enjoy solitude and places of seclusion where voices and movements are hushed… There he will find strength of heart and will, and he will no longer be worried or depressed… Then he will begin to taste the sweetness of worship, of which he cannot have enough. In it, he will find abundance of pleasure and comfort – more than what he used to find in diversion and play, or in the satisfaction of wordly desires…When he experiences this state, many of the wordly concerns will disappear, as he is in a completely different world from the rest of humanity."

(Ibnu Qayim)

Not exclusive to Islam, this is also shared in Abrahamic religion

This is in Bible, I translated from Indonesian language

"Whoever drinks this water will be thirsty again, 4:14 but whoever drinks the water that I will give him will never be thirsty. Rather, the water that I will give him will become a spring of water in him, which continuously radiating up to eternal life


Jul 4, 2024
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Saudi Arabia and Tajikistan can do such because they are ethnically homogenous. They don't need religion as a point that everyone can agree and unify around.

Afghanistan Turkey Pakistan Iran these are composite states with very large and very prominent ethnic minorities that need to be catered into the power sharing arrangement.
These groups rely on religion as the glue that holds the country together. It is necessary for statehood to be preserved so that people stay away from ethnic seperatism/civil war.
Religion is not the glue in case of Pakistan; in fact, it often caused more division due to the presence of different sects of Islam, each viewing the others as kafir or infidel. The hatred for Bengali Muslims in Pakistan was also a result of a radical Islamic mindset and the pervasive hatred towards Hindus.


Jul 25, 2013
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See any connection ?



"He that does everything for Me, whose supreme object I am, who worships Me, being free from attachment and without hatred to any creature, this man, Arjuna!, comes to Me." Bhagavad Gita 11:55


May 15, 2024
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Islam isn't their ancestral faith.

They are denying what is transplanted, imposed, and reclaiming their ancestral culture.

Essentially they have taken a step closer to their faith.

Cheers, Doc

like what modi is doing to muslims


May 15, 2024
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I have never seen Tajikistan mentioned on this board. Now, there is some interesting news:

The ban on headscarves in Tajikistan is seen as a reflection of the political line that the government of president-for-life Emomali Rahmon has been pursuing since 1997. Tajikistan's government passed a law banning the hijab, the latest in a string of 35 wide-ranging religion-related acts, in a move described by the government as "protecting national cultural values" and "preventing superstition and extremism". The law, approved by parliament's upper house Majlisi Milli last Thursday, bans the use of "foreign clothing" — including the hijab, or head covering worn by Muslim women. Instead, Tajikistan citizens are encouraged to wear Tajik national dress. Those violating the law are set to be fined on a scale ranging from 7,920 Tajikistani somoni (almost €700) for ordinary citizens, 54,000 somoni (€4,694) for government officials and 57,600 somoni (about €5,000) if they are a religious figure.

what non sense

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