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Why did Muslim-majority Tajikistan ban the hijab?


Elite Member
Oct 2, 2015
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Once they allowed Sauds to spread Wahabism in their country, now they ban Hijab to stop the consequences of that dirty school of thought.

Talk about افراط and تفریط man. You can't stop a bad by doing an other bad.


Jul 1, 2024
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There is a fundamental difference. Science works on a circular basis: Experimentation -> observation -> inference -> experimentation .... There are no absolute truths in science. If you find one exception, the law or theory goes out of the window. Newton's laws were held as absolute truths, then came relativity and quantum mechanics. Now, we know Newton's laws are only approximate. Good enough for most purposes most of the time. But still imperfect. In religion, you hold some beliefs as beyond question or analysis. For example, Christianity demands belief in Resurrection. Without it, there is no Christian religion. You can't demand to observe or infer how a dead man comes back to life.

Again you are comparing two different approches and tools which applies for different purposes, as i already explained. I think thats the major issue with scientism, the refusal to accept that knowlegde can exist in different forms and outside of the scientific method.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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I believe the main ORIGIN of the vast difference between pure monotheism and polytheism is that accordung to Polytheism God kinda incarnates in physical forms here on earth; sometimes as men, sometimes as animals, sometimes even as a mixture. Whereas is monotheism God dosent have to incarnate into anything of this physical world. God is omnipotent enough to influence and move everything in the physical world while still being outside of the creation itself.

Therefore polytheism tend to create a myriad of deities. And with it, teachings which seemingly contradicts eachother.

We are only discussing this because opportunists wish to take liberties with definitions, that's it


Jul 25, 2013
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I believe the main ORIGIN of the vast difference between pure monotheism and polytheism is that accordung to Polytheism God kinda incarnates in physical forms here on earth; sometimes as men, sometimes as animals, sometimes even as a mixture. Whereas is monotheism God dosent have to incarnate into anything of this physical world. God is omnipotent enough to influence and move everything in the physical world while still being outside of the creation itself.

Therefore polytheism tend to create a myriad of deities. And with it,

Islam ban any one attemp to try to create/symbolize God physically is because this will lead human become too focus on physical world ( where science is in this realm)

While God is not the same with what He has created which is universe comprising of pyshical world that can be seen by eyes or microscope/ telescope

Islam / Christian/ Judaism give huge stress for human to explore its Ruh/ soul ( non physical ) in order to seek God present in which God in Quran has given clue that He cannot be seen by eyes.

Ruh/soul can somehow affect feeling


Jul 1, 2024
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Islam ban any one attemp to try to create/symbolize God physically is because this will lead human become too focus on physical world ( where science is in this realm)

While God is not the same with what He has created which is universe comprising of pyshical world that can be seen by eyes or microscope/ telescope

Islam / Christian/ Judaism give huge stress for human to explore its Ruh/ soul ( non physical ) in order to seek God present in which God in Quran has given clue that He cannot be seen by eyes.

Ruh/soul can somehow affect feeling


I think monotheism simply concludes that physical world is not the source of pure things. That pure things exists only outside of it; God.

Man tend to be corrupt, fallible and messy, although men also can be good of course, but never perfect. Everything in this physical world is trasient and therefore not worth worshipping. While God is ever-living and supreme.

Greeks forexample believed that ideas come from and exist in a realm outside of the physical world. A perfect circle forexample exist only in the world of ideas. In the physical world there are no perfect circles.

Same for moral values and ethics. Animals forexample have no moral values or ethics. A supporter of scientism people will say ethics and morals are evolutionary driven. But that really dosent answer the question WHY it is like that in the first place. Science is unable to answer deeply human question concerning ethics moral and existence. Because science is descriptive. Any honest scientist will affirm that.


Jul 1, 2024
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I wanna add that interestingly the school of thought that comes closest to Islam in the Subcontinet is Buddhism. Buddha also concluded that this world is a illusion. A trap for the soul. And the only way to escape the suffering of this world is through meditation and detachment from bodily cravings.

As a ethnic bengali i have pondered on why bengalis were so receptive to Islamic sufis who cam to the Bengal region in the middle ages, and made the conversion to Islam. One of reasons might be the deeper soul and spirit of Bengal and bengali culture has roots in the Buddhas teachings. Bengalis are descendants of the very first people who mass concverted to buddhism.


Jul 25, 2013
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I think monotheism simply concludes that physical world is not the source of pure things. That pure things exists only outside of it; God.

Man tend to be corrupt, fallible and messy, although men also can be good of course, but never perfect. Everything in this physical world is trasient and therefore not worth worshipping. While God is ever-living and supreme.

Greeks forexample believe that ideas come from and exist in a realm outside of the physical world. A perfect circle forexample exist only in the world of ideas. In the physical world there are no perfect circles.

