Why do every religion have miracles and supernatural aspects? Is there a religion based solely on atheism or the world as we see?

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Mar 16, 2024
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I have studied many religions and I have seen that every religion has concepts of performing miracles like Jesus rose from dead, Moses splitting the sea, Buddha performing twin miracle, Prophet Muhammad splitting the moon, or Krishna using divine weapons. Most religions also believe in supernatural beings such as Angels and Demons which scientists are yet to prove. Moreover, many religions have descriptions of otherworldly, or godly places such as Atlantis, Mount Kailash, or Mount Olympus. However, I am yet to find a religion which is based on the reality we live in and do not believe in miracles, supernatural beings or objects, or godly/otherworldly places. Are there any such religions as per your knowledge?
Every religion is an insult to human intelligence , one is better off with real opium than religious one
Eastern religions have subclades of believes like charwaka school (no god, heaven, no hell, just enjoy your life on earth), Zen Buddhism, and Jainism practically denying the existence of God but mostly talks about how to love your life on earth.
Higher knowledge needs miracles..If not it becomes earthly knowledge..Who wants earth when you can go to heaven miraculously..
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