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Why did Muslim-majority Tajikistan ban the hijab?


Jul 4, 2024
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Height? build? facial structure?skin colour
I know you'll insist that Pakistanis are fair-skinned, tall, and Caucasian-looking, while Bangladeshis and Indians are short, dark-skinned, and negroid-looking. Pakistanis and Indian Muslims react similarly when reminded of their Hindu ancestry. Look at this Hyderabadi mulla, Taslim Rehmani, from India—he claims to be 100% pure Turk.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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I know you'll insist that Pakistanis are fair-skinned, tall, and Caucasian-looking, while Bangladeshis and Indians are short, dark-skinned, and negroid-looking. Pakistanis and Indian Muslims react similarly when reminded of their Hindu ancestry. Look at this Hyderabadi mulla, Taslim Rehmani, from India—he claims to be 100% pure Turk.
View attachment 53525

I knew someone would get emotional and come out with this sort of sad response, but even as a reductive observation it's partially true for sure about the differences, I would say especially on height and bone density.


Jul 4, 2024
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I knew someone would get emotional and come out with this sort of sad response, but even as a reductive observation it's partially true for sure about the differences, I would say especially on height and bone density.
I don't find an average Bengali Muslim any different from an average Punjabi or Sindhi Muslim in appearance. However, in an attempt to prove that you are a direct descendant of Ertugrul, you will keep denying it.


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Aug 17, 2019
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I don't find an average Bengali Muslim any different from an average Punjabi or Sindhi Muslim in appearance. However, in an attempt to prove that you are a direct descendant of Ertugrul, you will keep denying it.
I really don't care about this as much as you might think I do, or as much as you do.

But, won't a glance over data on average heights prove there exists differences, putting aside your no doubt import anecdotal experience.


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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You are making too much of influence of other countries on Tajikistan. No one cares what someone in a faraway country wear. Would I care if people in Guatemala wear bell bottom pants or loincloth? Will Guatemala consider how others perceive their attire?
Just trying to decode the future of Central Asia the autocrats there are trying to make.


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Oct 21, 2006
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Once they allowed Sauds to spread Wahabism in their country, now they ban Hijab to stop the consequences of that dirty school of thought.

Talk about افراط and تفریط man. You can't stop a bad by doing an other bad.
Its very strange these central Asian people. 99% of them are moghal......lol

Jokes aside, the ones I've run into are on opposite extremes. One end jihadi, the other end Sovietized communist atheists.

Recently on FB Zoroastrian pages I see them playing 'I wanna be Irani now and sing in da rain'......lol. This is generally a sign that they don't got a real past.


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May 7, 2024
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Its very strange these central Asian people. 99% of them are moghal......lol

Jokes aside, the ones I've run into are on opposite extremes. One end jihadi, the other end Sovietized communist atheists.

Recently on FB Zoroastrian pages I see them playing 'I wanna be Irani now and sing in da rain'......lol. This is generally a sign that they don't got a real past.
I think they were under Soviet shadow for long and got their culture bleached out. For example, in the West, you see East Asian and South Asians reach very high level of achievements in business, academia, arts, politics etc., But I have never heard of anything significant from Central Asia, no art, music, film, science, technology.... nothing. People from Africa have music and sports but the only sport I have seen Central Asians do is weightlifting. They are uniformly dictatorships with little dissidence. I think the long Soviet rule made vegetables out of them.


Jul 4, 2024
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Its very strange these central Asian people. 99% of them are moghal......lol

Jokes aside, the ones I've run into are on opposite extremes. One end jihadi, the other end Sovietized communist atheists.

Recently on FB Zoroastrian pages I see them playing 'I wanna be Irani now and sing in da rain'......lol. This is generally a sign that they don't got a real past.
The irony is that I've never met a single Central Asian (Mughal) who claimed they ruled India for 1,000 years. Yet, every Punjabi, Bihari, Madrasi, Uttar Pradeshi, Delhi 3rd class convert keeps masturbating about 1000 years rule over India channeling their inner Shah Jahan a little too hard


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Oct 21, 2006
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The irony is that I've never met a single Central Asian (Mughal) who claimed they ruled India for 1,000 years. Yet, every Punjabi, Bihari, Madrasi, Uttar Pradeshi, Delhi 3rd class convert keeps masturbating about 1000 years rule over India channeling their inner Shah Jahan a little too hard
oh bhai all the facade has come crumbling down over the last few years, exposing the underlying insecurities, anxieties, fiction and propaganda.

That whole central Asia gold rush is one big fraud. We were told there are untold riches up there and what not. Now we know there ain't jack shit out there except poverty, sheep, watermelons and dry fruit......lol


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2020
The government is communist. There is nothing Muslim or Islamic about the Tajik government or many Central Asian regimes. It’s a communist regime forcing their communist agenda on the practicing Muslim population of Tajikistan. Soviet Union broke but unfortunately Central Asian countries weren’t liberated from communist filth and did not return to a Muslim government. The more they suppress Islam the more people become practicing Muslims.


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Apr 18, 2023
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The government is communist. There is nothing Muslim or Islamic about the Tajik government or many Central Asian regimes. It’s a communist regime forcing their communist agenda on the practicing Muslim population of Tajikistan. Soviet Union broke but unfortunately Central Asian countries weren’t liberated from communist filth and did not return to a Muslim government. The more they suppress Islam the more people become practicing Muslims.
I believe there is an Islamic party in Tajikistan like Jamaat-Islami in Pakistan.

Its called Islamic Renaissance Party, the IRP party in Tajikistan.

Whatever happened to Freedom of Religion and being a Muslim country in Tajikistan?


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Oct 21, 2006
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So Reko Deq is fraud ?. If Faujeets of PDF comes to know you are saying this, they will PulldaLull of Lulldapull 😂
Reko is a producing gold n copper mine in our country. I challenge you to go try developing any mine in Central Haitia or pump cheese with afghani.......lol

PS: You boyz have had since 1991 to go set up business in Central Haitia, but you didn't do diddly squat no? why bro?....... :p.......afghani/ mughal guppu lub you so much no?......:p(y)


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May 7, 2024
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oh bhai all the facade has come crumbling down over the last few years, exposing the underlying insecurities, anxieties, fiction and propaganda.

That whole central Asia gold rush is one big fraud. We were told there are untold riches up there and what not. Now we know there ain't jack shit out there except poverty, sheep, watermelons and dry fruit......lol
I looked up this map for some 'psychoanalysis':


What you see is, Tajikistan wants to protect itself from Afghan influence. They want to look north for inspiration. They are OK with other neighbors like China, Pakistan, India, Iran. They seem to have a beef with Turkey. I don't know why.

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