Same for moral values and ethics. Animals forexample have no moral values or ethics. A supporter of scientism people will say ethics and morals are evolutionary driven. But that really dosent answer the question WHY it is like that in the first place. Science is unable to answer deeply human question concerning ethics moral and existence. Because science is descriptive. Any honest scienctist will affirm that.

If I am not mistaken Greek philosopher like Plato and Aristoteles believe that God must be one


Jul 25, 2013
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I wanna add that interestingly the school of thought that comes closest to Islam in the Subcontinet is Buddhism. Buddha also concluded that this world is a illusion. A trap for the soul. And the only way to escape the suffering of this world is through meditation and detachment from bodily cravings.

As a ethnic bengali i have pondered on why bengalis were so receptive to Islamic sufis who cam to the Bengal region in the middle ages, and made the conversion to Islam. One of reasons might be the deeper soul and spirit of Bengal and bengali culture has roots in the Buddhas teachings. Bengalis are descendants of the very first people who mass concverted to buddhism.

Yup the unseen world is also describe in this Quran verses



Unseen Heaven


If we go to Judaism and Christian Holly text, they have extensive information about this as well, one of them has already been posted by me in previous page


Jul 1, 2024
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If I am not mistaken Greek philosopher like Plato and Aristoteles believe that God must be one

The middle world (classical middle east) includes Greece. There were always cultural exchances between Greeks and rest of the middle east. Including thoughts, ideas, religions, philosophies.

Platos’ ideals of governance resembles the Islamic ideals of a Caliphate. A coincidence? Not at all, i think. Neo-Platonism also have a lot common with Islam.


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Jul 25, 2013
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Lets go deeper with Spiritual side of Islam

View attachment 53422

Ibnu Qayim words that tells exactly what Sufism is about

"The contemplative believer who remembers Allah will begin to enjoy solitude and places of seclusion where voices and movements are hushed… There he will find strength of heart and will, and he will no longer be worried or depressed… Then he will begin to taste the sweetness of worship, of which he cannot have enough. In it, he will find abundance of pleasure and comfort – more than what he used to find in diversion and play, or in the satisfaction of wordly desires…When he experiences this state, many of the wordly concerns will disappear, as he is in a completely different world from the rest of humanity."

(Ibnu Qayim)



Jul 1, 2024
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The hatred for Bengali Muslims in Pakistan was also a result of a radical Islamic mindset and the pervasive hatred towards Hindus.


It had nothing to do with Islam.
The problem was racism and ethnic chauvinism. Which is frowned upon in Islam.


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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I think the first explanation is at least partly possible. I would replace 'Afghan' with 'Middle East'. They want to 'brand' the country as Central-Asian and not Middle Eastern. This is not a new idea as Turkey and Turks also is/are very conscious to project itself/themselves as European and not West Asian. (2) is unlikely as Tajikistan is already a dictatorship and why should they periodically test their authority. (3) is also unlikely as most external powers don't care about attire in a foreign country. Many Malaysian and Indonesian women wear hijab and that disturbs no one.
Interestingly, Tajikistan is the only non-Turkish country in Central Asia. They are more Persian, so they could be trying to be become more like a pre-1979 Iran as their “culture”. But if Iran is still backing them, it could hurt the money Tajikistan gets from them, while it would be what Russia and India would want Tajikistan to become.


Jul 25, 2013
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Couldn’t this demand on the Tajik womenfolk be 1. a response to the fear in the Tajik government of Afghan influence extending into their country, 2. To test to see how much power the government of Tajikistan actually holds to control the public, 3. To make their country attractive to external powers, who demand such laws.

The only thing Tajikistan can be attractive to Western power if they side with the West, not with Russian as what all of Central Asian countries are currently doing
I think the first explanation is at least partly possible. I would replace 'Afghan' with 'Middle East'. They want to 'brand' the country as Central-Asian and not Middle Eastern. This is not a new idea as Turkey and Turks also is/are very conscious to project itself/themselves as European and not West Asian. (2) is unlikely as Tajikistan is already a dictatorship and why should they periodically test their authority. (3) is also unlikely as most external powers don't care about attire in a foreign country. Many Malaysian and Indonesian women wear hijab and that disturbs no one.

Yup, Western power main interest is related to geopolitics as they are currently challenged by both Russia and China. Cultural thing is secondary for them as we also can see how close Saudi and USA for decades (USSR and then Iran factor)



Full Member
Dec 24, 2023
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Any country has to make a triple choice on its foundational values. Religion, nationalism (communalism), and socialism.

Tajikistan is a mono-ethnic country, and such a country is better suited to choose nationalism over religion.

Multi-ethnic countries like Pakistan and India, if they don't want to opt for socialism like the USSR, then they have to unite the various ethnic groups through religion.

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