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Why did Muslim-majority Tajikistan ban the hijab?


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May 7, 2024
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Again you are comparing two different approches and tools which applies for different purposes, as i already explained. I think thats the major issue with scientism, the refusal to accept that knowlegde can exist in different forms and outside of the scientific method.
Scientism accepts knowledge can come in multiple ways. Just that it be classified correctly. Everybody agrees that cabbage and cat are both living beings (and different from stone). But we would still like to call one as plant and another as animal for further study. There is even science that does not involve experimentation and is purely theoretical, as in theoretical physics like cosmology - how did the universe come into existence? how will it end? etc., But these are answered using difference process that does not require faith in an almighty. The basic axiom of science is that there is nothing that can't be contradicted or disproved. No law of science is holy or sacred and must remain unquestioned.


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May 7, 2024
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Interestingly, Tajikistan is the only non-Turkish country in Central Asia. They are more Persian, so they could be trying to be become more like a pre-1979 Iran as their ā€œcultureā€. But if Iran is still backing them, it could hurt the money Tajikistan gets from them, while it would be what Russia and India would want Tajikistan to become.
You are making too much of influence of other countries on Tajikistan. No one cares what someone in a faraway country wear. Would I care if people in Guatemala wear bell bottom pants or loincloth? Will Guatemala consider how others perceive their attire?


Jul 1, 2024
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Scientism accepts knowledge can come in multiple ways. Just that it be classified correctly. Everybody agrees that cabbage and cat are both living beings (and different from stone). But we would still like to call one as plant and another as animal for further study. There is even science that does not involve experimentation and is purely theoretical, as in theoretical physics like cosmology - how did the universe come into existence? how will it end? etc., But these are answered using difference process that does not require faith in an almighty. The basic axiom of science is that there is nothing that can't be contradicted or disproved. No law of science is holy or sacred and must remain unquestioned.

And thats how it should be for science. But science has no authority on how other knowledge systems set up their basic tenets.


Jul 4, 2024
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It had nothing to do with Islam.
The problem was racism and ethnic chauvinism. Which is frowned upon in Islam.
You didn't get my point. The hatred against Bengali Muslims stemmed from the intense Hindu hatred and India hatred among Punjabi Muslims. Have you ever considered why Bengali Muslims were despised in Pakistan?


Jul 1, 2024
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You didn't get my point. The hatred against Bengali Muslims stemmed from the intense Hindu hatred and India hatred among Punjabi Muslims. Have you ever considered why Bengali Muslims were despised in Pakistan?

Thats exactly what youre wrong about.
Some probably did, but the main issue was racism and not religion.
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Full Member
May 7, 2024
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And thats how it should be for science. But science has no authority on how other knowledge systems set up their basic tenets.
Science is just a methodology; it has no authority on anything. That is why you see colleges and universities still have and teach departments of philosophy, theology, ethics, arts, jurisprudence, humanities etc.,


Jul 1, 2024
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Science is just a methodology; it has no authority on anything. That is why you see colleges and universities still have and teach departments of philosophy, theology, ethics, arts, jurisprudence, humanities etc.,

By science i mean proponents of science. Especially people who disqualified oother systems of knowlegde thats not applied through the quantitative scientific method.


Senior Member
Apr 18, 2023
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Disappointed with Tajikistan. Whatever happened to religious freedom?

So much for being a Muslim country.


Jul 4, 2024
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Thats exactly what youre wrong about.
Some probably did, but the main issue was racism and not religion.
Bengalis, Sindhis, and Punjabis are largely of the same race, with minor differences. a foreigner likely wouldn't be able to differentiate between a Pakistani, Indian, and Bangladeshi based solely on appearance.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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Bengalis, Sindhis, and Punjabis are largely of the same race, with minor differences. a foreigner likely wouldn't be able to differentiate between a Pakistani, Indian, and Bangladeshi based solely on appearance.

Height? build? facial structure?skin colour


Full Member
May 7, 2024
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By science i mean proponents of science. Especially people who disqualified oother systems of knowlegde thats not applied through the quantitative scientific method.
Nobody has a right to disqualify any system of beliefs or knowledge. But they can study, debate and criticize other methods. In the medieval times, there was a similar debate between geocentrism and heliocentrism. Galileo was punished by the church for advocating the then upstart theory of heliocentrism. In this country, we have had a fairly recent history of debates between evolutionists and creationists. The argument the science people were making was to teach creationism in a religious setting and under the science category. We had the so-called Snopes monkey trial. But creationism lives on. We even have these:



Jul 1, 2024
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Nobody has a right to disqualify any system of beliefs or knowledge. But they can study, debate and criticize other methods. In the medieval times, there was a similar debate between geocentrism and heliocentrism. Galileo was punished by the church for advocating the then upstart theory of heliocentrism. In this country, we have had a fairly recent history of debates between evolutionists and creationists. The argument the science people were making was to teach creationism in a religious setting and under the science category. We had the so-called Snopes monkey trial. But creationism lives on. We even have these:

It ok that different branches of knowledge critique one another. Without it knowledge and society would not move forward. But i have little understanding for pure dirt throwing and polemic disqualification of entire braches of knowledge. Thats too on totally wrong basis. Arrogance is bad, for both faith and science.
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Think Tank Analyst
Mar 29, 2013
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Banning hijab doesn't mean liberalizing. It's just banning the hijab, and the reason seems to be nationalism. Besides, I'm pretty sure they're mostly atheist.

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