Why India Deliberately kept Weakened Bangladesh’s Military | InShort

Hear me out, Pakistan needs to send few brigades with the new government approval and stationed them in Dhaka. They can be lightly armed and will serve more as a show. Built close relations with our Bangli brothers, and limit indias influences further
Palle ni daane amma chali Ludhiane.
military didn't suddenly withdraw its support at will. What she asked was impossible. To shoot everyone down. Which would have been a massacre. Obviously they had to decline.

But isn't that what President Sisi did in Egypt and a dozen other dictators around the world? Actually the scenario on August 4 and 5 was more complicated than that. Behind the scenes something else happened which forced Hasina to flee the country and only when the news spread that she had gone did the people come out on to the streets. What exactly happened at Gonobhaban the night before remains unclear and it is likely the army chief's hand was forced by junior officers who would have mutinied had they been ordered to fire. There are also rumours that RAW had warned Hasina about the army chief and not to appoint him as he had already been bought by the Americans. We may never know the truth of what actually happened during those critical hours.
But isn't that what President Sisi did in Egypt and a dozen other dictators around the world? Actually the scenario on August 4 and 5 was more complicated than that. Behind the scenes something else happened which forced Hasina to flee the country and only when the news spread that she had gone did the people come out on to the streets. What exactly happened at Gonobhaban the night before remains unclear and it is likely the army chief's hand was forced by junior officers who would have mutinied had they been ordered to fire. There are also rumours that RAW had warned Hasina about the army chief and not to appoint him as he had already been bought by the Americans. We may never know the truth of what actually happened during those critical hours.

Yes, there was a significant threat of mutiny. If he wanted otherwise, his hand liekly would've beem forced by junior officers. But several former Army person who worked closely with Gen Waker all praised him Including retd brigadier Azami, retd major Sumon and retd lieutenant col. Abu rushed. Not everything requires a grand conspiracy to happen. It may very well be Gen walker is good man at a right place and in a right time.

You keep saying everyone came out after hassina fled. Which is grossly inaccurate. I already shared a vidoe of 15km long tide of people advancing from Uttara axis before the news of Hassina's departure spread. People entered Dhaka on two axis. One is Uttara another is Jatrabari. I wouldn't bother to correct you again and again, but it's infuriating because i think you are disrespecting the people who bled and died for the country and democracy on that day. If there wasn't any significant presence, police didn't need to kill so many already before noon. Close to 60-70k people were at streets of Dhaka before the news came out. After that it was 500k or more.
Because we believe current Indian policitical stablishment is not friendly to Bangladesh as a Muslim majority country.

What else would BD be if not a Muslim majority nation (and soon to be an all Muslim nation). You fear India would attack you? Then join the arms race. It only costs money.
What else would BD be if not a Muslim majority nation (and soon to be an all Muslim nation). You fear India would attack you? Then join the arms race. It only costs money.

No I don't think India would uneccesarily attack us. But it can still be unfriendly without military threat due to its own ideological issues.
No I don't think India would uneccesarily attack us. But it can still be unfriendly without military threat due to its own ideological issues.

Honestly, what do you think an "hindutva" state would look like? Have you ever pondered? No book to push people into submission, no message to spread to world, no blasphemy concept. Hindus even accept atheists. It is impossible for hindus to build a "hindu state" which is like Saudi Arabia or even Pakistan. At best an "Hindutva" state would have common law for all and no selective preference for any religion.

Anyhow, go make your military strong! It only costs you money.
Honestly, what do you think an "hindutva" state would look like? Have you ever pondered? No book to push people into submission, no message to spread to world, no blasphemy concept. Hindus even accept atheists. It is impossible for hindus to build a "hindu state" which is like Saudi Arabia or even Pakistan. At best an "Hindutva" state would have common law for all and no selecting preference for any religion.

Cow vigilante, lynching Muslims, banning slaughter of cow due to religious requirement, Bulldozer terrorism. Political and religious leaders frequently calling for indiscriminately killing Muslims. (Don't ask me to compile it for you) I would say, it's already on its way to become more and more extreme.

But Honestly, what do you mean soon to be an all Muslim nation? In 1971 the number of BD Hindus were 9 millions. Today it's over 13 millions.
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Honestly, what do you think an "hindutva" state would look like? Have you ever pondered? No book to push people into submission, no message to spread to world, no blasphemy concept. Hindus even accept atheists. It is impossible for hindus to build a "hindu state" which is like Saudi Arabia or even Pakistan. At best an "Hindutva" state would have common law for all and no selective preference for any religion.

Anyhow, go make your military strong! It only costs you money.
Hindus do not accept atheists. Hindus have been forcing their ideology and religion onto tribal and Adivasi communities for centuries and this practise still continues today. Hindus murder lower-caste Hindus and other minorities regularly if they violate Hindu caste norms, so yes, they do punish people over blasphemy. You are lying on every point. You are a lying radical Hindu scumbag.
Cow vigilante, lynching Muslims, banning slaughter of cow due to religious requirement, Bulldozer terrorism. Political and religious leaders frequently calling for indiscriminately killing Muslims. (Don't ask me to compile it for you) I would say, it's already on its way to become more and more extreme.

But Honestly, what do you mean soon to be an all Muslim nation? In 1971 the number or BD Hindus were 9 millions. Today it's 13 millions.

What was population of BD in 1971 and what it is now? Just curious.

I give you on cow issue. I personally find such people heinous. There is little ground support for these people. Most of these incidents are sporadic and rural. Optics wise it looks very bad though.

Bulldozers are excellent. Anyone who causes religious riots and throws stones should be punished severely.

And these "news pieces" overstate the ground reality. Muslims are not living in terror in India. Even Varanasi, holiest Hindu city has 25%+ Muslims living in city and it has not seen one incidence of violence in decades (yes, Modi is MP from there).

Also, Hindus get attacked by Muslims in India too. I don't presume BD has seen such a phenomenon (minorities attacking majority). One gets highlighted to death and other is simply ignored based on what your agenda is. Social media is the biggest evil.
Hindus do not accept atheists. Hindus have been forcing their ideology and religion onto tribal and Adivasi communities for centuries and this practise still continues today. Hindus murder lower-caste Hindus and other minorities regularly if they violate Hindu caste norms, so yes, they do punish people over blasphemy. You are lying on every point. You are a lying radical Hindu scumbag.
Certain ancient and medieval South Asian scholars were atheists, but how do their beliefs and tolerance have any reflection on Hindus and their religion, when you violent freaks can't even tolerate a Dalit who refuses to accept Untouchable status?
Hindus do not accept atheists. Hindus have been forcing their ideology and religion onto tribal and Adivasi communities for centuries and this practise still continues today. Hindus murder lower-caste Hindus and other minorities regularly if they violate Hindu caste norms, so yes, they do punish people over blasphemy. You are lying on every point. You are a lying radical Hindu scumbag.

Man, this sure is PDF. I guess if I was this acerbic and "hateful" and whatnot, I would already be banned. Nothing will be done to you. You obviously can't act civil. Bye.

P.S: You don't know anything about Hindus, honestly. Tribal and Adivasi for example are same thing.
Man, this sure is PDF. I guess if I was this acerbic and "hateful" and whatnot, I would already be banned.
I have not said anything hateful. Give me a single statement in my post which is hateful and I'll slap your Chaddi behind with 5 sources proving they're objective observations.
Bangladesh was never really a threat since its military was always much smaller than India's but India was always a threat to Bangladesh which both the BNP and AL governments failed to respond. Regardless of this the change of government in Bangladesh does not justify India flexing its muscles which would be hard to justify to America and the West hence my referring to a security dilemma for India.

The insurgency in the Northeast was not spurred by arms supply from Bangladesh which was miniscule but from China and which ended in the late 1980's. The only reason Bangladesh tolerated and assisted the Indian insurgent groups was because India had since the 1970's been fomenting an insurgency in the CHT.

As mentioned earlier the political change in Bangladesh does not permit India the freedom to act as nothing yet justifies it ...
China is not supplying arms to NE militants. These militants span across Myanmar too and are attacking Chinese companies & assets in Myanmar. Moreover, they are christian militants which is opposed to China. Clearly, the arms come from Bangladesh only.

As for being a threat, it is not about strength but about intentions. BD doesn't have good intentions towards India and that is well known. Political change only means India is no longer having the need to mellow down for Hasina. It is not the justification for Indian aggression but merely a justification to stop being mild in its response to BD's actions.
I have not said anything hateful. Give me a single statement in my post which is hateful and I'll slap your Chaddi behind with 5 sources proving they're objective observations.

What do you do for living, honestly? Your entire commentary is nothing but cliches and rage and hate. Only a 5 year old would words like "chaddi" etc. Hilarious part is that you likely know more about these swaymsewaks than I do! You real need to find a better hobby.
What do you do for living, honestly? Your entire commentary is nothing but cliches and rage and hate. Only a 5 year old would words like "chaddi" etc. Hilarious part is that you likely know more about these swaymsewaks than I do! You real need to find a better hobby.
So you're saying that as a radical Hindu, you find the ability to write a few paragraphs of English so mentally taxing and difficult, that you think it must be a full-time job for me? Is supposed to be a jibe targeted me or at you low IQ swayamsevak runts?

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